Chapter 553 Finale ()
Cheng Xiaosi took the initiative to make friends with the women of the merchants, and freed up his hands to make friends with the women of the officials. He also did not forget to occasionally go to Mrs. Cao to talk and give some benefits, which made Mrs. Cao like her very much. If there was nothing wrong, he would tell Mr. Cao She talks kindly.

Cao Gehai was also extremely satisfied with Yuan Su. As a dandy, a man who was promoted by his father-in-law to climb up the ladder, he actually didn't have high expectations for Yuan Su.

After all, he was brought here just because of Cheng Daqi's reputation, but the actual situation surprised him. He had a good brain and could endure hardships, and with the help of his clan members, he could handle all the errands assigned to him well, and he could often follow the clues. , got an unexpected surprise.

Who doesn't like this kind of subordinate who is very helpful and humble and works hard? Cao Gehai became more and more satisfied with it, and he didn't hesitate to praise Yuan Su when he gave it to the emperor.

"Cao Gehai's excerpt mentioned Yuan Wu, but he was highly praised."

The emperor was in a good mood, and he made a rare joke with Yuan, Pei, Cheng and Daqi. "That boy used to be a gangster. He spent all his time drinking and fighting for wealth. But after getting married, his temper changed. As expected, he still has to get married first and then start a career." ”

"Yuan Pei, you are lucky. Your husband is also good?"

Yuan Pei handed over his hand and had nothing to hide. He said that his youngest son's success was all due to the emperor's trust, the support of his father-in-law, Cheng Daqi, and the persuasion of his wife, Cheng Xiaosi. "This is all Wulang's blessing."

"As for Dalang."

He smiled bitterly and said, "That child has been smart and steady since he was a child. Fortunately, he has a solid foundation and can handle errands decently. It's just that he is a little less lucky than Wu Lang. Weichen's eldest daughter-in-law... well, let's not mention it. "

Mrs. Yuan took away the eldest daughter-in-law's child and raised it herself. The fact that the eldest daughter-in-law of the Yuan family is still locked up in the Yuan family's Buddhist hall is not a secret among high-ranking families. Yuan Pei doesn't mind letting the emperor know about it, and let the emperor know it. Don't worry, if his two sons are outstanding, the emperor will be worried.

The emperor smiled cheerfully, and was pleased with Yuan Pei again. His own son was so miserable. If all the sons of the courtiers were outstanding, wouldn't he be even more miserable?
At the same time, Mrs. Yuan was also talking to the Queen in the Queen's Palace, and naturally mentioned the Hu family. The Queen smiled and asked, "Your eldest son is also an outstanding son-in-law. Have you ever thought about finding another one to take care of the backyard for him?"

Mrs. Yuan smiled bitterly and shook her head, "After all, she gave birth to three children for Da Lang. Even for the sake of the three children, she must be more tolerant to her. Everything is fate. Da Lang has no intention of taking any more concubines. Just Let’s live like this.”

"You made me laugh."

The queen sighed, "Wu Lang has gotten better and better since he got married. This shows how important this wife is. Marriage between a man and a woman is a major event in a woman's life, so why not a man's?"

I regret not marrying Cheng Xiaosi into the prince's house earlier. If she were here, how could the prince be in his current situation?
Mrs. Yuan nodded in agreement. She also understood clearly that the Yuan family could not divorce Mrs. Hu and marry someone with a higher family status. This would arouse the emperor's suspicion. It was all her fault that she had never been a woman before. As a result, his eldest son not only did not receive help from his wife, but was actually held back.

It's too late to say anything now.

While they were talking, someone from the palace came to report that Princess Chang An had arrived. Princess Chang An only did one thing after returning to the capital, and that was to ask the emperor to order her to leave her husband's family and return to the capital.

The emperor had some affection for this sister. She had also reached out to help her when he was in trouble. After he ascended the throne, except for not agreeing to her marrying Yuan Xin, he would not agree to anything else, so he immediately sent someone to The princess's husband's family conveyed the decree and brought back all the princess' belongings.

