Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 551 The Yuan family is clean

Chapter 551 The Yuan family is clean

Mrs. Hu was devastated, and no one in the whole yard came forward to comfort her. At the same time, Yuan Heng knelt in front of Mrs. Yuan and told her all his plans. He had tried and worked hard, even if his children asked in the future. When he got up, he had a clear conscience.

Mrs. Yuan let out a long sigh, "I understand, business matters are important. You don't need to worry about these things in the back house."

After all, she was too soft-hearted.

"Mr. Wen's granddaughter returned to Beijing a few days ago. She has been widowed for three years. This time the Wen family brought her back and planned to find a husband for her. If you are interested, mother will find a way for you."

Yuan Heng shook his head. In fact, he was not keen on women, not to mention that a Hu family had already exhausted him mentally and physically, and he really didn't want to marry again.

"It is not a big problem if there is no woman to walk among the female relatives for the son. The son relies on his ability to establish himself in the officialdom. The son does not want to take concubines, nor does he want to bear the infamy of stopping his wife and remarrying."

The next day, Mrs. Yuan's mother-in-law came to Hu's yard, "Madam, from now on the two young masters will move to Ming'an Courtyard, and Miss Xuan'er will move to Xihua Pavilion, under the care of Madam herself."

"The young lady was impatient and moved to Shou'an Hall to take care of the small Buddhist hall for the old lady. She recited and copied scriptures every day to cultivate her moral character."

Mrs. Hu was completely panicked this time, "Mother, I want to see mother."

The visitor had an unkind look in his eyes and said, "Because you, Madam, have spoken indiscriminately, Madam has already gone to Shunyi Uncle's Mansion to apologize."

As he said this, he winked at the people who followed him and said, "Immediately help the three young masters pack their things and make them clean. If you move out today, you won't come back."

Xuan'er stood in the corridor, her eyes full of worry. Although she didn't like her mother, she didn't want her to be abandoned.

The visitor stepped forward with a smile on his lips, "Miss Xuan'er, would you like to go to Xihua Pavilion and have a look? If you feel something is inappropriate, have it corrected. The courtyard where you will live in the future should be more comfortable."

"Madam, you don't need to worry here. Reciting and copying scriptures is not difficult, and no one will dare to treat Madam harshly. She will come back when she wakes up."

Mrs. Hu seemed to have seen a savior and shouted for Xuan'er to plead for her, "I am your mother. If I lose you, you will fall into the trap of your stepmother..."

She was gagged before she finished speaking. Xuan'er saw resentment in her eyes, took a deep breath and led the people to Xihua Pavilion.

Vincent was in the school at the moment, and the remaining child was also carried away by the wet nurse. As for Hu's visitor, he said, "Just take off the hairpin and jewelry for the eldest young lady, and just put on two plain clothes."

There is no chance of success in the Buddhist temple. Mrs. Yuan did not want to abuse her daughter-in-law. She must suffer some hardships.

The housekeeping rights of the Yuan family returned to Mrs. Yuan's hands. She took Xuan'er with her every day to educate her carefully, and also taught Xuan'er how to manage the house. Gradually, she discovered that Xuan'er was not only smart but also had two skills. She was pleasantly surprised. Teach her carefully, joking that she is the little housekeeper of the Yuan family.

Without the Hu family as a monster, the Yuan family has returned to peace, and everything is developing in a good direction. At this time, Cheng Xiaosi was carrying out the money she had received, and gave the booklet to Yuan Su, "The things those officials sent are all here, take them away."

Under the auspices of Mr. Cao, the dikes were rebuilt using the people who had been affected by the disaster. Although the salary of twenty cents a day was not much, it was a large expense since there were many people involved.

Yuan Su left with the money and account books, which had to be handed over to Master Cao. Mrs. Cao also took out all the money she had collected. She could use whatever money she collected and could not touch what money she collected. Mrs. Cao gave it to Cheng Xiaosi himself was not ambiguous. The two sides added up the money to rebuild the dam and solved more than half of it. The rest is for Mr. Cao to find another way.

After working for so long, Ji Feng finally raised his wallet, "I asked him to sort it out and hand it over. It's not like I don't have any money, so I can't ask for any money."

Huahua is now the steward next to Cheng Xiaosi. She is dissatisfied when talking about the benefits Jifeng has received recently. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "No matter how much he receives, he still gives it to you. He is the steward of the mansion. People who respect him are indispensable. Which manager do you think is not like this?"

"He didn't keep it to himself. Didn't he share some with others? He even bought me two pots of expensive flowers. Even the bricks got his best inkstone. Don't bully him all the time."

Jifeng is quite wealthy. Although Huahua is a girl, she has never experienced hardship. She loves money, but she doesn’t value it that much. When she learned about the situation outside, she tried to do something about it. “Jifeng and I have had a hard life since childhood, but I'm lucky enough to have met a good master. Over the years, I've lived a more respectable life than the girls from Xiaoguan's family, and Jifeng is even more respectable. The more times like these, the more I should cherish my blessings, do more good deeds, and accumulate good fortune. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Feng came, bringing three thousand taels with him, saying that the rest was here.

Cheng Xiaosi asked them to save it first, "If there are donations, you can take them out later. If not, wait until the end of this year and we will give them soup."

The two still wanted to talk, but Cheng Xiaosi made it clear, "If you take it out, the stewards in Master Cao's house will also take it out. With you taking the lead, other families will also have to take it. Each family's situation is different, and so on." It’s easy to be hated by others, but there are many opportunities to do good things, so don’t be in a hurry.”

Ji Feng thought about it and thought it was true. He said that he would save the money first and he could take it out at any time if necessary.

The two left. Cheng Xiaosi sat down and thought for a while, then closed the door and opened the warehouse. After coming here for so many days, she had collected a lot of various items. She didn't want those things either. If she could use them It doesn't matter what effect it has.

Summer is passing and autumn is coming, the days are passing quickly, and Cheng Xiaosi’s belly is getting bigger day by day. Cheng Yiyi has also accelerated the progress recently. He has discussed cooperation with many merchants and re-established a chamber of commerce. Many businesses have been closed. When connected in series, most of these merchants' goods will be entrusted to Xiao Chengli's escort agency. The escort agency has expanded again and recruited many new people. Both Cheng Yiyi and Xiao Chengli are busy non-stop.

"I will leave for Beijing in half a month. If your sister-in-law gives birth in less than two months, she will be angry if I am not here."

Cheng Yiyi was thinking about his wife and children very much these days. He was busy day and night, just waiting to do something good and hurry back. Cheng Xiaosi suggested that he could arrange for someone to come here. As a father of a child, it’s best to spend less time away from home and teach your children more at home. Your sister-in-law is worried if you are always away from home.”

Cheng Yiyi also had the idea that no one in charge would be free anymore, not to mention that it would be difficult to do things if he was unfamiliar with the place he came here.

"I think about it, I should designate someone to take charge of things here."

He had a quick mind and quickly thought of a candidate, the landlord, Boss Qiao.

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