Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 538 The situation is suddenly going to be chaotic

Chapter 538 The situation is suddenly going to be chaotic

"You can go to Funan. I'm a little worried about Xiao Si's presence."

In Shunyi Bo's Mansion, Cheng Daqi was sitting at the main table having tea. He was very supportive of Cheng Yiyi's decision to go to Funan.

"Funan is a good place, and it has always been a place we wanted to go to in the past few years. It's a pity that that place is not easy to enter if you want to." Cheng Youyi was eager to try, "My brother-in-law has been to that place for half a year, so he should be familiar with the local situation. If you understand, maybe it will work this time.”

Cheng Yiyi's physique is a bit confusing. He wasn't that interested in doing business before, but money followed him like it had grown legs. In the past two years, he started working hard to make money, but he even suffered losses. Fortunately, Make more money than you lose.

And he was becoming more and more interested in making money. Cheng Daqi even talked to him privately and wanted to train him. With his current power, there would be no problem in getting his son to become a minor official. But Cheng Yi was unwilling and said he felt uncomfortable.

"I'll leave after the Chinese New Year, and I'll leave it to Yuqian in advance."

Cheng Youqian said there was no problem at all, and said with a smile: "If the Xiao's Escort Agency can successfully open in Funan, then the business road to the city will be opened along the way. Our elder brother can help connect the sales of this business road. Our annual profits can be increased by at least 20%.”

Cheng Yiyi also meant the same thing. Seeing these two outstanding men in the house, brothers Cheng Daqi and Cheng Dachuan were very happy. Suddenly they heard the sound of urgent footsteps. They looked up and saw that it was Yuan Pei who was coming. Yuan Pei had a look on his face. I was so nervous that I didn't even say hello to everyone when I entered the door. I said, "Uncle, Second Master Cheng, let's talk in the study."

The two brothers Cheng Daqi stood up and led people to the study without asking anything. After closing the door, Yuan Pei lowered his voice and said, "The emperor is seriously ill. The imperial doctor said he was poisoned."

He had just come out of the palace, and his heart was pounding.

The two brothers Cheng Daqi were shocked, "We were fine a few days ago, but this..."

"Who did it?"

Yuan Pei shook his head and said that the fight between the prince and the third prince had come to light. The prince wanted to take over the emperor's palace, but the third prince refused to agree. At this time, the fifth prince also jumped out, "The fifth prince's uncle, General Min, is here." Even if the queen wants to control the emperor's palace, she won't give in even an inch. "

The three princes restrained each other, and no one was willing to let the other take the upper hand.

Cheng Daqi's heart has reached rock bottom. The power of the Cheng family comes from the emperor, and they are not fully prepared to deal with the change of weather. Unless the fifth prince ascends the throne, either the prince or the third prince will try to manipulate Cheng. Home.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that King Rongxiang has entered the palace. As the emperor's younger brother and the elder of the princes, he has more say.

Cheng Daqi's heart almost burst. Not long ago, Yuan Pei had told him about King Rongxiang. He mentioned Funan to the emperor again, and immediately lowered his voice, "Could it be that the emperor wants to divide Funan?" Take action in the south, Rong Xiang will be king of him"

The following words were not spoken, but everyone present knew what they meant. Yuan Pei shook his head, who knows such a thing?
"Uncle, this situation is going to be chaotic. How do you and I need to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible?"

Whether it is to clean up the team or to thank guests behind closed doors, there must be a method.

A few people discussed for a while, and it can be said that there seems to be no good way except to support the fifth prince, but it is easy to say, they have no military power, and what they can do is very limited. Cheng Daqi gritted his teeth, "In my opinion, saving the emperor is the most important thing. of."

If he was given another chance to save the emperor, he would definitely be able to lay the foundation for the prosperity of the Cheng family. Yuan Pei did not speak, and kept thinking with a slight frown. When it came to the cunning brother Cheng Daqi, he was no match for him. He could climb to the position of Minister of Household Affairs despite years of pressure from the emperor, and he had been sitting in this position for many years. How could he not have any skills? possible.

In the end, Yuan Pei decided on a two-pronged strategy, pretending to be entangled with the team on the surface, secretly trying to figure out what kind of poison the emperor was poisoned and where to find the antidote, and at the same time, he also ensured that the princes would not be poisoned after the emperor woke up. Let's work together to deal with them. If the emperor is gone, they can still successfully protect themselves.

It is not easy to take advantage of everything. Brothers Yuan Pei and Cheng Daqi discussed until dawn. The reason why they did not go to General Niu was firstly to avoid suspicion, and secondly because they knew the position of the Niu family. They were only loyal to the emperor.

The chaos began in the middle of the court on the third day of the New Year. No one in the court had any intention of celebrating the New Year, and everyone became busy.

At the same time, Cheng Xiaosi was talking to Hua Bao in the quiet time, "We are celebrating the New Year, how about we rest for a few days?"

Hua Bao is impatient and wants to continue eavesdropping in a hurry. You must know that eavesdropping is addictive. If you don't eavesdrop on something, you will always feel uneasy. Cheng Xiaosi thinks that he has a habit of eavesdropping.

"Whoever discusses these things during the New Year is celebrating the New Year rejoicing."

The timing is wrong.

"Xiaosi, please leave it alone. I'll stay here one night and see if you're going to have a banquet the day after tomorrow. I'll be at home the day after tomorrow." '

After saying that, he left without stopping at all.

It wanted to see if there was any excitement in Governor Wang's house and was anxious.

Cheng Xiaosi looked at the direction it was leaving and murmured a few words, then went to talk to Yuan Sijin again.

Xiao Chengli didn't go home either. The Xiao family's escort bureau was open, but there was no business. Merchants in the city had fixed escort agencies to cooperate with them. Those escort agencies had been here for a long time, so it was natural for new escort agencies to have a hard time.

"There are a few people who want to hire us as escorts. Some of them gave us deposits, but they were later refunded. Needless to say, it was the other two families in the city who were in the way. It's not easy for foreign monks like us to chant sutras."

Even if this was done in the name of Yuan Su, it wouldn't be easy. They are all smart people. They know that you will leave in a few years, so who would offend the local gangsters for you.

Yuan Su asked if he needed to come forward himself. Xiao Chengli waved his hand and said that he already had a plan and was going to visit someone in a few days. If everything went well, he would be able to solve the current dilemma. Yuan Su didn't force it, just If you have anything to do, just talk to him.

The three boys from the Yuan family didn't go back to celebrate the New Year, so they were all invited over by Cheng Xiaosi. These people couldn't take any time off, so they started talking about the situation in the city, their respective difficulties, and giving each other advice. They were all about the same age. The young people are very good at talking things together.

The three of them respected Cheng Xiaosi very much. When Cheng Xiaosi was happy, he said that he would invite them to the capital later. One thing is that everyone found that she was easy to talk to and didn't have any small thoughts. She would definitely help if she said she wanted to help, and she didn't have so many twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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