Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 521: It’s easy to get the title once you get out of the capital

Chapter 521: It’s easy to get the title once you get out of the capital
Mrs. Hu thought that she was in charge of the house after taking the key, but she didn't know that she needed a pair of keys to open the warehouse in the mansion. The pair of keys was still in Mrs. Yuan's hand, which meant that she wanted to open the warehouse to get something. , all require Mrs. Yuan’s nod of approval.

Moreover, the key positions in the mansion were occupied by Mrs. Yuan's people, so Housekeeper Hu could only worry about managing them and could not get much benefit from them.

Even Cheng Xiaosi knows that the real power of the housekeeper is not just the key to the warehouse, but the person who your mother-in-law promised to put at the core of the house. With the key in your hand, the stewards below are still your people and yours. If any order can be carried out quickly, then you are called a real housekeeper, otherwise, you are called a coolie.

Mrs. Hu was so happy that she hadn't thought about this yet. She just felt refreshed and extremely happy.

The mother-in-law beside Mrs. Yuan didn't quite understand what she meant. She asked in a low voice as soon as they left. Mrs. Yuan looked at her coldly and said, "This is because I don't even want my husband for the housekeeper's right. Since I want it so much, I'll give it to her." , I also have a few days of leisure.”

She has made up her mind that this family still needs to be managed by Xiao Si. How can a person who would give up her husband for the right to manage the house give her the right to manage the house?
If she can give up her husband today, she can give up the interests of the Yuan family to seek her own benefits tomorrow.

This Hu family is really crazy.

"Give her housekeeping rights and she will be able to calm down. Da Lang has not yet established his feet after returning to Beijing. She still needs to run many things. The children also need a direct mother. After all, the Jiang family is a bit inferior in status."

In the circle of officials in the capital, what is recognized is never your ability, but your birth, your husband, your husband's family, and concubines are always not favored by the main wife, unless Jiang's brother can rise to the top. She supports them, otherwise it would be difficult for her to integrate into these circles.

The mother-in-law understood what she meant. The eldest young master needed the eldest young lady to work for his wife and make friends with the wives of various families. For this reason, the lady gave the eldest young lady housekeeping rights, which was regarded as a benefit to him.

"What if the eldest lady manages it well?"

“It’s a good thing if someone is willing to work hard.”

Mrs. Yuan didn't think that this stewardship was a great thing. Her in-laws, Mrs. Shunyi, did not head the house, and her younger sister, Mrs. Cheng Er, took charge of the house. But who in the capital could underestimate Mrs. Shunyi?

Everyone knows that Mrs. Cheng Er is capable and considerate in housekeeping, but when big things happen, Mrs. Shunyi still has to come forward. It can be said that Mrs. Shunyi is the middle minister of Shunyi's house and the one who can tell the truth.

She believed that Xiaosi also understood this.

The core things of the Yuan family still have to be given to Xiaosi.

From this day on, Mrs. Hu officially became the young lady in charge of the house. Under Mrs. Yuan's instructions, all the managers in the house obeyed her arrangements, making it impossible for Mrs. Hu to catch the mistakes of these people and have no chance to change. The man who fell in love with him also knew that he had not yet truly obtained the stewardship, but this was no longer important to him.

But in her heart, Cheng Xiaosi is still a threat to her. In order to prevent Cheng Xiaosi from coming back to seize the housekeeper's rights in three years, she must do better. She must firmly hold this power in her own hands, and at the same time, she must do a better job. She did not relax her teaching of the children. Mrs. Yuan was the eyes and ears of the whole house. Mrs. Yuan knew everything she did. As long as it was not excessive, she would turn a blind eye.

Nearly a month later, Yuan Su and others finally arrived in Funan. Local officials had arranged accommodation for the group. Cao Gehai's residence was a spacious three-in mansion, which had been used by successive chief envoys. Every detail was exquisite.

The courtyard arranged for Yuan Su was much smaller and not very beautiful. Yuan Xin showed his disdain as soon as he walked in. How could a rich, elegant and handsome man live in a shabby place?
Cheng Xiaosi looked around and found that it was indeed much smaller. There was not even a spacious yard, and the two children could not escape. Xiao Chengli, who had agreed to live together on the way, saw this situation and said Taking people out to find a place to live, which is not spacious to begin with, makes their stay even more crowded. The officials who followed were also a little embarrassed. The main reason was that they didn't know that there were so many people. Most of the people who took office were a family of three and four with a few waiters. Who knew that Mr. Yuan also brought his second uncle and cousin with him? Come together, brother?
There are also a lot of people waiting on you.

Cheng Xiaosi spoke, "I'll put it here for now. There's no need to take out everything."

He said to Xiao Chengli: "Cousin, in this situation, you can only take the trouble to take people out to stay in an inn. The first priority is to find a big house, preferably a new one that doesn't need to be repaired. The price is not an issue, so we can move there as soon as possible."

Seeing that the other party did not hide his dislike for the house at all, and the accompanying officials were not very happy, Grandma Guan immediately ordered everyone, "Sweep the house out immediately, and the main room is tidied up. The county master is tired and needs to rest."

County Lord?

The official had a suspicious look on his face and was too embarrassed to ask. Seeing that his servants were already well-trained and busy, Nanny Guan glanced at him again, stepped forward and said politely, "Master Wu, it's not that you dislike the government's arrangements. The house is not good, because there are so many people here, the house is really crowded for us. "

"Mr. Wu, please rest assured that all expenses such as the new house purchase will be borne by our county head, and we will not trouble the government."

Mr. Wu was a sixth-rank petty official, and he was even more curious when he heard her say "county lord". He hurriedly bowed his hands and was polite, and then asked who the county lord was.

Aunt Guan said: "The head of my county is the daughter of Uncle Shunyi, the head of Fu'an county personally named by the emperor, and the wife of the fifth son of the Yuan family."

Master Wu hurriedly saluted Cheng Xiaosi, his attitude was much more polite than before. Cheng Xiaosi smiled lightly and said, "Master Wu, there is no need to be polite. We have just come here and everything is unknown. Please give us some advice from Master Wu in the future."

"I dare not. If the county lord has any needs, please let me know at any time. The county lord wants to buy a house, and he happens to know a place. The house is gorgeous and spacious. It is a villa belonging to a wealthy businessman in the city. If the county lord doesn't mind, It can be rented, and the lower official can speak to the county lord about this matter."

I have to say that things like titles are indeed easier to use. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Master Wu said yes, it is not bad, as long as it can accommodate so many of us and there is still room for children to play." It’s a place you can’t ask for.”

"Jifeng, you go with Mr. Wu, be more polite, give him enough money, and don't take advantage of others."

Jifeng stood up, and Cheng Xiaosi added, "This manager Jifeng is our chief manager and can make full decisions on our behalf."

Ji Feng rolled his eyes and straightened his back immediately, "Grandpa God of Wealth, he has become a big boss like this. I really want to laugh. What if I can't hold it in anymore?"
Huahua glared at him, and Ji Feng suppressed his smile, stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Please take care of Mr. Wu in the future."

Mr. Wu returned the favor politely, and then Ji Feng pointed to two people and took them out together with Mr. Wu. He was now the boss, so he must have the dignity and dignity of a boss. He must also take two errands with him.

(End of this chapter)

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