Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 534 Why do we attract so much attention?

Chapter 534 Why do we attract so much attention?

"Have you given everything away?"

At the residence of Mr. Wang, the governor of Funan, Mrs. Wang still looked pained, "I sent them all away, but the county heads didn't feel happy at all. The mask on her head is not inferior to the one I sent. It is said that Uncle Shunyi is unparalleled in wealth and wealth, and the Yuan family has a profound foundation. How could she fall short of this? "

"After accepting my favor, I gave Xiang'er a bracelet, this is it."

When the bracelet arrived in Master Wang's hand, she knew it was rare and top quality without even looking at it. Mrs. Wang took a deep breath and said, "The price of this bracelet is more expensive than mine. What's this?"

Rather than saying that Mrs. Wang wants to win over Cheng Xiaosi, it is better to say that Mr. Wang wants to win over Yuan Su. Giving Cheng Xiaosi jewelry is nothing more than asking for directions. Who knew that Cheng Xiaosi could be so rich?

Governor Wang felt that the gift was not valuable enough. It was Mrs. Wang who was stingy. "There are people who don't love money. The more senior people are, they also like unique and rare things. Even jewelry must be rare treasures. Isn't there more in the mansion?" A gemstone necklace from overseas? Give it to her when you can."

Mrs. Wang's heart ached even more, everyone wants good things, and the rarer they are, the more reluctant they are to take them out. Governor Wang said: "If you don't want to give up, you won't be able to trap the wolf. If my matter is found out by Yuan Shenzheng, I will have nothing." "

Mrs. Wang nodded, her heart bleeding at the thought of such a good thing being given away.

The next day, Mrs. Wang personally came to talk to Cheng Xiaosi. Her words were very polite. At the right time, she casually mentioned a necklace, "It's not worth much, it just looks good. I'm in love with the county boss." "When I saw this necklace yesterday, I thought it would be very suitable for the County Lord to wear it. No, I came over today and brought it to the County Lord."

As soon as the box was opened, Cheng Xiaosi knew that it was a rare item. Although she didn't seem to know much, she had rich experience in buying jewelry and had seen many good things. It was really difficult for her to get ordinary jewelry. I took a closer look at the necklace and said, "It must have come from overseas. It has an exotic feel and the materials used are very particular. The gemstones inlaid on it are rare and polished, and they are about the same size."

"I do have a pair that is similar to this one. Instead of that one, it is a set. I also have an armband and a bracelet. I even made a set of clothes to match it."

This reaction was completely different from the last time she saw the jewelry. Mrs. Wang's heart was bleeding and she felt that this person really had a very discerning eye and a big appetite. It seemed that she didn't like this thing very much.

"I don't really understand these things, I just think they look very nice."

Cheng Xiaosi casually put the necklace back into the box, "Madam, I don't understand, but I know it very well. This thing is not cheap, and I don't get remuneration for nothing. How can I accept such an expensive gift from Madam?"

Now that Mrs. Wang had brought the thing over, she didn't think about taking it back. She could only try to make sure that the thing had no use and was just for Cheng Xiaosi to play with. Cheng Xiaosi reluctantly accepted it.

As soon as they left, Cheng Xiaosi took the necklace and went to Yuan Xin, "My cousin's people have been watching the Cao family. This Mrs. Wang also entered the Cao family's door with a gift. When she came out, the things had been By staying, it seems that he wants to use his benefits to corrupt us and drag us into the water.”

Yuan Xin glanced at the necklace casually, "Since it was sent to you, accept it and see what they want to do."

"Of course I have to accept it."

She won't refuse forcefully, as that will only force others to think of new ways, making her unable to guard against them.

When Yuan Su came back in the evening and learned about this, he just asked Cheng Xiaosi to register and put away the things he received separately. "If she comes to deliver them, you can accept them." Cheng Xiaosi nodded clearly. Madam began to frequently ask Cheng Xiaosi out, but there was never Mrs. Cao when there was Cheng Xiaosi, and there was never her when there was Mrs. Cao. Mrs. Wang took them to some very high-end places, as long as they saw more Everything they took a look at would be delivered to their respective homes. Mrs. Wang even took Cheng Xiaosi to the theater to listen to a play, and secretly asked the young boys in the theater to hook up with Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Xiaosi accepted all the orders, and if someone invited She appreciates a handsome man, will she refuse?

"The young man introduced to me today is very handsome, and his eyes are very attractive. Oh my, if I keep going like this, I'm afraid I will get stuck in it and be manipulated by her."

After returning home, Cheng Xiaosi and Yuan Su joked. Yuan Su stroked his forehead and said, "They say the water in the court is deep, and it's not bad in this place. There is a woman who frequently appears in front of me these days. This woman knows that I "Everything he does is to cater to me but is quite alienated from me. This is to attract my attention."

"Why do we, as a couple, attract so much attention?"

Holding Cheng Xiaosi's waist, "Is that boy as good-looking as me?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and asked, "Which woman can I know your preferences?"

The couple looked at each other and smiled. They were a wealthy couple. If she wanted money, all she had to do was ask, and someone from her family would naturally give it to her; The beauty trap used by most women has little effect on him, but I don't know what happened to Cao Gehai and Mrs. Cao.

As Cao Gehai, who has a higher official position than Yuan Su, has more methods against him. It is not surprising that he falls into a trap as long as his confidence is not firm.

Yuan Su wrote a letter back to the capital and told Yuan Pei what happened here. At the same time, he hoped that his father could tell his father-in-law about the matter, because there were some things that his father-in-law said that his father could never say.

When Yuan Pei received the letter, he felt mixed emotions. This kind of thinking about asking his father-in-law to do everything made him feel useless. Even though he was still in a high position, he could no longer help his son. Fortunately, he was not an impulsive person. He also understood the priorities of the matter and gave the letter to Cheng Daqi. Cheng Daqi was curious, "Who is the backer behind this governor Wang?"

Yuan Pei lowered his voice, "King Rongxiang."

He only figured this out recently.

"This Wang Hui is the money bag of King Ronxiang, and he is very valued by King Ronxiang. You must know how rich the salt merchants in Funan are. In the early years, they were the losers of wealth. That is, in recent years, Qingyan Far better than sea salt, which is why Funan’s sea salt is not as crowded as before.”

"Green salt is in the hands of the emperor. It is the most profitable business in the hands of the emperor. King Rongxiang has lost his sea salt and is even more dependent on Wang Hui."

"As for Uncle Qi Chang, he has lost the emperor's heart. He said that he is in charge of the salt administration, but the salt administration has long been controlled by Wang Zhi, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Cheng Daqi was suddenly curious, "Did you tell my son-in-law these things before he set off?"

He guessed not, he could tell from Yuan Su's letter.

Yuan Pei glared at him, "That's my biological son. If I knew this in advance, could I not tell him?"

Cheng Daqi said, "You are such a good father."

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