Chapter 484 I know you are moved
"Hahahaha~~~I'm a grandfather, hahahaha~~~"

When the two children were taken out, Yuan Xin stepped forward excitedly and carefully hugged one of the children. He did not ask whether this was a brother or a sister, but directly showed it to the elder's wife, "Mom, look at this child, how beautiful he is. He is the same as Wulang when he was a child. Sample."

"Fortunately, I had the foresight to prepare everything that boys and girls can use. Ouch, is this little mouth hungry?"

Seeing him so happy, the elder's wife's eyes were filled with tears. Her youngest son was alone and unmarried, and now he had found a way out for himself. With such joy, how could she not be more partial?
"It looks like Goro when he was a child. Is this his brother or his sister?"

The midwife smiled and said, "The second master is holding my sister, and the lady is holding my brother."

Mrs. Yuan beamed, "My brother and Wu Lang were carved from the same mold when they were young."

Xiao He wanted to make it clear that he was just like her Xiaosi. His round face looked just like Xiaosi's, but seeing that everyone was happy, he didn't care about it. As for Yuan Su, who was still outside the door looking anxiously inside, Cheng Xiaosi After giving birth, she was in an awkward state that cannot be described in words. The girls and women were busy cleaning up for her, and then they had to move back to the house.

Yuan Su went in just after cleaning up. Even Cheng Xiaosi who had been cleaned up was a bit messy. Mainly because his facial features were flying around when he yelled. After giving birth, there was no blood color and his face was slightly swollen. It was really not a big deal. nice.

The smell of blood was still lingering in the room. Yuan Su seemed to be unable to smell it, so he just sat on the edge of the bed and watched. Mrs. Yuan came in and asked him to hug the child, "Like you and Xiao Si, from now on You are the father. It is not easy to be a husband and a father to your children. You have to take responsibility."

Yuan Su nodded, not forgetting that he still had to earn his life for Cheng Xiaosi.

The corner of Yuan Su's mouth twitched slightly. His name was given by his elders. Shouldn't his nickname be given by his wife?
Yuan Xin stood at the door with half of his head exposed, "Zhuan'er is a nickname because it is easy to make a living. This means that he is our drill bit and is very strong."

"Happy together."

Not to mention that the boss might be reluctant after hearing this, he was not convinced.

Then he raised his hand towards Cheng Daqi and said, "Uncle, congratulations, you have an extra pair of grandchildren."

After getting the news, Yuan Pei rushed back to see his grandson. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw his brother sticking his butt out and talking into the house. The look was really funny. Cheng Daqi, who followed him, was very curious, "What are you doing?"

The two newborn siblings had already had their first meal and had their first smelly meal in their lives. The sleeping children were placed next to Cheng Xiaosi so that they could feel their mother's breath. Yuan Su looked at the two babies in a daze. Although he did not show the embarrassment of a new father, he did not dare to hold them. He could only gently caress the little faces of the brother and sister, and then asked what the children's names were.

"The small fish are moving freely in the stream, and they have good intentions."

Holding out two fingers to show off, Yuan Pei took a deep breath. What he said was not conducive to harmony. Aren't Wen Sheng and Xuan'er grandsons?

Cheng Daqi couldn't say much here, so he could only say angrily, "Congratulations."

When Yuan Xin turned around and saw the two of them, he immediately smiled. He stepped forward and said to Yuan Pei, "Brother, I have two grandchildren."

Yuan Xin continued to climb up the pole, "The name is as I said before. It has been decided. Both boys and girls can use it."

Yuan Xin's low voice came from outside the door, "My brother's name is Yuan He, and my baby name is Zhuan'er. My sister's name is Yuan Xi, and my baby name is Xiaoyu. I chose her."

“Joy and rejoice together.”

Cheng Daqi thinks that the second master of the Yuan family is a very interesting person, "In the future, the two children will have to work hard for the second master to take care of them, and my fourth child will also have to ask the second master to take care of them."

"Hahahaha, those are my grandchildren and my daughter-in-law. They are obligated to do so. Uncle, please relax." Yuan Pei acted as if he didn't hear this. He was robbing his son and robbing his grandson in front of him. He's used to it.

Yuan Su also came out, and Yuan Pei patted him on the shoulder, "I will become a father today, and I will have to take on more responsibilities in the future and strive for a future for my wife and children."

Cheng Daqi also nodded happily, feeling that this boy was getting an advantage, forget it, he was happy today and he was proud of it.

Mrs. Yuan became busy, and her close relatives came to the door with generous gifts to congratulate her. She was responsible for entertaining her, and her face was full of joy even though she was tired.

And there was one more grandchild than expected, so she had to find a suitable wet nurse immediately. If she waited until the child's appetite increased, one wet nurse would not be enough.

At this time, Cheng Xiaosi had already woken up. Xiao He and Cheng Daqi were relieved to go back after learning that she was completely fine. Aunt Guan arranged for someone to move her back to the bedroom. She saw the child sleeping next to her in a daze. How could she? How can you give birth to two children of such an age?
"Is it really me?"

How big is her belly? How old are the two children?

Huahua stood beside the bed with a smile, "You gave birth to her. Aunt Fang and I saw it with our own eyes. We were all frightened at the time. Madam said that the doctor didn't even notice when she was pregnant with you and the third son. It’s not too big either. It’s said that the pregnancy is in the back. I don’t understand that. The midwife said that some people are pregnant very far in the front, so their belly is big; some people are pregnant in the back, so the belly is not visible. Anyway, the two little ones The master is very healthy, and Miss Xiaoyu has a loud voice.”

"Little fish girl?"

She didn't know about the child's name yet, but Yuan Su, who had just come in, said, "My brother's name is Yuan He, congratulations to He, my nickname is Zhuan'er, that's Brick; my sister's name is Yuan Xi, my nickname is Xiaoyu, my second name is Xiaoyu. Uncle said it is a fish that is free in the stream."

Cheng Xiaosi tasted the food carefully and thought it was OK. He asked Yuan Su with a smile, "Is the second uncle very happy?"

"He laughs the loudest. Now he can take care of the baby when he is one month old."

Yuan Su held her hand and said after a while, "Thank you."

For a long time, he really had no intention of getting married.

He never thought that he would have children, but he likes his life very much now.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, and Cheng Xiaosi expressed that he was not used to it, "Thank me for giving you a child? This is one-sided. The child is mine, and I gave it to myself."

"Just" Yuan Su thought for a while, "I just felt it."

"I know, I know you are moved."

Cheng Xiaosi's wound hurt and he couldn't change his position while lying down. "Just be nice to me from now on. I can feel it."

"I want to sleep a little longer."

Yuan Su pulled the quilt for her and said, "Go to sleep."

Cheng Xiaosi quickly fell asleep again, and the two siblings next to him also slept soundly. Yuan Su sat and watched for a while before going out. There was something waiting for him in the front yard.

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