Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 517 The Xiao family is going to take office

Chapter 517 The Xiao family is going to take office

"Fifth Aunt, are you leaving?"

The day before departure, Xuan'er came and stood in the yard without entering the house. Cheng Xiaosi sighed quietly. This little girl used to be quiet and didn't like to talk. Later, she became very lively for a long time and was cheerful every day. Like a little sparrow, her whole person has changed since her mother came back, becoming silent and speaking less.

"Xuan'er, come in quickly, Aunt Five has prepared something for you."

He walked down the stairs and pulled her into the house, then gave her five pairs of beautiful beads, "Aunt Five prepared these for you, do you like them?"

Xuan'er didn't reach out to take it, "Fifth Aunt, I don't want it."

Take her mother will say her.

Cheng Xiaosi held her hand and said, "Xuan'er is almost a grown-up girl. She needs to dress up nicely. I'll tell your mother later that I won't blame you."

Then he put a banknote into her hand, "Take this, and if you want anything in the future, just send someone to buy it yourself. Don't tell your mother."

Precious girls are raised with money. Besides, such a big girl often goes to banquets with the adults in the family, so she must have money in her hands.

There were only five hundred taels. Xuan'er's eyes were red as she held the banknote. After all, she was not very old and could not control her emotions very well. In the end, she threw herself directly into Cheng Xiaosi's arms, "Fifth Aunt, I can't bear to leave you."

She really wanted to go with her fifth aunt. She didn't want to live with her mother at all.

Mrs. Hu was still doing well after leaving her courtyard, and her reputation in the capital was not too bad. That was because all her bad moods were left in her courtyard. As soon as she entered her courtyard, it was like taking off her armor. It's time to scold, and Yuan Heng goes to Aunt Jiang's yard more and more often, and her temper gets worse. Xuan'er is the one who gets scolded the most. If there is any problem with her two brothers, she will be scolded scold.

It was quite sad to cry, but Cheng Xiaosi couldn't do anything more and could only comfort her in a low voice.

In the evening of that day, she took the pearl flowers to Hu's yard. "I have been packing things recently and found these pearl flowers. I thought Xuan'er would look good wearing them, so I brought them to her."

Mrs. Hu smiled and asked her to sit down, "I'm sorry to say it, but you bought most of the clothes and jewelry in Xuan'er's cabinet. As a mother, I didn't buy a few of them."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Xuan'er was still young when my sister-in-law took office, and she was not old enough to wear pearl flowers. Pearl flowers can only be worn for a certain period of time, and they will become fashionable soon."

Mrs. Hu was very polite and praised the beautiful pairs of pearl flowers. She also invited Xuan'er to come and thank Cheng Xiaosi. The scene was extremely harmonious.

If people who don't know the inside story read it, they will say that Mrs. Hu is a very good sister-in-law and a very good mother.

In the evening, the family had just had dinner. The old man of the Xiao family came happily with Xiao Chengli. Xiao Chengli spoke first, "Cousin, I want to bring someone to take advantage of you and open our escort agency to Funan. You you do not mind?"

Cheng Xiaosi was surprised, "Why haven't you heard any news before?"

"A temporary decision?"

Xiao Chengli said: "It was decided a few days ago. I have been busy allocating people to go together in the past two days. In addition, our bodyguard agency has merged with my aunt's Tianbao bodyguard agency. The two companies will be stronger together."

He said with a somewhat embarrassed smile, "The Escort Agency is different from other businesses, so naturally it is good to have a backer. With such good backers as my cousin and cousin-in-law, of course we will go. I just saw that you were so busy, so I didn't tell you. ”

Xiao He's Tianbao Bodyguard Bureau was originally the Xiao family's bodyguard bureau, and the key bodyguards were all from the Xiao family. Mr. Xiao was afraid that his daughter would be bullied, so he gave her the capital's bodyguard bureau. The current Tianbao Escort Agency is more like a hobby for Xiao He. It has a place where he can be busy. Unfortunately, there are many things at home and she is not as free as before. It is normal to return and merge the Xiao Family Escort Agency again.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and asked Yuan Su, "What do you think?"

Yuan Su also smiled and said, "I can't ask for it."

Being able to go to the Xiao family is also a help to him. He supported the Xiao family in the early stage, so how could he know that there would be no need for the Xiao family's help later?

Even if not, it would be convenient for him if the Xiao family's escort agency opened the road from Funan to Jingcheng, wouldn't it?

Xiao Chengli happily bowed his hands, "Well, thank you cousin-in-law for taking care of me in the future."

Mr. Xiao cupped his hand towards Yuan Pei, "This matter was decided suddenly and abruptly."

Yuan Pei Bu Yuan Su thought more and hurriedly returned the gift and said with a smile: "You're welcome, old man. The strength of the Xiao Family Escort Agency is obvious to all. The Xiao Family Escort Agency and the Tianbao Escort Agency have merged. Their strength ranks among the top three in the capital. It should not be underestimated. Congratulations." ”

"Please help Wulang in the future. He is young and inexperienced. He has seen too little about the people and things in his position. He needs to pay attention to many things."

The Escort Agency has its own business, both in the imperial court and in the green forest, and they can enjoy it wherever they go. If they can follow him, it will be of great help to Wu Lang.

The old man was polite again. Their escort agency was indeed something they could be proud of. They must be more generous than the Yuan family in the world.

They are indeed here to gain glory, and they also have the ability to repay.

Yuan Heng also stepped forward to say a few polite words, with envy hidden in his eyes. Luck is also a kind of strength. A noble man is lucky, but he is not as good as Wu Lang.

He was actively managing personal connections. Having served in a local government, he naturally knew the importance of the Xiao family, but falling in Hu's eyes made her heart sting. In her eyes, how could Cheng Xiaosi's natal family help? She, but how these relatives came to cling to her, how the Yuan family gave them face, her chest hurt even more when she thought about her natal family being despised and Yuan Heng's unwillingness to help her natal brothers.

Mrs. Yuan glanced at Mrs. Hu and already made a decision in her heart. She would wait until Wu Lang left to do it.

Everything was ready, and the day of departure came. In order to allow his two young grandchildren to ride the carriage comfortably, Yuan Xin specially ordered someone to buy a new carriage. It was spacious and comfortable, but there were places where they might be bumped. They were all wrapped in thick cloth, and there was no shortage of food and entertainment in the car. Cheng Xiaosi took a look at them and liked them very much.

The whole family stood at the door to say goodbye. After everything was said, Cheng Xiaosi was about to get in the car. Just as he was about to get in, Yuan Xin said, "The car you and your wife have is the one in front. This time it's a little bigger. There are three of us." Isn’t it too crowded in there?”

"You and your wife have one car, and I and my two grandchildren have one car. It's spacious."

Cheng Xiaosi.
"Second uncle is too partial."

He turned towards Yuan Su and said, "You're still laughing, haven't you seen that you've become a grass?"

Yuan Su smiled happily and took her hand to get into the car in front.

Since the Cao family's motorcade was going to meet at the gate of the city, they didn't dare to delay too much. They couldn't let Shangfeng wait for him. It would be polite to arrive first.

The Xiao family also came out, everyone said goodbye to each other, and then the motorcade set off. At this moment, both Cheng Xiaosi and Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

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