Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 48 I will take care of this house temporarily

Chapter 48 I will take care of this house temporarily
The members of the Cheng family were sitting in the hall as steady as Mount Tai. There was a feeling that I should do something, but it seemed that there was nothing to do. The fourth lady stroked her forehead and said what she said in Yuan Mansion again, saying, "Everything is fine." Don't sit in the house, Dad, how much food do you have at home?"

What is most important when a disaster strikes?

That must be food!

It's okay on weekdays, but when it comes to this time, there will be a shortage of food, and the price of food will skyrocket.

She didn't know much about the grain storage process in the house. Seeing everyone's eyes looking confused, Xiao Si Niang, who had experienced the earthquake, took a deep breath and said, "From now on, my sister and I will be in charge of this house for the time being."

"Uncle Wang, now call all the people in the mansion to the main hall."

Uncle Wang hurried to make arrangements. Xiao He, who was holding little Cheng Qing, said, "We have never encountered such a big land cow. We still don't know what will happen next? Just now your father said that he wanted to arrange for someone to move the roof. We put tiles on it in case it rains at night."

"It's just that the tiles on the roof are hard to buy. I don't know if they can be purchased now."

Xiao Si Niang looked up at the roof, had a plan in mind, and then briefly introduced the general situation after the earthquake, "This time the capital city felt such a big earthquake, I don't know where the epicenter is, and how was the damage?"

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. This was an opportunity for the Cheng family to make a contribution. They had to be strong. If the Cheng family wanted to establish a firm foothold in the capital, no one dared to look down upon it. They had to rely on themselves to rise. Some small tricks don't work.

"Dad, when my brother comes back, you need to take stock of the money, rice and food available at home. I guess the emperor will summon you."

Xijin is a powerful country, but it cost a lot of money to fight everywhere in the past. I also heard that a large amount of money was spent on attacking Beixiang a few years ago, but it failed to occupy the richest place in Beixiang. All the advantages were taken advantage of by Dongshu. After fighting for so long, he made Dongshu a wedding dress in vain. The emperor was so angry that he lay in bed for two days.

Now that spring plowing has just passed, and the next crop of grain harvest is still a few months away, the national treasury will definitely not be rich, and it is time for merchants like them to show their performance.

Soon Uncle Wang brought all the people in the mansion over. These people still had fear on their faces, and Xiao Si Niang didn't waste any time, directly announcing that she and Cheng Er Niang would be the housekeepers next, "Guard Zhang, you bring People cleared out all the gardens in the mansion, and people from all courtyards cooperated to carry the bed over, draw the curtain between the male and female relatives to avoid it, the master sleeps in the middle, and the rest of the beds are outside, you plan and arrange it yourself."

"Guard Liu, you have to arrange for your people to step up patrols."

"Steward Liu, take the money and take people out to buy later, buy as much rice, grains and medicinal materials as possible, and report the food stored in the mansion as soon as possible."

"Uncle Wang, arrange for people to lay all the tiles in the main courtyard. If you can't buy them outside, get them from the roof of the side courtyard. In addition, arrange for a few people to clean out the abandoned courtyard in the north. Who of the people in our house lives outside? If their house collapses and there is no place to live, their families can be brought in for temporary resettlement."

"The rest of you will follow the arrangements of your supervisors and just survive the next few days."

With Xiao Si Niang's arrangement, the servants in the mansion suddenly had a backbone, and they were even more grateful to have someone from their family help. Several people immediately wanted to take leave and go back to check on the situation. Xiao Si Mom is also right.

While every family in the capital was still panicking, the stewards of Shunyi House, large and small, had already begun to lead people to work.

Before the people could react and the grain shops had not had time to raise their prices, the grain stores in the shops were sold out by the Shunyi Prefecture. The shopkeeper, who was afraid of being robbed during the chaos, not only sold the grains happily, but also thoughtfully arranged for help. Deliver the goods, and then closed the door firmly.

When the first load of food was sent back to the house, Cheng Yiyi and Du Linxiang came back. They came back from outside the city. "Many of the houses of ordinary people outside the city have collapsed. The people are shouting and grabbing. I don't know what will happen next?"

Knowing that the mansion has already made arrangements, Xiao He also arranged for the people in the couple's yard to pack up all the valuable things, and he was relieved. Du Linxiang said that when she was young, she followed her parents at home and met relatives. Turn over, "Not just once, but at regular intervals in the next few days. Some houses that didn't fall down at first also fell down later."

"Xiaosi's arrangement is right. This house cannot be lived in for the time being."

The whole family sat down in the yard of Xiao He and his wife to discuss the next plan, and the young lady spoke first, "I have sent people to the city to buy grain, even if there is another earthquake later, it will not be as bad as today, the question is how?" To appease the people and rebuild the issue, if the court cannot respond quickly and come up with an effective government order for this earthquake, I am afraid that it will not end for a while, brother and sister-in-law, I think this is our opportunity."

She briefly analyzed the current situation of the Cheng family. The emperor did not say that the title could be passed down to her father the last time. That is to say, if her father died, the plaque of the uncle's house would have to be replaced by the Cheng's house. This is why people in the capital did not One of the reasons why I like the Cheng family.

We should take this opportunity to share the emperor's worries and earn more credit. It would be great if we can get some reward in the future. "

Cheng Yi mentioned one thing, saying that Dongshu also encountered an earthquake a few years ago. Dongshu’s newspaper responded quickly and called on the people to donate money and materials. He soon calmed down, "It is said that Emperor Dongshu personally went to the newspaper office to thank the people. Emperor Dongshu's reputation among the people has reached its peak by virtue of this incident. I guess our emperor will do the same."

Xiao Si Niang has heard a lot about Dongshu and the newspaper these days. She and Li suspected that Dongshu had a fellow villager of hers, in the Dongshu royal family.

"I don't think the emperor would do that."

The young lady did not hide her thoughts, "It's the same as growing crops. You have to serve the crops before you can harvest the food. Dongshu's newspaper office should have been in operation before the Dongshu earthquake. The foundation was laid first. Some Things need time to have a subtle influence. The people of Xijin have not been bathed in the emperor's grace before. No one has guided us to love our country. We, the people of Xijin, are all one family. Suddenly, people donate money. Donating money and goods, how is that possible?”

"What's more, the people in Beijing have also been affected by the disaster this time. We are still waiting for someone to help them, and if they are asked to pay for them, I am afraid that the people will be full of resentment."

At that time, fame will not reach its peak, but will fall to its bottom.

Cheng Yi gave her a thumbs up cheerfully, "Little Four is getting smarter after being beaten by Little Four."

If he had known that Xiao Si would become smarter if he got hit with a sap, he must have done his part as the big brother, so he would have knocked it down long ago.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Cheng Yi was a little excited, after all, he had never done such a thing as fighting for credit.

(End of this chapter)

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