Chapter 562 Finale ()

Cheng Xiaosi didn't have a particularly in-depth understanding of either the officialdom or the business world, but what she knew was enough for Yuan Pei and Cheng Daqi. When they learned that they were living well in Funan, they were completely relieved.

The next morning, before Cheng Xiaosi woke up, the princess's nanny arrived at her courtyard. Seeing her sleepy eyes, she approached her and said politely, "The princess is very happy to hear that the county lady has returned. Back then, she was very grateful for the county lady's care in Funan. Now that the county lady has returned to Beijing, the princess would like to show her hospitality and hold a banquet in the mansion. Please come and visit her."

At this moment, Cheng Xiaosi felt weak all over. She didn't feel anything when she was traveling, but after a nap she felt tired all over and had no strength. Her eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. But the princess still wanted to invite her to dinner, and the displeasure in her eyes did not escape the eyes of the nanny.

Nanny Fang stepped forward and said, "The princess invited my county lady and I should have gone immediately, but my county lady is tired from the journey and feels a little unwell. I will go to see the princess in person another day when I have rested well."

"Please don't blame me, Princess."

The nanny agreed with a smile, "Nanny Fang, you are too polite. The princess likes the county lady very much and often talks about her. She is eager to see her when she knows she has returned. However, the princess can also understand the county lady's hardship from the journey. Please take a good rest. It will be the same when we talk to each other later."

I came here today just to test him. Now that I have the answer, I won't stay any longer. Just when I was about to leave, Madam Zhang came over, still holding Xiaoxiao in her arms. She acted as if she didn't see a stranger and asked Cheng Xiaosi, "Why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

Xiaoxiao hugged her neck, turned her head and called her mother softly, then put her little head on Madam Zhang's shoulder. Madam Zhang smiled and said, "This child is a little shy. She didn't sleep well last night and woke up early today. I took her to the garden for a walk, but she still doesn't look very energetic."

Xiaoxiao has lived with Madam Zhang since she was half a year old. She likes her so much that even Cheng Xiaosi feels jealous.

"It may be due to acclimatization. Let the court doctor take a look. You didn't sleep well yesterday. Give Xiaoxiao to me and you can go and have some rest."

Madam Zhang smiled and refused. "I'm fine, but you don't look well. Go and rest for a while. I'll take Xiaoxiao to see her grandmother."

Cheng Xiaosi did not refuse, she was indeed very sleepy. Madam Zhang carried Xiaoxiao away, and the nanny beside them also said goodbye, and was escorted out of the house by Nanny Fang.

"He asked me about the Second Master on the way. I'm afraid he came here today to test the princess. If the Second Master is also interested in the princess, the county lady would definitely make this trip. I think she has a plan in mind when she refuses now."

Nanny Fang stood by the bed. Cheng Xiaosi, who had just laid back on the bed, yawned. "Why are you asking me for help? You should ask mother. How can a junior like me interfere in the marriage of an elder?"

"Don't call me for lunch at noon. Let me sleep. I'm tired."

"You go and rest too, and we'll all have a good day off."

After saying that, she turned over and continued to sleep. She slept soundly. Princess Chang'an's face darkened after receiving the reply, "Have you seen that Lady Du Yun?"


The nanny told her everything in detail. Princess Chang'an raised her eyes and asked, "How was the birth?"

"Very dignified and gentle."

When the nanny saw Madam Zhang, she was also somewhat amazed. "Her skin was as white as cream, her figure was slightly plump, and she was both soft and beautiful."

She felt that there was really no chance for her to become a princess.

How could the princess be willing to do this? She wanted to see Lady Du Yun in person, but the nanny advised her, "Princess, why bother?" "You are the princess, and the emperor is watching you."

Don't do anything that would lower your status. The emperor won't agree.

That day the Queen invited Princess Chang'an to speak. She talked about the Third Princess and hinted that the Third Princess had lost the face of the royal family. This was a side attack on her. You have to know that she is the Emperor's sister, and if a scandal occurred it would not be a trivial matter.

