Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 472 Yuan Su made a meritorious service out of nowhere

Chapter 472 Yuan Su made a meritorious service out of nowhere
In the eyes of Cheng Daqi, everyone is equal in the face of natural disasters, and the emperor cannot run away. It is good if he can protect himself. Others do their best to obey fate and do not force it.

"I don't know when this natural drought will be relieved. Although the crops cannot be saved, people want to be saved because they are afraid of lack of water."

"Fortunately, the capital is a geomantic treasure land blessed by heaven. The outskirts of Beijing are crisscrossed by mountains, so there is no shortage of water."

Cheng Xiaosi glanced at Yuan Su, who immediately said that he knew about a water source in the suburbs of Beijing, but it was on a mountain. If necessary, he would take a bamboo tube to draw the water down from the mountain.

In this way, everyone no longer panics.

On the second day, Cheng Daqi recommended the prince to be responsible for collecting donations. The emperor immediately agreed. The queen and the prince were both a little happy and wondered whether Cheng Daqi might fall to them.

The third prince looked ugly and subconsciously concluded that the third princess had offended Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Daqi then took revenge on him and became even more dissatisfied with the third princess.

However, the third princess can no longer be in a bad situation. The third prince has nowhere to vent his anger. However, at this time, Cheng Daqi released the news that the trading company may be planning to establish a ticket account. In this way, who will care about the third princess? They have all tried their best. To inquire about the information, you must know that if a ticket number is really opened, it will directly hold the court's purse. Who doesn't want a piece of the pie?

Cheng Daqi indirectly helped the prince to raise funds, hoping to perform well in front of the emperor and try to win the ticket. Three days later, when the queen held a flower viewing banquet, all the ladies came well prepared.

Mrs. Yuan also took Cheng Xiaosi there. It was a hot summer, and the queen had spent a lot of money to raise funds. There were many ice basins in the main hall where ladies and ladies from various families could talk, giving the entire main hall a slight chill. , very comfortable.

When everyone was happy, it was finally time for each family to pay money, and the wives of each family paid it happily. When the palace servant came to the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law with a tray, Mrs. Yuan took up a pen and wrote Yuan Pei's Cheng Xiaosi took out a thick stack of banknotes and put them in the donation box. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law donated a total of 80,000 taels, which was definitely a large sum.

She herself had her mother-in-law on the left and her mother-in-law on the right. The three of them were sitting together, chatting, laughing, eating and drinking, and enjoying the performances of the girls from each family. It was a great time.

Of course, if you want people to pay money, you have to make people happy. The queen is still understanding of people and the world. She praises the young daughter-in-law of this family and the eldest daughter of that family. It is also good to set up a stage for those girls who have learned their skills to show off their talents. Let people find a good husband, reward this and reward that, and they are very busy.

Although I registered the list, I didn't read it. After I wrote one, I blocked another one. No one knew how much was donated next to me. This made many people feel comfortable and made the scene more harmonious and lively.

Xiao He did not hesitate to give in too much. The Shunyi House had a reputation for being rich and noble, so it would be unjustifiable not to give a little more. Anyone could say they were poor, but their family could not.

Cheng Xiaosi felt exhausted just looking at her. At this moment, she admired the queen very much. She had to wear a crown that weighed several kilograms on her head and she had to smile the whole time. This job was not easy.

At the same time, fund-raising outside the city has also begun. The prince's trading is definitely not aimed at the court adults. It includes all the people in the capital. All donations are registered. The merchants are very enthusiastic. After all, these two I made a lot of money following Cheng Daqi in Nian, and Cheng Daqi secretly released the news, so those who donated more would be rewarded.

Yuan Pei has been cheerful these past two days. The effect of the donation is better than he imagined. "It really takes the crown prince or the third prince to achieve such an effect."

Both families only care about themselves and don't care about the lives of others. The people from the prince's party sent people to encourage donations, and they were frothing at the mouth. How can a timid person get so many donations? The donated money will be returned to the household department. With money, it is easier to do things. He has been much less stressed in the past two days.

It worked day by day, and there was no rain for three consecutive months. Many wells in the city have bottomed out. There are four wells in Yuan Mansion, and the situation of three of them is not very optimistic. No one comes to fetch one of them on weekdays. , but now water is being drawn continuously every day, and the water in the well is also very full. It is the well that belongs to Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Daqi hired someone to draw it for her before she married into the Yuan family.

"I thought it was superfluous at the time, but now that I think about it, my father had the foresight."

Huahua was very proud, "Of course, the man who dug this well was the most experienced master. It didn't take long for the well to have water. Everyone said it was a good sign."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, feeling that his waist was as hard as a steel bar. If there was a quarrel in the future, he could say: Not only is the water I drink prepared by my mother-in-law, but the water you drink is also mine!
Drinking water was in short supply, prices soared, and it became difficult to eat vegetables. Yuan Su ordered people to dig underground rivers at the place Cheng Xiaosi mentioned, thinking that if people who were short of water could go down the mountain to pick them up, they would not charge any money. It’s time to do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

The underground river was dug, and at the same time there was a dense flow of small fat fish. The largest fish was only as long as a chopstick, but each one was very fat and easy to catch. Even a bamboo basket could not lift many of them, and Extraordinarily delicious.

It’s not unusual to see fish under the underground river, but if something like this happened in such a dry time, something must be done. Yuan Su took this matter as an auspicious sign and told the emperor, and also sent a large bucket of fish up.

The water in the underground river was clear, the water was sweet, and the fish was delicious. The Emperor Long Xin was very happy when he put down his chopsticks. It just so happened that Qin Tianjian said that the drought was about to be over. Next, we must beware of floods. It is better to drown than to die. In this way, Yuan Su made a meritorious service out of nowhere and was promoted two ranks, but still stayed in the trading company.

Yuan Pei was in a daze, what should I say?

After much effort, careful planning, and cautious actions, he finally got his eldest son a job as a county magistrate.

The younger son, who had been living in the court, easily surpassed his elder brother with a tank of fish. He got it without any effort, so where could he be asked to reason?
"Luck is such a mysterious thing. No one can say it for sure. Just look at the changes between Wulang and Xiaosi since they got engaged."

Mrs. Yuan had no doubt about Cheng Xiaosi's good fortune. She didn't even know where the ancestors of the Cheng family were buried in such a good position, so that they could give such great blessings to their descendants.

Yuan Pei felt very complicated.
How do you tell your eldest son this?
In this situation, no one would believe that he, the younger son of the father, has no favoritism.

Mrs. Yuan glared at him, "Why are you thinking about this? No matter which one of the two brothers is good, it is a good thing for the other. Who said that the second brother must be worse than the first brother?"

"The boss has the skills of the boss, and the second brother has the blessings of the second brother. One is steady and the other is blessed with good luck. What's wrong with that?"

"This is such a good thing, God bless me, Goro."

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