Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 496 Good words can’t persuade a damn ghost

Chapter 496 Good words can’t persuade a damn ghost
In order to live a more comfortable life for herself in the future, Cheng Xiaosi said these words sincerely, but in Hu's view, it was just pity for her.

"Don't think too much about it. The fifth young lady's family is very capable, so she probably doesn't need anything. I'm afraid she really doesn't want to interfere with the donation."

Mrs. Qiu was fined half a year and a month and was so sincere that she didn't even understand why the young lady was dissatisfied in such a good life. She would only give up if the husband and wife separated and the parents-in-law were disgusted.

Mrs. Hu sat down, still looking like she owed me everything, "You also said that her mother-in-law has everything she needs. It seems that this housekeeping power is just something she doesn't want."

"Should I be more grateful to her?"

Mrs. Qiu didn't know how to persuade her. She was worried about others fighting before she came back. She was dissatisfied with them all day long. Now she is not happy if they don't fight. She is stuck in a corner and can't get out. She sighed, "Young Madam, you are now The situation cannot allow you to be the same as before. It is not the lady's choice to give the housekeeper the right to. Now the eldest son will soon have a concubine to serve him. You are beyond your reach. At this time, you must get the madam's approval. Get stewardship.”

"Even if it's for the two young masters and Miss Xuan'er."

"Madam values ​​you. Although sleeping in the morning and dusk is tiring, she also wants to support and teach you. You must seize the opportunity. The fifth young lady has been exempted from this matter."

Mrs. Qiu could see clearly, but Mrs. Hu, who was in trouble, didn't think so, "Didn't you hear that she has two children to look after, so she couldn't bear her hard work, so she avoided this matter."

"I also have to take care of the children, or three of them. Do I have to sleep in the morning and dusk?"

"It's just that she's partial."

Mrs. Qiu stamped her feet anxiously. Why didn't this enemy understand? This was giving her a chance. If she couldn't help her up, then
Thinking of being fined with half a year's monthly payment made her feel a twinge of pain again. It was okay when she was in office, but when she came back, the people who served her had no luck at all. She still had a family to support, and half a year without monthly payment was already a huge loss. If
Thinking of this, my heart moved, "Madam, our people have all been fined with moon silver today, and now is the time for you to employ people. Do you think you can make up for it a little bit?"

Mrs. Hu didn't bring much money with her when she came back this time, and her dowry wasn't too much. In recent years, all the family's expenses have been paid for by the family. Mrs. Yuan never deducted money from them, even if they were far away in the west. She sent them all, but after all, she didn't separate the family, nor was she in charge of it. The expenses were not small, and she really didn't have much money.

"One person can make up for one month for them."

When it comes to money, Mrs. Hu is also in a dilemma, "Nurse, please wait until I have more money. I'll show you some consideration at this time."

Mrs. Qiu was her wet nurse and the person she was closest to. Because she was the closest to her, she couldn't hold back the smile on her face for a month. She could only say some decent words.
'Xiao Si, I said you really want to pay the wrong amount, but they don't appreciate it at all. '
Hua Bao, who was eavesdropping, came to Cheng Xiaosi again and chirped, "There is a saying, it's easy to change a country's nature, but it's hard to change it. How could it be possible because of a few words from you?" '

'You should be more careful, I will continue to keep an eye on you. '

'I still have to go and hear what your mother-in-law has to say. '

Taking advantage of the night, Hua Bao left again. Cheng Xiaosi sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. Good words can't persuade the damn ghost, so she tried her best.

Speaking of which, their sisters-in-law had nothing to do with each other in the first place, but they were both in the same home, so there were possible conflicts of interest. She could understand if people didn't believe her if she said it sincerely, but she had said everything that needed to be said. She is not someone to be bullied if the other party tries to get into trouble.

Just because she doesn't want to take care of the house doesn't mean she doesn't know how to take care of the house. Yuan Su came back very late, with a tired look on his face. After learning that he had already eaten, he arranged for him to wash up. During the process, he only talked about some small talk between husband and wife, saying how good the two children were today, and Xiaoyu vomited again. Bubble, Zhuan'er laughed again, etc. Yuan Su swept away his tiredness and said, "I'll go see them."

The two children went to bed early. The two-month-old baby was white and tender. It was very cute to sleep side by side. Yuan Su was curious about it for a while before leaving. He took Cheng Xiaosi's hand back to the house and talked about the two children on the way. Regarding the child's 100-day banquet, Cheng Xiaosi said that he would come back next month to prepare. "The news has been released a long time ago, and many people have been asking about it before the full moon."

There was no full-moon banquet held in the house. I was worried about the physical condition of the two children. In addition, everyone was very busy, so they chose the 100-day banquet. "I have accepted all the gifts. It will definitely be held. Don't worry about it."

After returning to the house, Yuan Su asked, "Sister-in-law is back today?"

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, spoke briefly first, and then said: "Don't worry, we are all decent people and will not have conflicts in person. From tomorrow on, my sister-in-law will come to my mother to have a rest in the morning and dusk. It seems that my mother It’s a good thing to give my sister-in-law a little thought.”

"I've been spending less time with my mother lately, so I don't have to fight with her. We don't have much chance to see her except when we have dinner. Let's keep it to ourselves."

"Don't pay attention to this. We don't have enough business to worry about. At most, it's a war between three women, which won't make any splash."

Yuan Su smiled and said, "Why am I paying attention to this? I am afraid that you will suffer a loss. My sister-in-law is not a happy person and will not figure it out so easily."

Cheng Xiaosi was puzzled, "I look like someone who will suffer a loss? Can she do anything to me, cut off my money or frame me for stealing her things?"

Yuan Su nodded seriously, "It's so similar, I'm not worried at all."

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, "Looks like I'm going to give you a tough one, so you don't have to think too much, just watch the moves~"

After saying that, he rushed towards Yuan Su. The two of them quarreled for a while, and finally fell on the bed with laughter. Cheng Xiaosi lay on Yuan Su and rubbed his face, "It's so pitiful, he has lost weight." Circle, I’ll give you two more dishes tomorrow.”

Yuan Su held her waist to prevent her from falling, "We need to prepare a few more, and my father-in-law will also eat with us. We are all tired, and the appetite is getting longer, but don't prepare anything with bones, and you have to talk while eating. It’s inconvenient to chew bones.”

"Okay, I've written it down and I'll arrange it for you in different flavors."

The two of them chatted for a while. Yuan Su patted Cheng Xiaosi's waist and said, "Go to sleep. I'm too tired today. Madam, please bear with me for a day."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't realize what he was talking about for a while. When he came back to his senses, he slapped him and asked, "How big is my addiction?"

Turning over and lying down in his own position, he rolled his eyes at him, snorted and turned his head. Yuan Su smiled and pulled the man into his arms, "I'm addicted, but I can't do my best today. It's a pity, it's a pity. Ah~"

Cheng Xiaosi laughed out loud, and the two of them felt tired for a while before falling asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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