Princess Chang'an understood what she heard and used the Third Princess's words to express her own thoughts. She knew clearly what was important and what was not.

Three days later, Cheng Daqi and Yuan Pei brought Cheng Xiaosi into the palace. The emperor had some questions to ask her.

The emperor has aged a lot after not seeing him for a few years. It is said that he has never recovered from the poisoning, and his condition has been seriously damaged.

The emperor looked at her and asked about Funan. She still told him everything she knew without hiding anything. After listening, the emperor joked, "You know a lot."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "When my husband is free, he will tell me about what's going on outside. He doesn't want to hear my opinion, but he feels less tired when he talks about it. My husband always says that he has little experience and is lucky to have the emperor's trust. He will do his best to complete the task. When he returns to Beijing and sees the emperor, he will feel at ease and pay his respects to him boldly, so that people outside will know that although he took a shortcut, he did not disappoint the emperor and shut up those people who are not convinced."

"She was so exhausted for this that she could not go home for days. The food she sent to her was cold and heated up, and then cold again. Your Majesty, if you see her in the future, you will know that she is not as pretty as before. She is so old."

The emperor looked relieved, "He is a useful person, and I value him well."

Cheng Daqi immediately stood up and praised his son-in-law again and again, saying that this was a prodigal son who returned home, and that although he woke up late, he had enough stamina. "Knowing that he has been working hard and learning from Lord Cao, even I am relieved. People outside say that I managed to get Lord Cao to take him there, and I don't deny it. Lord Cao has a good reputation in politics and is quite capable. Who wouldn't want to learn from him? I am also promoting the virtuous regardless of their relationship with him. That kid is so diligent that he is worthy of recommendation."

When talking to the emperor, the main thing is sincerity, both true and false.

Besides, how could the emperor not know what he did?

The emperor was very pleased. Cheng Daqi quickly had someone bring in a few boxes, saying that they were presented to the emperor by the young couple. Cheng Xiaosi said that it was because of her father that the merchants in Funan were now prosperous. "My father is where he is today thanks to the emperor's trust. The merchants are grateful and we dare not take credit for it. It is obvious that we have met a wise emperor. If the emperor had not been open-minded and put aside prejudices and reused my father, my father would not be where he is today, and the merchants would not be where they are today. On the surface, my father is trusted by the emperor, but in fact, the merchants in the entire Xijin have benefited from it."

"Merchants all say that today's prosperity is all due to Xijin's wise ruler, and they all spontaneously want to serve the country and hope that Xijin will become more powerful. At the end of last year, someone went through a lot of difficulties to bring back some seeds from overseas, saying that the yield was extremely high in the local area. He almost lost his life for the seeds, thinking that if the yield was really high, he would offer it to the court. If more people can have enough food, why worry about not being a rich and powerful country?"

"Even if no one knows what they have done, the court is more powerful and merchants can do business with foreigners with more confidence and earn more money, because they have a strong country and an enlightened monarch behind them."

"Look, after learning that I've returned, they've sent their regards to me, so that His Majesty will know that the merchants in Funan are also under His Majesty's protection and are living well."

The emperor was very happy with the things in the box regardless of whether they were good or bad. At this position, what he cared about was leaving a name in history and spreading the reputation of a wise ruler. He immediately asked a lot of questions about the merchants in Funan, and Cheng Xiaosi told him everything one by one. The smugness in the emperor's eyes could not deceive anyone.

Next came Cheng Daqi's performance. He said that Xijin's current success was all due to the emperor, and he flattered the emperor madly, which pleased the emperor greatly.

This trick was brought back by Cheng Youyi from Dongshu. It was said that the emperor of Dongshu was flattered in this way by people below him. Not only officials but also ordinary people flattered him. When the people were flattered, policies that were beneficial to the people would be issued, and everyone would be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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