Chapter 557 Finale ()

The princess can confirm that Yuan Xin treats her differently. At least he liked her for a moment, but that little bit of liking was not enough for him to choose her.

"I really shouldn't have left."

The grandma has been persuading her. The princess in her thirties is no longer an innocent girl. She cannot do impulsive things, but she is unwilling to do so. This is her third time to propose marriage, so it still doesn't work?
Mammy tried her best to persuade her, Xiao Yi was aware of the advantages and disadvantages. The princess's mother did not have a strong maternal family. All she could rely on was her status as a princess and the emperor's tolerance. How would she live her life if she offended the emperor?

The princess remained silent. Mammy gritted her teeth and gave the princess a thought, "This is not the first time that Mr. Yuan has met Mrs. Duyun. They are brothers and sisters. If they had intended to be together earlier, why would they have waited until now."

"Xu Shiyuan Erye also knew that marrying the princess would not only bring no benefits to the Yuan family, but would also bring disaster, so he found the unmarried Lady Duyun to give the princess some rest."

The princess's eyes brightened little by little, and Mammy continued: "Er Master Yuan has been arranging marriage arrangements for him since he reached the age of marriage. What kind of woman has never seen each other? Er Ye Yuan has made up his mind not to get married. , How can such a person marry his junior sister just after going out? "

"Princess, don't be anxious. We will send people to Lady Duyun's hometown to inquire and we will know something. Even if she is a real princess, she should be more open-minded. As long as she relaxes, her life will be easy."

The princess had hope in her heart and her breathing became much smoother. "Arrange someone to inquire as soon as possible."

The news that Yuan Xin might be getting married was spreading in the capital. Mrs. Yuan never mentioned it again after she mentioned it in the palace. When asked, she only said that she was not clear about the details and would have to wait until Yuan Xin came back to find out.

Mrs. Yuan was very happy all day long, because when she saw Mrs. Yun Yun, she even said to Mrs. Yuan: "That girl is beautiful and quite talented, but she is also destined to have a difficult marriage. She has been dancing and writing with her father since she was a child, and she has been busy with common affairs. Most men appreciate her if she doesn't touch her at all, but not all of them are willing to marry her. How can a housewife spend all her time with poetry and pen and ink? "

"Just come to our house. From now on, I will live with Wulang's family. With Xiaosi here, she doesn't need to worry about the household affairs. She can just help discipline the girls in the house."

Anyway, it's better than marrying a princess.

All Yuan Xin asked was to have a companion to support each other, and he didn't even dare to think about having a child.

Winter turned to spring, and it was time for Cheng Xiaosi to give birth. On the day that started, Zhuan'er and Xiaoyu were fighting outside the delivery room. One said he wanted a sister, and the other said he wanted a brother. The two argued endlessly, and then you scratched my face, and I Poking your nostrils, Yuan Xin stamped his feet anxiously, "You two should be quiet, in case there is another set of twins, we have them, we have them all."

The brother and sister finally calmed down. An hour later, Xiaoyu jumped up happily because her mother had given her a younger sister. Bian'er stamped her feet angrily and burst into tears. She cried so miserably that Yuan Xin was busy coaxing her. "Be good, wait until next year and let your mother give birth to a younger brother specifically for you."


Yuan Xin looked at Yuan Su, "This is for your father. If he agrees, it will be done."

Yuan Su didn't care about this. He had already rushed in to see his wife. Mrs. Zhang, who was also waiting in the courtyard, had eyes full of joy. "The cry of a baby is like the morning sun breaking through the clouds and casting down thousands of rays of rays. It is the hope of life." ”

Yuan Xin nodded happily and said to Mrs. Zhang: "Junior sister is a person of great talent and talent, why don't you give me a name?"

Mrs. Zhang was a little surprised, "Is this feasible?"

"Why not? How many women in this world can surpass your talent?" He quite recognized Mrs. Zhang's talent. "It is a child's blessing to be named by you."

After saying this, she hurriedly asked the midwife to take the baby out. Madam Zhang smiled sideways. The two of them soon saw the child. This time, she was born in a single room, which was better than the one born by Zhuan'er and Xiaoyu who shared the same apartment. Madam Zhang He took it and held it in his arms, "Xiao Yu calls her Yun Xi. Let's call this child Yun Chao. Chaoyang Chao, her nickname is Er, but her mother still wants to marry her."

Yuan Xin said yes with a smile, and the two of them stood around for a while before letting the wet nurse carry the child into the house. Yuan Su took Cheng Xiaosi's hand and showed some care. Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes at him, feeling extremely tired. She just wanted to have a good sleep at the moment, but this man was still buzzing in her ears, and she said angrily, "You can't hurt me even after saying so much. Do you think it won't hurt if you just say a few nice words?" No wonder people say men are most useless at this time.”

"Go away, don't delay my sleep."

Yuan Su didn't leave. After all, he felt that he was quite useless at this time. No matter how much he worried, he couldn't replace him. "Then I won't have any more children. Three children are enough."


Cheng Xiaosi no longer had the energy to talk to her, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Now she is one of the most distinguished people in Funan. After learning that she had given birth successfully, countless congratulatory gifts were sent to her house. Logically speaking, a female family member should come out to take charge of the overall situation at this time. However, it turned out that Yuan Xin was busy and Mrs. Zhang remained the same. Give her lessons in Xiaoyu's yard. She is really not good at those things outside.

After a month of confinement, Cheng Xiaosi, who had nothing to do, figured out something. The relationship between her second uncle and Mrs. Zhang was as close as brothers. They didn't look like lovers, but she didn't think much about it. , I just think that older people are stable and don’t show their emotions.

It rained at night. Since the rain fell, the sky has been leaking. It has been raining from morning to night, and it has been like this for half a month. Even if the rain stops, it is only temporary. Yuan Su's expression It is also getting worse day by day. This year's flood season has arrived earlier. Although he and Cao Gehai took turns watching the dam reconstruction to ensure that no corners were cut, they still felt uneasy without experiencing the erosion of the flood.

"I said earlier that this year was going to be good. It rained several times during spring plowing, and the spring seedlings grew well. But now that it's raining so hard, I don't know what will happen?"

Yuan Su stood under the eaves with a sad face. Cheng Xiaosi stepped forward and said, "It's better than drought. As long as the dam can withstand the flood, I think the most it will do is soften the soil, but..."

It suddenly occurred to me that if the heavy rain continued, it might cause landslides.

There was a rush of footsteps, and Yuen Long's figure soon appeared, "Sir, the Wuma City embankment has broken, and the floods are surging down. Mr. Cao, please go to the embankment quickly."

Wuma City did not belong to them in Funan, but it was in the upper reaches of Funan. Yuan Su did not care about explaining anything to Cheng Xiaosi, and went into the night holding an umbrella. Cheng Xiaosi was very worried, and originally wanted Hua Bao to I went to take a look, but Huabao refused as soon as I mentioned it. The reason was that it would be difficult for the feathers to fly when the rain wets them.

"Sleep on your bed."

Hua Bao stood up from his nest and said, "Don't worry, I've seen it all, he is not a short-lived person." '

Cheng Xiaosi gave it a back view and looked at her little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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