Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 460: It’s very wrong to count with fingers

Chapter 460: Something is very wrong.
After learning that she had new clothes to wear, Xuan'er came quickly and said, "Fifth aunt."

"Come on, come on, let's see if you like the new clothes."

Xuan'er's skin color is not suitable for colors such as pink, rose, red and goose yellow. However, her skin looks fairer and softer when she wears green and yellow. The embroidery on it is green plum. "Look how beautiful this suit is. Aunt Five specially asked her to wear it on the cuffs." If you embroider a little rabbit, go with this pair of green plum blossoms. Look how beautiful these two beads are.”

Xuan'er liked it at first sight. Huahua took her to change behind the screen. After a while, a cute little girl appeared in front of Yuan Su and Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Xiaosi said happily, "How beautiful. Like a little fairy.”

"Especially the flowers on the head, they are so lively."

"I'll wear this when I go to the flower viewing party with my fifth aunt later."

Yuan Su also nodded and said it looked good. Xuan'er was still a little embarrassed and touched her clothes happily, "Thank you, Aunt Five."

"You're welcome."

She has long wanted to have a niece like this that she could dress up. Which girl didn't have a hobby of dressing up dolls when she was young?
It's a pity that the younger generation of the Cheng family only has one naughty child, Xiao Chengqing. No matter how nice the clothes are, it's a waste. One moment he is a good boy, and the next moment he is a clay doll. His knees are so weak that he always kneels on the ground to play.

"From now on, fifth aunt will arrange all your clothes and jewelry for you, okay?"

Xuan'er was very happy, "Okay."

"I'm going to show my grandmother now."

After saying that, he ran away happily, not even trying on the remaining two sets of clothes.

Cheng Xiaosi held the velvet flower, suddenly cleared his throat, and looked at Yuan Su eagerly, "Master Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu Lang."

"Let's have a daughter. She'll be very cute."

"When the time comes, I will prepare a lot of beautiful clothes and jewelry for her, and dress her up like a flower every day."

Yuan Su didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so he blurted out, "You said this yourself."

"I said it myself, how about it?"

Yuan Su hugged her from behind, "Of course."

He looked up at the sky and said, "It's almost summer. The days are getting longer and longer. Why isn't it getting dark yet?"

Rarely, Cheng Xiaosi also nodded in agreement, "That's right, what a delay."

Yuan Su was stunned, and then he laughed even more happily.

"Grandma, look at my new clothes, my fifth aunt made them for me."

Xuan'er arrived in front of Mrs. Yuan and turned around with a smile on her face, "The fifth aunt also said that she will arrange all my clothes and jewelry from now on. She also said that she would take me to a flower viewing party and wear beautiful clothes. go."

"Grandma, do you think I look good?"

Mrs. Yuan looked at it carefully and felt that her granddaughter suddenly lit up. She was extremely cute. "It looks good. Your fifth aunt is good at dressing up little girls. Could you thank your fifth aunt a lot?"


Xuan'er's face was full of joy, "Grandma, fifth aunt likes me."

"Yes, your fifth aunt likes you, then you must listen to your fifth aunt in the future."

"Got it grandma."

The clothes she wore wanted everyone to see them and she said briskly, "I'm going to show my great-grandmother."

Seeing that she ran away happily again, Mrs. Yuan looked relieved. The old lady beside her smiled and said: "Fifth Young Madam has good taste. The clothes on Miss Xuan'er are very flattering to her. If it weren't for these clothes, I wouldn't even be wearing them." I noticed that Miss Xuan'er looks a bit like you, Madam. She has similar facial features and eyes. "Mrs. Yuan smiled and said, "This child used to dress a little too old, but after changing the color and style, she looks a lot cuter and more lively."

The mother-in-law agreed, "The fifth young lady is blessed. Her blessings can also bring blessings to the people around her. She will take care of Miss Xuan'er more in the future. That is also Miss Xuan'er's blessing."