Originally, a separate princess mansion was planned to be opened for Princess Chang An, but Princess Chang An refused on the grounds that the treasury was not rich and she would live the same wherever she lived, so she did not need to spend that money.

The emperor was very moved, and Princess Chang An took the opportunity to propose that she still wanted to marry Yuan Xin. The widowed girl proposed for the third time that she wanted to marry the person she liked. This time, the emperor did not refuse directly like the previous two times. He only said that she was marrying for the second time and needed to be careful. If Yuan Xin came to ask him in person, he would agree. Regarding this matter, I hope that Yuan Xin can recognize the situation and refuse actively. His attitude towards the Yuan family has indeed softened, and he is ready to reuse Yuan Wu, but he does not want to give the Yuan family the honor of marrying a princess.

If Yuan Xin dares to nod, he can only stay in the princess mansion.

Princess Chang'an had been away from Beijing for a long time and didn't know much about the affairs of the court. Naturally, she didn't know what her imperial brother was thinking, and she was still happy that the emperor nodded.

After entering the door, he smiled at Mrs. Yuan, and the queen also showed a kind smile, "It's not that you feel a little uncomfortable, but are you feeling better?"

"Thank you, Madam-in-law, for your concern. It's much better."

After sitting down, Princess Chang'an said to Mrs. Yuan: "When I heard that Madam was here, I came over to talk. I am usually idle and bored, so I wanted to join in the fun."

Mrs. Yuan was very respectful and polite. In her eyes, the emperor's sister was her ancestor. The queen took the initiative to mention the Yuan family, and inadvertently mentioned Yuan Xin, "He hasn't come back yet?"

Mrs. Yuan said that Cheng Xiaosi was about to give birth. "There are so many things going on in the house that we can't get away from it. Only her second uncle is taking care of her."

Princess Chang'an smiled and said that Yuan Xin was a meticulous elder. Mrs. Yuan seemed to have realized something. Following the princess's words, she praised her brother-in-law, and deliberately said with regret that her brother-in-law had not married. The old lady in the family had also been saying this. Feeling uneasy, Mrs. Yuan confirmed what she was thinking when she saw Princess Chang An's eyes flashing slightly.

"The princess brought up this matter again after she was widowed for three years. Judging from her appearance today, I'm afraid she still has such thoughts."

When she returned to the mansion, Mrs. Yuan talked about the matter with Yuan Pei and Mrs. Yuan Lao, "The emperor allowed the princess to leave her husband's family after returning to Beijing this time. Even the dowry from that year has been fully recovered. I guess she also has the intention of remarrying. thought."

The senator's wife was not very happy and looked at Yuan Pei, "If this matter is serious, what do you think?"

Yuan Pei frowned slightly and did not answer the question directly. Instead, he talked about Yuan Su and said that his performance in office was outstanding. Cao Gehai praised it very much, "The emperor also mentioned this matter today. When Wu Lang comes back, he will be promoted to a higher level." It's a foregone conclusion, and with Uncle Shunyi helping him, the emperor loves Wu Lang, so Wu Lang's future is certainly not small."

The old lady was very pleased, "Isn't this a good thing?"

Mrs. Yuan was not so optimistic, and said bluntly, "Wu Lang has climbed so fast in the past few years. If he is promoted to another level, I am afraid that he will retire early, but Wu Lang's foundation is not stable. When the time comes."

The old one goes home early to be raised in honor, while the younger one can't hold on to the lintel. This is not a good thing for the Yuan family.

Yuan Pei said bluntly, "The emperor will not allow father and son to be in the court, especially in high positions. I have been in the position of the Ministry of Household Affairs for many years, and I should have been promoted long ago. The emperor has not let go. I’m afraid my career will stop here.”

"If the second brother marries the princess, I will ask the emperor to become an official after the marriage to make way for Dalang and Wulang, so that the emperor can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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