Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 543: Being robbed of credit

Chapter 543: Being robbed of credit

Yuan Xin has met many girls, including many passionate ones, but this is the first time for someone as frank and direct as the princess, who does not conceal her intentions at all.

Looking at Cheng Xiaosi, there was nothing Cheng Xiaosi could do. She had been forced to be busy, so she could only be busy.

"Second Master, are you afraid of me?"

Princess Chang An smiled at him and said, "I'm just strolling around the garden. Second Master, don't be afraid."

Yuan Xin
Cheng Xiaosi followed the princess with a solemn expression, as if he was about to go to the execution ground. Cheng Xiaosi sighed quietly. He didn't know what the princess's skills were. The second uncle's body had been more than thirty years old and he would not let it go easily.

"Xiaoyu, let's learn how to dial an abacus today, shall we?"

Xiaoyu nodded. Her brother no longer played with her, and she was very bored.

After several days in a row, the princess had no intention of leaving at all. She always found some reason to spend time with Yuan Xin alone every day. Yuan Xin also went from avoiding it to accepting it. He was no longer so repulsive and could talk to the princess. A few words.

At the same time, Xiao Chengli kept walking day and night, and finally handed the detoxifying grass into Cheng Daqi's hands, and then he fell down and fainted from exhaustion.

While Cheng Daqi was rescuing people, he also sent people to find Yuan Pei. Now several forces in the palace were fighting to check and balance each other, which gave the emperor a chance to breathe. The fifth prince knew that he was not strong enough, so he was preoccupied with saving the emperor and took the initiative to look for him. Cheng Daqi.

At this time, Cheng Daqi certainly couldn't refuse. After all, his purpose was to save the emperor.

The detoxifying herbs were obtained and quickly handed over to the fifth prince. An hour later, the antidote prepared by the imperial physician was fed into the emperor's mouth. The next step was to wait for a miracle to occur.

Cheng Daqi's life has been very difficult recently. News has spread that the emperor is seriously ill and in a coma. The prince is officially in charge of the country. He is the prince and has a legitimate name, so no one can say anything.

The prince took the power and was busy arranging his own manpower for the Chamber of Commerce. The third prince did not use his power. As long as the prince did not ascend the throne for a day, he would have a chance. And the fifth prince was playing the emotional card. He felt that he It will be impossible to deal with it.

Yuan Pei's life is also difficult. The prince does not allow him to sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. It's just that the time is not right now. If he waits for him to secure his position, Yuan Pei will definitely step down from this position.

General Niu has also been very nervous recently. Military power is the top priority, and the prince is keeping a close eye on him.

"Now I hope the emperor will wake up soon."

Cheng Daqi looked several years older, and the entire Cheng family was also very nervous, but they didn't say it out loud.

He felt that the fifth prince should be feasible, but the fifth prince was weak after all. After thinking about it again and again, he sighed deeply. If the emperor still couldn't wake up after drinking the antidote, he would choose to seek refuge with the prince.

Therefore, the prince quickly noticed Cheng Daqi's looseness, and Cheng Daqi also opened the door for the prince in the trading house, making the prince think that Cheng Daqi had fallen in love with him.

Cheng Daqi also knew that this method of trying to please both sides would not work, but there was really no better way. Just when he was so anxious that he could not sleep, the emperor woke up. The moment the emperor opened his eyes, the whole situation changed greatly. Cheng Daqi didn't know what happened in the palace. He only knew that the emperor had ordered that the court should be suspended for two days and that all officials did not need to enter the palace.

When the palace door opened again two days later, the thin and sunken-cheeked emperor sat on the dragon chair with a sullen face and said in a cold voice, "Prince Rongxiang has rebelled. I have punished him. I have removed the plaque from the palace and punished the entire palace."

Everyone knelt down in a hurry. The emperor glanced coldly at his three sons, and then officially began to deal with state affairs.

Only one sentence explained the ending of King Rongxiang. Cheng Daqi was sweating behind his back. That was King Rongxiang.

After the court came down, everyone felt that the wind that was blowing carried the vague smell of blood. No one was in the mood to whisper to each other, and they all started to do their jobs.

The prince's eyes swept over Cheng Daqi, and Cheng Daqi nodded politely. He was now particularly afraid that the fact that he handed over the antidote to the fifth prince would be revealed, and that he would offend both the fifth prince and the prince at the same time, and he didn't know how to solve the problem. .

The next day, the emperor's complexion and spirit improved a lot. He praised the fifth prince in front of all the civil and military officials and said that the fifth prince was benevolent and filial. He was able to wake up this time because the fifth prince took the trouble to find the antidote. , and rewarded him generously.

The fifth prince accepted the reward calmly. Yuan Pei quickly glanced at Cheng Daqi. Did the fifth prince directly take the credit?
Cheng Daqi felt very complicated. He was relieved at first. At this point, the fifth prince would never admit that the antidote was obtained from him. He also regretted that the fifth prince was not a good person.

"This directly classifies you as his. Only when you treat the other person as your subordinate can you enjoy the achievements of the people below with peace of mind."

In the evening, Yuan Pei went to have a drink with Cheng Daqi, and he felt a little disappointed. As ministers, they all hope that they can meet a capable emperor, but none of the emperor's three sons is outstanding.

Cheng Daqi smiled and said, "Anyway, the emperor is awake, which is a happy event for us."

Yuan Pei also nodded. This period of time was really difficult. He felt that his life might be in danger at any time. This court was really dangerous.

At this time, the emperor was listening to the information sent by the people below with a serious face. Although he was suddenly poisoned this time, the emperor had a way to protect himself. His Dark Dragon Guard was always there. The reason why people don’t dare to be too radical in their methods.

His subordinates told him everything that happened recently, and at the same time they took the time to check the source of the antidote. This matter was not difficult to find out. Many people knew that Xiao Chengli rushed into Beijing with a box on his back that day. You see it, you can find it out if you check carefully.

The emperor waved away the person who reported the report, his eyes full of disappointment, "Lao Wu, you are greedy for merit!"
He was not surprised at all by the actions of the crown prince and the third prince. He had also climbed to this position from the prince. If something happened to the previous emperor, they would definitely take action. The emperor was even somewhat satisfied with repaying them. At least They resisted King Rongxiang without causing any trouble in the court, and the government was running smoothly.

He originally had high hopes for Lao Wu.

It was another morning in the morning. The emperor handed over an errand that the prince and the third prince were competing for to the fifth prince. The fifth prince looked happy. The prince and the third prince looked at each other. The emperor looked unclear. Since he wanted to compete, Then put him on the bright side and see what his abilities are.

The news about the capital reached the hands of Yuan Su, and also reached the hands of Governor Wang and Qi Changbo. The two of them were in panic all day long, and went to Master Cao's door with a large number of gifts. At this time, Master Cao rushed to the door as quickly as possible. After Lian Yuansu found out that the matter was reported back to the capital, he looked at Governor Wang and Qi Changbo with very unkind eyes.

The two men have joined forces to control Funan over the years, embezzling countless amounts of imperial money, and are extremely corrupt. Two dams burst at the same time, flooding countless fertile fields and displacing people. They also concealed the true situation and tried to suppress the people with violence. It is really disgusting. !

(End of this chapter)

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