Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 490: She’s about to get married, and she’s still so naive

Chapter 490: She’s about to get married, and she’s still so naive

"Are you going to pick up Xuan'er and Wen Sheng?"

Cheng Yousan hasn't come back yet, but the news about Yuan Heng has arrived first. Before, he accepted the siblings to take up their posts without saying anything, but now he is so mad and anxious for some reason.

"What do you think?"

"Wen Sheng's husband was finally hired with great difficulty. He has just started studying. Xuan'er has adapted very well to the academy. Can he be picked up at this time?"

Cheng Xiaosi expressed his incomprehension, "Why do I feel that my elder brother and sister-in-law do things according to their own ideas?"

"Mother also agrees?"

Yuan Su pinched his eyebrows. Although he hadn't met him, he could feel his eldest brother's recent irritability. "My mother didn't agree, so she wrote back to my eldest brother and asked my eldest sister-in-law to return home within three months. In addition,"

"What else?"

Cheng Xiaosi saw that Yuan Su was about to speak but hesitated, "You want to take care of my sister-in-law?"

Yuan Su nodded and carefully organized his words, "What mother means is that the elder brother listens to the elder sister-in-law too much. The elder sister-in-law..."

It was not convenient to say anything wrong with my sister-in-law, so Yuan Su could only tell the result, "My mother wants to take a concubine for my sister-in-law. She is a noble concubine. She is a girl of one of my father's disciples. She is literate and my mother has met her several times."

Cheng Xiaosi's eyes widened, and it took him a while to figure out the situation clearly. He clasped his fingers and said, "My mother is dissatisfied with my eldest brother and sister-in-law, but the son is hers, so there must be nothing wrong with her. It's just that my ears are soft, and my sister-in-law always turns a deaf ear. Mother will make mistakes." It comes down to my sister-in-law.”

"Order the sister-in-law to come back, and at the same time make the decision to give the eldest brother a concubine. I hope that this concubine can replace the eldest sister-in-law, so that the eldest brother will not be distracted by these things in the back house and concentrate on his errands."

"Is that what you mean?"

Yuan Su nodded with some difficulty. Under certain circumstances, he actually didn't expect Cheng Xiaosi to be so smart and figure out the meaning so quickly, "Don't worry about it, mother."

"I know."

Cheng Xiaosi interrupted him, "I have a son and a daughter. If you think about it, you will understand. I hope that my daughter-in-law will be well in everything, and I hope that my son-in-law will be well in everything, but this must be a contradiction. For example, I hope that when Xiaoyu gets married, she will be loved by her husband's family, be less restricted, and feel more at ease; but I have different requirements for my daughter-in-law. If she is the eldest daughter-in-law, I will be strict with her, because the purpose is different. "

"It is not easy for a daughter-in-law to establish a family with her son. The men work hard outside, and the women take care of the family business and educate their children at home. If it is not taken care of properly and the children are not well educated, the family will inevitably decline. As a mother-in-law, I How can this be tolerated?"

"I hope my daughter-in-law is capable and smart, but I don't want my daughter to have to work so hard."

She would never have thought of this without having children before, and she even disliked the ladies who chose their daughters-in-law. She felt that their critical eyes were somewhat disrespectful, but it was different after she had children. After all, she understood those ladies and also Would be those ladies.

But she will also become a mother-in-law, and she will also be crazy about those young men, and she will be disliked by other little girls.
As for the sister-in-law of the Yuan family, she was not prepared to get involved and said to Yuan Su, "We can't make the decision in this matter. We just have to do our own thing."

"I will treat Vincent and Xuan'er the same as before. It won't change. But it's hard to say when my sister-in-law comes back. What if my sister-in-law tries to get into trouble and thinks I want to fight with her and not let the two children come to me? "

Seeing her attitude, Yuan Su immediately felt relieved and comforted her a few words, but he was also afraid that she would think too much about it, "I won't take a concubine, so don't worry about it."

Cheng Xiaosi sighed and did not answer the words. He only said: "If you ask me to tell you where my sister-in-law's strength has gone wrong, I should encourage my elder brother to do his job well and strive to make achievements. When he is in office, he must have a political reputation in the government."

Even if Yuan Heng achieves a three-point score, his family can help him achieve an eight-point score. If Yuan Heng is promoted step by step, can everything in the Yuan family still be successful? His eyes fell on Yuan Su, "For example, I just hope that you will be well. If you are well, I will follow you."

Yuan Su took her hand and said, "I know, I am diligent in my work, I will definitely be able to make a difference, and I won't let you have the chance to be angry with my sister-in-law."

"I believe you."

As a man, you need to give him a lot of encouragement and decide on many things after thinking about it. "Send a letter to the eldest brother to express our attitude and tell him not to think too much. The future of the Yuan family still points to him. He Nothing can go wrong.”

Yuan Su nodded, and just as he was about to say something, the people around Yuan Pei came to invite Yuan Su over. As soon as he left, Hua Hua came up to him with a sad look on his face, "I originally thought Madam was a very nice person, but I didn't." think"

Cheng Xiaosi shook his head, "You are too naive."

"Do you know what a mother-in-law likes to say most?"

Huahua shook her head and Cheng Xiaosi said: "I treat my daughter-in-law as my own daughter."

"How many people have been deceived by this sentence? A daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law. The two can never be mixed together. There are prerequisites for getting along harmoniously. By accommodating and cooperating with each other, both can get what they want from each other. ”

"You're about to get married, and you're still so naive."

However, Jifeng has no father or mother, and Huahua has no mother-in-law, so he cannot experience the joy and exhaustion.

Huahua shook her head, "It's too complicated. Jifeng doesn't have a mother. I don't need to know."


Huahua was worried that Mrs. Yuan would use this trick on her own girls in the future. Cheng Xiaosi told her, "It's unlikely. My father is still watching."

Why is her mother-in-law so stupid to deal with her sister-in-law?

It's not because Hu's natal family is unreliable.

Mrs. Yuan was really quick in handling matters. She first wrote a letter to Yuan Heng, and then immediately sent someone to propose marriage to the girl’s brother. The brother and sister only had one father, and he died of illness two years ago. The brother had a six-year-old brother. Because of her official position, her sister could be considered an official girl, but such a small official girl with no family background was really not popular in the capital. When Mrs. Yuan mentioned the girl, she immediately agreed, intending to use herself to pave the way for her brother's future.

And being able to marry into the Yuan family and become a concubine to the eldest son of the Yuan family is a very good way out.

How about we become an equal wife?
Needless to say, this concubine will be Mrs. Yuan's confidant after entering the house. She will definitely implement Mrs. Yuan's wishes and strive to pull Yuan Heng back to the path he should take.

It only took three days to give the girl a betrothal gift. The next step was to wait for Yuan Heng's reply. The Yuan family simply made a concubine ceremony and then sent the girl directly to her appointment.

Cheng Xiaosi didn't participate in the whole process except for a few questions out of curiosity, and he didn't talk much. Every day, he either took his children to talk to the elder's wife, or he was busy taking care of her dowry. Her dowry was not just about gold and silver. Jewelry, and real estate shops.

She couldn't do business by herself, but Cheng Sanniang could. She went to Jiang's house with gifts and begged Cheng Sanniang to help her make money and fly. Cheng Sanniang patted her chest and agreed, promising to take care of her properly. Of course, she had to Charge her 20% of the profit.

(End of this chapter)

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