Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 523 No wonder he was suppressed by the emperor

Chapter 523 No wonder he was suppressed by the emperor

Businessmen have a wide network of contacts. Perhaps even Cheng Daqi can't remember how many people he met during those years of doing business. After going round and round, Cheng Xiaosi's blessing finally came to him.

Mrs. Qiao always had a premonition that she would hug her thick thighs, and she unconsciously became familiar with Cheng Xiaosi, "My master said that my uncle is a true-hearted person, he is upright, and he will not do what he promised. I am very impressed by my uncle's character."

She talked a lot without being nervous or stammering. She was talking about what Cheng Daqi was doing. Cheng Xiaosi listened to her with a smile. They had just come here and it was always good to make more friends.

Who knows if it can be used in the future?
"My father did travel all over the world to do business, but when he returned home, he rarely mentioned business matters. As for Boss Qiao, I never heard him mention it. However, my brother Xu will be here soon. He I learned business from my father very early, maybe I know Boss Qiao.”

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "But whether or not we have a friendship in the past will not affect the future. It is not known whether we will cooperate in the future."

Mrs. Qiao beamed, "Mrs. Yuan said that if we can have the opportunity to do business with uncle again, it would be a blessing for our Qiao family."

"By the way, does Madam still have the habit of living in this courtyard?"

Some words are too much to talk about, but Mrs. Qiao quickly changed the subject, "This house is not big, and it is not small. When I came here today, I wanted to visit Mrs. Yuan first, and I wanted to pay my respects to Mrs. Yuan; besides, this house It has been unoccupied for a long time, so there may be some inconveniences. The house has graciously given us enough rent money, so we have the responsibility to come and ask if there is anything we need to repair. "

"This house is very good. The people below have cleaned it and there are no problems. All that's left is to add some small items. The steward of the house will make arrangements for it."

Cheng Xiaosi thought for a while and said that there are still a few rough servants to sweep the house. Although they were hired temporarily for three years, not everyone can come in. "If Mrs. Qiao has a way, please introduce a few. "

Mrs. Qiao immediately took over the job, "Master Yuan will be promoted and leave in three years. If he buys someone else, he will have to change hands at that time. Not to mention the trouble, the people hired from outside don't understand the rules and will have to teach them. It’s not practical to use.”

"If Mrs. Yuan can trust me, I will call a few honest and hard-working people from the Qiao family. This will save a lot of trouble."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at Aunt Fang, who immediately stepped forward and said, "If Mrs. Qiao's house has enough manpower, we can temporarily lend five people to help the servants and a gardener come over. When people arrive at our house, Yue We are responsible for the money.”

Mrs. Qiao happily agreed, exchanged some greetings and returned the favor before going back to make arrangements. Aunt Fang said that in fact, it might be more reassuring for them to find them themselves. Cheng Xiaosi said: "It's just a few servants, and there are no more people in our house." There is no secret hidden. Once the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard are separated, who can go and where will be stipulated. Nothing can go wrong. And if Mrs. Qiao wants to stick together, give her a chance. Didn't I say that? The local wealthy people always have their time.”

"We need to figure out the situation in this city as soon as possible, and Mrs. Qiao is a good candidate."

The merchant's wife must be very knowledgeable about the relationships in the city, and she may or may not be able to play a big role. She knows more than the kind of person who doesn't leave the house for a year and a half and works as a living Bodhisattva in the house.

Aunt Fang knew about it and didn't waste any time. She immediately contacted Ji Feng and made arrangements for the manpower in the mansion. The rules that should be established must also be established. As for the safety of the mansion, she is not worried at all. The Xiao family is here Woolen cloth.

After Xiao Chengli settled down, he disappeared. He took someone to the teahouse to inquire about the news. He also said that he wanted to contact acquaintances here. Cheng Xiaosi didn't care about him and could do whatever he wanted. In the evening of Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Su sent someone back with a message, saying that he was going to have a drink so that he didn't have to wait for him to eat.

Yuan Xin snorted and said, "Don't worry about him. I'm afraid I'm going to spend the most recent time at the wine table. I'll send someone to find out what fun things there are in the city. I'll take my two grandchildren out to play." What are people doing in the mansion all day long?"

Cheng Xiaosi nodded and gave him a letter, "Someone just sent it here. It was said that the person who came was arranged by my father. He is from the Yuan family and will be here tomorrow."

"For this kind of thing, my second uncle must take action."

Yuan Xin took it and read it casually, then tore it up directly, "These people are just pretentious. They come directly to the door when they come. Why do you write letters? Why do you have to invite them?"

"Whether I'm here to love you or not, let me tell you, these people say they are here to help, but in fact they are here to ask for help. Do you think they are here to work as errands and guards for you? You don't need to be so polite to them."

Some people in the Yuan family didn't get the honors or didn't make it to the last step. They wanted to get an official position through regular channels but had no chance, so they changed their ways. As long as anyone in the family was sent to be an official, they would follow them. As long as they work well, they can get a good position.

The imperial court also turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, and the emperor would not care. Firstly, the official positions that could be placed were not high, secondly, he could only handle errands, and thirdly, as the emperor, he could not give too good salary to the officials. We should always let people think of ways to get some benefits from their treatment.

Cheng Xiaosi clicked his tongue, it is not easy to provide students from poor families. Just like the Yuan family, one person can be an official and lead many people to eat the royal food. These people actively work for Yuan Su, but Yuan Su gets the benefits and then turns around. Drive them.

If the family is prosperous and prosperous, with five or six people in high positions, how many of the clan members will need to be mobilized?
They have a place in the high positions in the court, and the low-ranking officials below also belong to them. No wonder the emperor spares no effort to suppress these big families. It can be said that these big families operate in this way, almost squeezing out the living space of those poor students.

But Cheng Xiaosi was a person with vested interests, so he could only work hard to forge ahead together, and he was determined not to be taken over by the emperor.

Yuan Su came back in the middle of the night, smelling of alcohol, and fell asleep on the bed before he could wash up. Cheng Xiaosi had no choice but to think about how difficult it was for him, so he could only accept his fate and wash up for him.

Yuan Su left again early the next morning. When he learned that people from the clan had arrived, he just asked Yuan Xin to handle it on his behalf.

After he took the lead, Mrs. Qiao brought the servants of the Qiao family to report. At the same time, she handed the deeds of sale of those servants to Aunt Fang. Aunt Fang secretly said that she had done everything well. After taking the deeds, she said: "When we leave, we will all return it."

Mrs. Qiao didn't care about this. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to say a few more words to Cheng Xiaosi, but when the people from the Yuan family came, she had no choice but to leave first.

(End of this chapter)

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