Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 493 Husband and wife are of the same mind

Chapter 493 Husband and wife are of the same mind
"This is a really busy time. I won't see you until ten days after I get back."

Without going into the palace, the two Cheng brothers went to the Yuan family together to visit Cheng Xiaosi and their two nephews. After being curious about the two brothers and sisters for a while, Cheng Yousan looked at Cheng Xiaosi carefully and said, "It's unimaginable."

"It's just unimaginable."

Cheng Xiaosi knew from that mysterious look that he missed the feeling of being beaten, "You'd better say something nice."

Cheng Yousan said: "It's hard to imagine that you could give birth to two such beautiful children."

Cheng Xiaosi gave him a roll of his eyes, "I'm so good-looking, and they have an even better-looking father. Isn't it natural for me to be good-looking?"

He also pointed at Yuan Xin, "There is also such a handsome and elegant grandfather. In this situation, even if you want to be ugly, you can't help it."

Cheng Yousan shook his head, "My nephew, Uncle Xiao, the main thing is that I was born well so that they can look like me."

After a long trip, he became even thicker-skinned. Even Cheng Yi couldn't stand it. "Is it so difficult to admit that your parents have a good life?"

Yuan Xin was also happy, and felt that Sun Sun, the third uncle, was very interesting. He knew that he could not say anything but still had to say a few words, and he was happy to be run away. This shows that the relationship between brother and sister is good.

Cheng Xiaosi was not polite and asked Huahua to collect the check. Cheng Yousan also said that the gift he gave was a gadget of his own choice, "You know, I am not as rich as my elder brother, but I still have my heart."

Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath. He originally wanted to retaliate, but when he saw that his two brothers had lost a lot of weight, he shut up and asked Huahua to arrange lunch. He said to the two of them, "We'll leave after lunch."

"The gift your sister-in-law gave represents the wishes of our little family. As an uncle, I gave it to you alone. There is no conflict."

Wensheng's husband was the one whom Yuan Pei had worked hard to find, so he was naturally good. Except for the old gentleman who Yuan Xin helped to invite to teach etiquette and rules, the other gentlemen in the Cheng family could only hold the title of Juren, so the gap was still huge.

Cheng Yi sent a lot of gifts, "We guessed that you would have children, but we didn't expect to have two. Let's play with these little things."

Cheng Xiaosi took it, "So you have to become rich as soon as possible. You are about to get married."

After dinner, Cheng You made a request. He wanted Cheng Qing to come to Yuan's house to study with Wen Sheng during the day.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Sister-in-law has already given it to me, so why do I need to give it again?"

Then he took out a few banknotes and said, "This is a congratulatory gift from my uncle."

Cheng Yousan looked at him sideways, hugged Xiaoyu and said, "Look at your mother, how verbose she is."

Neither of them refused. In their sister's house, they were respected uncles and there was nothing embarrassing about having a meal.

Cheng Xiaosi looked at Yuan Xin, "Second uncle, is that okay?"

"I know, why are you getting more verbose?"

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Xin was very happy, "The two children are not very different. We can study together at home for a few years, and then go to the academy together again, so that we can have company."

"It just so happens that the Xue family also wants to send two boys here. It will be more lively with more people, and they will be more motivated to learn." Cheng Yiyi stood up and thanked him, "Thank you, uncle."

"Sit, sit, sit, why are you so polite as a family?"

Yuan Xin told them that the Yuan family was going to set up a family school in Xiyuan, Fuzhong, but it would only accept a dozen children at most. It was mainly to find some companions for Wen Sheng, "Go back and prepare, and come tomorrow."

Cheng You suddenly understood. He said he was looking for companions for Wen Sheng, but in fact he was using this clan knowledge to win over the people he wanted to win over. Not everyone could come in. After thinking about it, he felt a little envious. The Cheng family couldn't do it. At this point, even if they spend a lot of money to invite a good gentleman, each family will not be willing to send their children over.

Still have no background.

He also thought that this was also an opportunity for his son. From now on, he would make friends with the children of noble families, and the road would be broadened.

The two brothers wanted to go see Cheng Sanniang and left without staying long after dinner. When they came back in the evening, Cheng Xiaosi and Yuan Su talked about Cheng Qing coming to school. Yuan Su had no objection and just sat and ate with a tired look on his face. Tea, saying that the next step may be so busy that it will be dark.

"The news brought back by the two uncles is really helpful, especially the newspapers they brought back. The emperor's selected court reads them in the palace every day, sorting out and summarizing the advantages. Many of them can be used by us. of."

"The crown prince and the third prince jumped very high and were rushing to open a newspaper. The emperor reprimanded them in public today and then stopped."

"Among all the ministries, the commercial houses are the busiest. Especially when he learned that Dongshu had opened a commercial department, the emperor was very moved. Fortunately, these were Dongshu's years of accumulation and exploration, and it took time to complete. The imperial court did not have so much energy all of a sudden. ”

"It can be seen that if you read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, you should go out and see more. Many courtiers before thought that we were the most powerful country in the world. Only after seeing the things they did and the decrees they issued did they realize that it was just a matter of sitting in a well and observing the sky. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Su sighed with emotion, "Thankfully my two uncles made this trip, otherwise..."

Yuan Su shook his head. Cheng Xiaosi didn't see the newspaper and didn't dare to draw any conclusions. However, the thousands of years of experience accumulated by advanced civilizations are naturally powerful. "Forefathers planted trees and others will enjoy the shade. It seems that our Emperor is next It’s time to work hard.”

Yuan Su nodded and took Cheng Xiaosi's hand, "You have to work harder at home. You can't count on me in this situation."

It is inevitable to leave early and come back late, but it is worth it for my wife and children.

"Don't worry and go on your errands. What can happen at home?"

Cheng Xiaosi said that there was no problem at all, and she was very comfortable managing her small family. "You are the master of the outside and I am the master of the house. We husband and wife are of the same mind, can our life be prosperous?"

As expected by Yuan Su, the next few days were very busy, and Yuan Pei was also like this. He was old and sophisticated, and he brought in private goods. While the court was busy up and down, two of the Yuan family members were still busy. Erlang, who held a high official position, entered the court and was sent down to serve as a county magistrate.

Yuan Pei's students were also promoted in a low-key manner and were hardly noticed by anyone.

Seeing that Cheng Daqi was busy all day long, he couldn't help but give him a few words. Cheng Daqi was shocked and stunned, and offered Cheng Yi a false position, becoming a member of the firm. Although he had no real power, he still With the right to enter and leave the trading house, the name sounds much better.

But that's just it. Who is to let the Cheng family's son refuse to accept the young man? Without the conditions of the Yuan family, there are many young men full of ink.

The Yuan family is showing signs of recovery day by day. Mrs. Yuan is happy every day. She even feels that Cheng Xiaosi is a lucky star. She can bring good luck wherever she is. In addition to taking her to banquets and introducing her to In addition to the familiar wife, she also began to take care of the general affairs of the house. Cheng Xiaosi pretended not to know anything. She learned whatever he taught her and took whatever was given to her. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very happy together.

The day soon came when Mrs. Hu came back. As soon as she came back, she knelt in front of Mrs. Yuan, holding a child in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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