Chapter 464

Cheng Youqian, who had a daughter, only went out to explain to the steward what to do next, and then came back. He saw little Cheng Qing before he even entered the courtyard. Little Cheng Qing first happily said that he had seen his sister. , and said that aunt was crying.

He didn't know exactly why he was crying, but Cheng Youqian guessed it, his expression didn't change at all, and he politely invited Mrs. Tu to drink tea.

Mrs. Tu instinctively felt a little polite and distant towards this son-in-law, as if this meant that she had no intention of getting involved with the Cheng family. She just said a few words about women having a hard time giving birth and being a mother to be strong. She was also worried that Cheng Youqian would not be a son because her first child was not a son. Unhappy, she said tactfully, "Yao Niang's birth was smooth, and her family took good care of her. If she takes good care of her, she can give the child a younger brother."

At this time, she still realized that she had just forgotten to ask her granddaughter's name, and she felt very complicated.

Cheng Youqian was a businessman, and he didn't want to go around the bush unless necessary, so he pushed a few banknotes to Mrs. Tu, "My mother-in-law is here to visit me today. My mother-in-law is currently giving birth. She is probably not used to it as a new mother, and she is also confused. I have to learn to take care of my children later, so I may be busy for a while, and I may not have time to go back home to visit in a short time. "

"From now on, if my mother-in-law needs anything, she can send someone to look for me. They say that a son-in-law is half a son. If my mother-in-law has any troubles, it will be my duty to do so."

"This is two thousand taels. It is my son-in-law who should honor my mother-in-law."

The eldest sister-in-law of the Tu family didn't understand what he meant. Her eyes lit up when she saw the two thousand liang, and she immediately laughed, "My sister-in-law is a lucky person. It's true that she married into the Cheng family." Falling into Fuwowo, mother, my uncle is also a filial son-in-law that is rare in the capital."

Mrs. Tu's hand holding the handkerchief trembled slightly. She couldn't understand the meaning of her son-in-law's words. She was telling her not to come if she had nothing to do. She would not let Yao Niang return to her parents' home in a short time. The two thousand taels were just to send her away. of.

The Tu family came to visit Qiu Feng again and again, and she also came twice a month, each time taking hundreds of taels back. The more times this happened, the son-in-law began to despise the Tu family.

You must know that Cheng Youqian did not have this attitude when they first got married. He was very respectful to her and gave her gifts every time he saw her. The gifts were not expensive, but they were very thoughtful. This was a sign of respect for his mother-in-law.

When someone like the Cheng family directly talks to you about money, how can you be so straightforward?

Feeling depressed, he glared at Cheng Youqian with an angry look on his face, "What are you doing with this child? I've been here, so I naturally know what this woman's condition will be like after giving birth. I was worried at first, but seeing how thoughtful your mother arranged it was. Don't worry, although there is a wet nurse to help, there is no reason for a mother not to worry. "

"Tell Yao Niang not to worry about home. There are many people at home, and her brother and sister-in-law are young. Nothing will happen to her. Take good care of the children. I will come see her when I have some free time."

"It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

She would not take the banknote, not because she was not short of money, or because she wanted to ask her daughter for it secretly, but because she wanted to save some face for the Tu family and her son.

It's a pity that Tu's sister-in-law didn't seem to understand her good intentions and reminded her that she didn't take the banknote. She even took the initiative to take it and handed it to her, "Mother-in-law, this is my uncle's filial piety to you. You can't refute your uncle." A heart of filial piety.”

Mrs. Tu almost died of anger on the spot, but the Tu family's sister-in-law was still smiling and complimenting Cheng Youqian, saying how filial and polite he was. Cheng Youqian also smiled and agreed, and said two more nice words. He had to accept the bank note. If Cheng Youqian wanted to give away the money, there was no reason why he couldn't give it away.

Even if I can't send it out now, I still have to send it to Tu's house.

Only by collecting this banknote could he buy a moment of peace. He just hoped that the Tu family would show some respect. He knew that the Tu family was poor, so he was ready to give the Tu family a hand after they got married. But what did the scholars of the Tu family say?
I wait for scholars to roll up their sleeves and go about business, which is simply an insult to politeness!
Haha, doing business is a disgrace to politeness, but coming to beg at door-to-door is a good thing?
Back at the Tu family, Mrs. Tu slapped the table hard and glared at the Tu family's sister-in-law fiercely, "Are you trying to embarrass the Tu family?"

The eldest sister-in-law of the Tu family no longer looked like she was at the Cheng family, and sneered, "Mother-in-law, do the Tu family still have any dignity?"

"If it weren't for you and me to be so brave, no one would even give them a bite of food when the old and young men at home go out to beg for food."

Mrs. Tu's face turned red, and the Tu family's sister-in-law Shi Shiran sat down, "The Tu family's face had already disappeared when my mother-in-law had people come to her house to cheat her out of marriage. How did you say that in the first place?"

In retrospect, "The Tu family's master has outstanding literary talent and has the appearance of an ancestor. The Tu family's family tradition is upright and his scholarly family is noble. His future is limitless."

She looked at Mrs. Tu with a mocking look, "A bunch of useless people who are neither civilized nor martial. Their ancestors have been gone eight hundred years ago. They still think they are from a scholarly family, but they want to take advantage of my dowry just two months after entering the house." , extremely shameless.”

"You keep saying that you feel sorry for your daughter, but aren't you the one who comes to the house on time every month to beat the autumn breeze? You just do it smarter. You go to your sister-in-law and tell her that the family is in trouble, and that I, the sister-in-law, am intolerant and disturb the family. My sister-in-law feels sorry for you, and she will take the initiative to give you benefits without you having to ask."

"The top beam is crooked and the bottom beam is crooked. You are not upright and cheated on your marriage. Do you blame me for causing trouble?"

"With these two thousand taels today, do you think you will be favored by me if you don't accept the Cheng family? I'm afraid I'm still regretting that I believed in the false impression you created and was deceived by you. Fortunately, my sister-in-law can handle things clearly. I would rather Giving up the right to be a housekeeper does not make my mother-in-law too shameless. The Cheng family knows clearly, how much dignity do they think they have when they are a bunch of rotten people with maggots? "

Looking at the entire capital, this is the only one who can talk to her mother-in-law like this. Others would never dare to show it even if they hate her so much, which shows how much they hate her.

Before Mrs. Tu got angry and vomited blood, she stood up and said, "I'll just tell you, separate the family. Otherwise, I will tell you all this about you and tear off the little fig leaf that is left of your Tu family." If you step on the ground, you will be embarrassed to walk out of this door for the rest of your life, and the son of the Tu family will no longer have an official career. "

He patted the non-existent dust on his body, walked to the door and turned around again, "By the way, I have some good news that I forgot to tell you. My father and brother have both been promoted to the next level, so don't forget to prepare generous gifts. Send it over."

Mrs. Tu fainted and was knocked unconscious. After she was rescued, she didn't dare to say the reason. She could only say that she was too tired. As soon as she took a breath, the sons of the Tu family began to ask for money. This one wanted to buy books. The one who wanted to buy a pen suddenly made Mrs. Tu laugh. The Tu family was really rotten to the core.

"Mother, have you heard that the Tu family is really going to separate."

When Cheng Xiaosi learned the news, he immediately appeared in front of Mrs. Yuan. Mrs. Yuan was anxious to tell her to be careful, "Don't walk so fast. How normal is this? Is it worth being so surprised?"

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