Mrs. Yuan nodded, once again feeling that the daughter-in-law here was the right one.

From the second day onwards, Yuan Su came back later and later. He had already brought a message saying that he didn't have to wait for him for dinner. Yuan Pei also started not to go home for dinner. Every night, it was just the two generations of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Xuan'er and Wen Sheng. Two, but with Cheng Xiaosi around, they didn't look deserted. The puppy they picked up from Li Yuanhao earlier had grown up. After dinner, they ran around the yard with Vincent and Xuan'er, and Cheng Xiaosi accompanied the elder. Madam and Mrs. Yuan were walking in the garden. At this time, Yuan Xin would sit aside and feel the joy.

In June, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and everyone was wearing single clothes. Yuan Su was still busy, and he had lost some weight because of this. Cheng Xiaosi arranged for several hearty and delicious meals to be cooked on the stove every afternoon. He asked Ji Feng to take it to the trading house in the evening, and Cheng Daqi followed suit. The trading house was also close to the household department. After learning the news, Yuan Pei also went to have dinner at the right time. He continued to be busy after eating, and then the father and son shared the meal together. Return home under the moonlight.

In mid-June, Grandma Fang, who had been paying close attention to Cheng Xiao's April affairs, counted with her fingers and realized that something was wrong, very wrong. She immediately sent for the doctor to come. The doctor checked the pulse for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that this Yes.

Cheng Xiaosi was overjoyed. The good daughter she had been waiting for day and night was finally here, and she was smiling from ear to ear.

Yue was too young to make it public, so Grandma Fang went to tell Mrs. Yuan and Mrs. Yuan in person. As a result, the two generations of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law laughed happily together. When they learned that Cheng Xiaosi wanted a daughter, Mrs. Yuan did not Opinion, he already has a grandson, so he is not that eager for a grandson. Besides, the eldest daughter-in-law is about to give birth. If she has another grandson, then she will have two grandsons and two granddaughters, which can be considered a prosperous population. .

When Yuan Su came back, he noticed that everyone in the courtyard was beaming with joy. As soon as he entered the house, Huahua and a few people congratulated him. When he learned that he was going to be promoted to be a father, Yuan Su was extremely happy. He stepped forward to hug Cheng Xiaosi. Mammy stopped him and said, "Madam, you are still young. It is a dangerous time, so please be gentle."

Cheng Xiaosi joked, "You are healthy and I am healthy. Pregnancy is a normal thing, so I won't be so excited."

Yuan Su said that he didn't understand that kind of mood, so he just sat next to her and held her hand, "How do you feel now? Are you tired? Do you want to vomit?"

"I don't feel it."

Cheng Xiaosi honestly confessed that if Nanny Fang found out, she would not think about it at all. "Don't worry. There are so many people in the yard. I won't have any problems. I'll just tell you if you feel uncomfortable."

"Really, is it true?"

Yuan Xin came and stood in the yard and asked if it was true. Just kidding, he was going to be a grandfather.

Yuan Su had no choice but to get up and go out, "Second uncle, please keep your voice down. It's not appropriate to make any noise now."

Yuan Xin asked again, "Really?"




Yuan Xin was very happy, "Okay, very good."

He said loudly towards the house, "Daughter-in-law, just don't worry. My second uncle will take care of you after the birth. You don't have to worry about anything big or small. Don't worry."

Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but smile, and bowed to Yuan Xinfu when he went out, "Second uncle, you will have to work hard from now on."

"It's not hard, it's not hard. I'm a grandfather, so I should."

"Second uncle, I won't disturb you anymore. Let's rest early."

After saying that, he left happily. He wanted to show off to his brother. When he saw Yuan Pei, he showed off, "You know, I'm going to be a grandfather."

Yuan Pei rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to correct you a little, that's my son and daughter-in-law, and she is also my grandson."

"You're stingy, just wait, I'll go talk to mother."

Even though he was quite old and still wanted to complain, Yuan Pei was convinced, "What's yours is yours, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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