Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 526 My heart feels so cold, so cold

Chapter 526 My heart feels so cold, so cold
Aunt Guan found Xiao Chengli and secretly released Cheng Xiaosi's identity. In this way, people who were interested got the news within a few days. If she was the wife of Yuan Shenzheng, everyone would not think it was a big deal, but Uncle Shunyi His daughter, the emperor's personally named Princess of Fu'an County, and the biological sister of the young lady in General Niu's residence. With the blessings of his status, Cheng Xiaosi suddenly became very popular.

Even Yuan Su got involved. People who don't know him well only know that he is a descendant of the Yuan family, and his father is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. To be able to participate in politics from the fourth rank on the spot at this age must have been blessed by his family, and now he has The son-in-law of Uncle Shunyi, the husband of the county lord, the general's brother-in-law, the civil servants and generals were all related to him. The local officials looked at him differently, their attitude was warm, and they were able to handle things more easily.

It can be seen that Cheng Daqi's name is more useful than Yuan Pei's in some cases. The Yuan family does have a good foundation, but Cheng Daqi has been favored by the emperor for many years.

"Look, doesn't this situation suddenly open up?"

Cheng Xiaosi felt very comfortable, "The right does not expire and become invalid. If these reputations can make our lives smoother, why should we hide them?"

It was rare that Yuan Su had a rest today, so he sat happily and let Cheng Xiaosi wipe his freshly washed hair, "I'm proud of my father-in-law and my wife again. I'll look for two good things in the city to give to my father-in-law." "

He didn't feel that he was embarrassed to be involved with his father-in-law and his wife. On the contrary, he felt proud of it. "If you reveal your identity, you will be less troubled. You will be able to work better in the future. I will try to get a promotion after I return." , I will give you a favor when the time comes."

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, "Well, I don't know what it feels like to be Mrs. Gaoming yet. You must work hard. You don't have to worry about these things in the house. I can do it."

"If I can't do it, I still have my second uncle."

Yuan Su said 'hmm', and the two of them talked and laughed. Yuan Xin, who came with his two grandchildren, saw this scene and snorted again, "Three boys from the clan are coming to see you today. You Clean up, don’t be too casual.”

Yuan Su nodded, "Second uncle has been working hard recently. Someone gave me a rare scented tea two days ago. It is very novel. I brought it back to my second uncle."

"You are somewhat filial."

Cheng Xiaosi hurriedly said that Mrs. Qichang Hou said that there was a magical spring in the city. "The spring water kept flowing out. It was very interesting. She asked me to go see it together. I am going to take my second uncle and two children to see what's new." Want to go?”

"Of course I want to go."

Yuan Xin loves novelty. Although he is very willing to take care of his grandson, it does not prevent him from wanting to go out.

Yuan Su said: "In the coming spring, Zhuan'er and Xiaoyu will be four years old. When they reach the age of enlightenment, please invite a gentleman to come into the house to enlighten them."

"In addition, I plan to ask for two children from a branch of the clan to accompany Zhuan'er. I asked brother-in-law Erniu to help me choose two children from the military household to be my companions and guards. Xiaoyu also wants to have his own little girl, in addition to his mother. Of the two previously arranged, I thought I’d choose two from military households, and they’d still need to be good at fists and kicks. “

Yuan Xin thought this arrangement was good, "Then we should go to the news early and send the child as soon as possible. He also needs to be educated, and the government must hire a martial arts master."

Xiaosi didn't speak during the whole process. She knew her own affairs well, and she would not easily interfere in the education of the two children when someone thought more carefully than him.

Yuan Xin's eyes fell on her, "Children will have to suffer a little when they are enlightened. Even if you feel sorry for them, you can't show them in front of them."

Cheng Xiaosi.
"Second uncle, please don't wipe your tears secretly."

I don't know who will cry happily when the time comes.

After tying up Yuan Su's hair and patting his shoulder to indicate that it was okay, Yuan Su stood up and followed Yuan Xin to the front yard. The people in the clan had already arrived, and they were all waiting for Yuan Su to arrange an errand for them.

The two children stayed in the yard. Cheng Xiaosi let them play by themselves. Bian'er quickly ran over and hugged his legs, "Mom, where are you taking us to play?"

Xiaoyu also ran over, Cheng Xiaosi sat down, and the two children squeezed into her legs to sit. Cheng Xiaosi felt so heavy and overwhelmed, "There is a lady who belongs to Uncle Qi Chang's house in the city. Does the Earl know? , just like her grandfather, she invited us to see the spring water that spewed out from her. When you see people, you must be polite, don't run around, and tell your mother where you are going. "We are not familiar with this place yet." If you run away, I won’t know where to find you.”

The two children looked surprised and kept asking why the spring water spurted out by itself, how it spurted out, whether it was hot or cold, and whether they could drink it.
Cheng Xiaosi.
If you can't answer, you look stupid.

The two wet nurses spontaneously stood far away, as if they were afraid of being seen by the two little ancestors. The two babies, who had just sat for a while, happily took Cheng Xiaosi's hand and said, "Mom, I'm going to catch ants."

Xiaoyu said, "No, mother wants to go see fish with me."

"Catch ants."

"Go see the fish."

Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath and said that he wanted to be a good mother, "Then let's catch ants first and then go see the fish?"

"No, look at the fish first."

"Catch the ants first."

The two quarreled again, and the little fish stabbed his belly, "I said to see the fish first."

For a moment, she seemed to see herself and Cheng Yousan, "You guys are playing rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins will listen."

The brother and sister competed for a while, the one who won was happy, the one who lost was shameless, and soon they got involved. Cheng Xiaosi silently stroked his forehead, didn't he say that he wanted to teach him to be a handsome young man? Zhuan'er wanted to jump up to the tree. Does posture have anything to do with Mr. Pianpian?
Did she trust her second uncle too much?

"Mom, let's go climb a tree."

"Aren't you going to catch ants?"

"Climb up the tree and catch it."

Yuan Su and Yuan Xin went to the front yard for more than an hour, and Cheng Xiaosi was mentally tortured by the two children for more than an hour. His thoughts changed from time to time, and finally he played hide-and-seek in the yard and played with the dragon tail again. The two good brothers and sisters quarreled again, and even asked Cheng Xiaosi about death. If he likes his brother or his sister, he had to choose one. Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "Do you like me or your father?"

"We love mothers."

Cheng Xiaosi said: "This doesn't count. I can't answer it until your father is present."

God, she finally found a way to restrain these two children, that is, to be more difficult than them.

In order to take a break, he reluctantly asked Zhuan'er, "Tell me, do you like your mother more or your father more?"

Brick tilted his head, and Cheng Xiaosi immediately said in an exaggerated manner, "Look, you hesitated. You must like your father more. I..."

“My heart feels so cold, so cold, woo woo woo~~~”

(End of this chapter)

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