Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 529 Yuan Sijin is ready to abandon Liu Muyun

Chapter 529 Yuan Sijin is ready to abandon Liu Muyun

Xiao Yuan cried, being made angry by Zhuan'er and Xiao Yu.

After Jiang Ren cried in anger, the brother and sister turned around and ran away. Angry, Cheng Xiaosi turned around and went to catch them. After chasing them for a long time, they were caught with the help of servants in the mansion.

After talking to the two of them for a long time, they took him back. This time they behaved well. First they bowed to Yuan Sijin's aunt in a decent manner, and then called her cousin.

Xiao Yuan, who was 'humiliated', turned away from them. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and stepped forward to coax him. Yuan Sijin also coaxed him. It took him a while to coax him, but he still didn't want to be with Brick and Xiaoyu. Playing together, Yuan Sijin couldn't do anything to her and kept holding her in his arms.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled at the side, guessing that he just woke up and was not energetic yet. It is normal for little girls to be more delicate.

Yuan Sijin looked at Cheng Xiaosi apologetically, "It was not easy for me to give birth to Xiao Yuan. I almost risked my life, so I couldn't help but want to be nicer to Xiao Yuan. I also knew that I was too arrogant, but I couldn't bear to let her suffer. ”

Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "My mother often regrets that she should have taken care of you when you gave birth to Xiao Yuan, otherwise she wouldn't have let you suffer such a heavy pain."

Liu Muyun's parents only had one son, so they naturally followed him to take office. Liu's mother was not someone who treated her daughter-in-law harshly, not to mention Yuan Sijin's status, and she couldn't afford to treat her too harshly. But after all, she lived in a small place and her horizons were limited. Although she was in Yuan Sijin was extremely considerate when giving birth to the child, but there were still some oversights. Not only was the birth extremely dangerous, but the confinement period was also not done well, and the body was not well-conditioned.

"It's just me who's not considerate. I've been assigned a mother-in-law to take care of things. If I hadn't been so worried, I wouldn't be like this. I don't blame anyone, just blame me for not having the ability."

Yuan Sijin smiled and said, "My mother-in-law is pretty good to me, really."

She patted Xiao Yuan gently. Maybe she was too tired from the car ride. Xiao Yuan looked like she was going to sleep just after waking up. She dismissed the people who were waiting on her and asked them to help clean up her apartment while she She was talking to Cheng Xiaosi. She had so many things she wanted to say, and some words had been on her mind for a long time.

In fact, her life is not that good. This is caused by the huge gap between the two families. The Liu family has no foundation and no family property. When she takes office, everything she spends is with her money. The Liu family feels guilty. She was respected, but the Liu family did not help Liu Muyun's career at all. On the contrary, there were many people who were holding him back.

"Even my mother-in-law said that many relatives she didn't know about seemed to appear all of a sudden. Those people could come to seek refuge without even saying hello. They didn't even have the slightest ability to rely on them and hope to become successful. When people come, their skills There is no extra money in the house, so we all rely on us for food and drink. Sister-in-law, I am really tired of this kind of life. "

"We are dragging our families here in rags. The Liu family has to live in their hometown, so we can't just drive them away. My mother-in-law's temperament is softer than mine. My father-in-law has to take into account Xiaoyuan's father's official reputation, and he feels that The Liu family was weak and needed help from their clan members, and those people held him up high. They even quarreled with Xiao Yuan's father several times over this, and Xiao Yuan's father couldn't do anything about it. That was his father. , It can be said that our life as a couple is extremely stressful.”

Xiao Yuan fell asleep, and Yuan Sijin kept holding her, his voice softer, "Fifth sister-in-law, I regret it so much."

At that time, all the love and affection had been wasted on annoying trivial matters, and Yuan Sijin was exhausted. Cheng Xiaosi still understood her. After all, the gap between the family backgrounds of the two families was really too big. For Yuan Sijin, It is said that after the passion of love fades, the gap is huge. Her previous life was full of flowers. She thought about what to wear and where to go to banquets every day. The poorest people she met were probably the servants in the mansion. Liu Muyun was different. He was a golden phoenix flying out of the ravines. He Carrying the hope of his family, he has many tribesmen behind him who are counting on him to carry him. His life is not peaceful, and his tribesmen will not allow him to fly high alone, and they will hold him back even to death.

"My second uncle has been helping Liu Muyun, so the Liu family's life is not so tight."

Yuan Sijin married into the Liu family, and the Yuan family had tried their best to eliminate hidden dangers for her, so that she could live happily and have no worries about food and drink.

Yuan Sijin smiled bitterly, "The second uncle of the Cheng family has indeed helped a lot, but there are also many places to spend money in office, and the Liu family has got into trouble and needs to spend money to settle it. It's true, talking about the Liu family makes my heart choke. "I'm so worried. If I could buy peace with money, I wouldn't be so irritable. Sometimes when I get angry, I really want to kill every one of the Liu family."

Cheng Xiaosi was a little surprised. Before she could say anything, Yuan Sijin said to her fiercely, "I want to take the child back to the capital. Out of sight, out of mind."

This was the reason why she came in such a hurry. Cheng Xiaosi asked hurriedly, "Why, are you so upset that you no longer want Liu Muyun?"

Yuan Sijin nodded, "I brought my dowry back to the capital. I bought a spacious and beautiful house and took the little kite to live there. I also followed my mother's example and gave him a concubine. The children born in the concubine will not matter whether they are boys. All women must be sent to me, even if I have one more child.”

"Sister-in-law, I really don't want to have another child. Even if I can give birth to a child, I won't. I don't want to feel that kind of despair again. I don't want to deal with those messy things in the Liu family anymore. I'm going far away. ,Out of sight out of mind."

Cheng Xiaosi.
"I'll take what you said as angry words. This is a big deal. I'm very tired just after arriving today. You can rest for two more days and then we can have a good talk. Liu Muyun has nothing wrong with him, right?"

"If you still insist on doing this after we talk in a few days, I will definitely stand by your side. If it can be saved, I will accompany you to think of a way. I don't think this is a big deal. Let's find a way together. We can definitely put the Liu family in order, but if that doesn’t work, send your parents-in-law back to their hometown. Without them, the Liu family would still dare to cause trouble? "

"Don't worry, we still have elders here, and my second uncle will definitely stand up for you."

After some persuasion, Yuan Sijin was finally appeased. At this time, the house they lived in was also tidied up. Cheng Xiaosi took her to wash and rest first, and then left after she was settled.

In the evening, Xiao Yuan and Zhuan'er Xiaoyu became familiar with each other. They ran with the two brothers and sisters for a long time. Their faces were flushed and their hair was half wet. Yuan Sijin felt a little distressed. Yuan Xin said: "It's like this after just running." Excessive sweating is obviously a sign of weakness. It's okay for a girl to be a bit squeamish, but she shouldn't be too spoiled. Just wash her off after a while. "

Yuan Su also came back at this time. When the brother and sister met, Yuan Sijin's eyes turned red again. After saying a few words, Cheng Xiaosi asked everyone to eat, "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after dinner. Come quickly, everything you have done today is It’s what you like, I don’t know if your preference has changed.”

(End of this chapter)

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