Chapter 565 Finale ()
Several people laughed together. Xiao He looked up and saw Qin also came with her two daughters-in-law. "I heard you laughing from a distance. Is there any good news?"

"It's a happy event for me to meet my second aunt."

Cheng Xiaosi's mouth was filled with honey, "Second Aunt and I are of the same mind."

Qin didn't understand, so Xiao He explained with a smile, and Qin also smiled, "We in the Cheng family are of one mind, and we won't tolerate anyone being bullied."

"Look at Xiao Si's rosy complexion, I know you are living a good life. Your second uncle said that you have worked hard in Funan, and asked me to reward you well. Tell your second aunt if you want anything, and she will get it for you."

The Cheng family took over the lucrative market of Funan and controlled all the merchants in Funan. This was also due to Yuan Su's help. With Cheng Xiaosi's hard work these days, the Cheng family saw results in the short term, and their financial strength was further improved.

Just as Cheng Xiaosi was about to speak, Qin said, "You can't say you don't want anything. You know it's not for you, it's for your husband and the Yuan family. This is our attitude."

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, "In that case, Second Aunt and Third Sister-in-law can give a little, but don't give too much. My eldest brother has traveled thousands of miles to Funan and has not had a good rest for two days. He has been exhausted and worried. It is not easy."

She praised Cheng Youyi again and again in front of Du Linxiang, "No matter what you do, you can't keep him. He gets up to work before dawn, and he's still discussing matters with the merchants when the dogs are asleep. I just want him to come back early, for fear that I won't be able to catch up with my sister-in-law in time for the birth."

He winked at Du Linxiang and said, "You said you would come back to apologize, so have you apologized?"

Du Linxiang knew what she was talking about almost instantly, "The child has already been born, what else can I do?"

"I've said it before, two sons and one daughter are really enough. I don't plan to have any more children. Leave this matter to my third brother's wife. She plays and fights with my third brother all day long. It would be nice to have two more children."

"And your second brother and sister-in-law will have to give birth to three children at least. There are nine children in our three families, not to mention the three cousins. If each family has three children, there will be eighteen grandchildren in the mansion. They will have to sit at three seats at the banquet, and then they will get married. My God, the house left by your eldest brother may not be enough."

The new street built by Cheng Youyi has been completed. Except for the large house left by his own family, all the others have been sold out, and the competition for them is very fierce.

"A new house?"

Cheng Xiaosi didn't know about this yet. The women in the room were chattering about it. They were originally going to move there, but after thinking about it, they didn't move. "Our family has been doing well in recent years. This house must have good feng shui. We can't move easily. We will move some people there when it's too crowded."

Cheng Xiaosi thought it made sense and suggested that she take Huabao to have a look some other day. "That chicken is amazing. It won't go to a place unless it's a good place. If it thinks it's good, then the feng shui must be good."

"What I said is true."

The whole room laughed again, and they made an appointment to go together tomorrow, "Remember to bring Hua Bao with you."

After dinner at the Cheng family, Cheng Yousan personally sent them back to the Yuan family. Being a father is different. Cheng Yousan has become more stable. He sent Cheng Xiaosi to the door and hurried back. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Go back and hold your nephew high up. You can't go on without doing it all night. Oh, I won't say any more. If you go back too late, he'll start crying again. It'll kill him."

Cheng Xiaosi laughed, and I thought he had calmed down, but it turned out that he was being tortured.

"Third brother."


"Today, my third sister-in-law said that she wanted to have three children. In the future, you can have one sitting on your neck and one in each hand. Just think about how loving a father is to his son." Cheng Yousan gritted his teeth, "Cheng Xiaosi, my third brother wishes you to have ten."

"What a cruel heart."

"You are no less capable than me."

Cheng Yousan walked away humming, and after a few steps he turned back to urge, "Why don't you come in?"

"Know it."

At this time, the Yuan family had already finished their meal and were talking together. Yuan Pei sighed about what he saw in the imperial study today, "Shunyi Bo can be where he is today, in addition to his business skills, he also has a good brain and a sharp tongue."

"Xiao Si is quite like her father. Today in the Imperial Study, the father and daughter worked very well together."

A hint of envy flashed in Yuan Heng's eyes. With a capable father-in-law and an intelligent wife, Wu Lang was very lucky.

Yuan Xin looked very proud. "When Xiao Si first arrived in Funan, she was a little flustered, but soon she knew what to do. She is smart, and if she doesn't know how to do it, she will go to Madam Cao. She doesn't feel embarrassed at all to expose her shortcomings in front of others. She learns when others teach her, and with Nanny Fang's advice, she can be said to have grown very fast."

"Especially in the past year, she has acted like a mistress of the house. She is very good at dealing with the wives of merchants. She accepts gifts openly and generously. She can bribe people with benefits and take advantage of others. Another important thing she did when she returned to Beijing this time was to fulfill the boast she made before."

Otherwise, she wouldn't have prepared so many things and gone to the Queen to show her courtesy. She boasted in Funan that she was favored by the Queen.

Madam Yuan was very satisfied. Yuan Pei glanced at her and his meaning was very clear: the power to be the head of the family should be given to whoever has the ability.

Yuan Heng was still envious, but it was just envy, and he didn't have any jealousy. There must be someone in the family to support the family, and if he couldn't, it would be a good thing if his younger brother could.

Cheng Xiaosi came as they were talking. After talking to everyone for a few words, he handed a box to Madam Yuan. "This is what my second aunt asked me to bring back. She said that my eldest brother was able to do so smoothly in Funan thanks to my husband's help. Now that he has seen some profits, he should thank me."

The box was filled with banknotes, which everyone liked. Madam Yuan wanted to refuse and send it back immediately, but Cheng Xiaosi sat down and said with a smile, "Mother, please accept it. If you don't accept it, my second aunt will feel uneasy."

"You, kid, shouldn't have brought this thing back. Relatives should help each other. How much effort did your father put into Wulang's current situation?"

Cheng Xiaosi picked up the teacup and joked, "Relatives should also be polite to each other. It's not bad for each to talk about their own affairs. Before my husband followed Lord Cao to Funan, didn't mother prepare a generous gift for my father? If mother didn't accept my eldest brother, he would be embarrassed to go to Funan in the future."

Madam Yuan looked at the box with a smile. The Yuan family was not short of money, but she was happy that the Cheng family did this. They were a family that understood human nature and knew etiquette. Relatives should support and help each other, but they should not take it for granted, otherwise they would not go far.

Thinking of this, I can't help but think of the Hu family. They were stingy when they came, and when they left, they wanted to move all the warehouses of the Yuan family away. I wrote a letter to ask someone to do something, but when the job was done, there was not even a "thank you". It was really boring.

In the next few days, Cheng Xiaosi was not idle. Apart from visiting the Cheng family's new house, she was either attending banquets or on the way to visit the ladies of various families. Madam Yuan thought that it was not a good thing for her to run around all day, so she simply held a tea party in the mansion and invited the ladies she was familiar with to come and have a chat with them all at once.

The Yuan family was very lively that day. In order to entertain the guests, many maids were assigned to serve. Two people serving in the small Buddhist hall were also assigned to leave. Out of curiosity, Hu avoided the sleepy old woman and left the small Buddhist hall. She originally wanted to find Xuan'er to plead for her, but she unexpectedly learned that there was a banquet in the mansion today.

She avoided the servants all the way to the garden, heard the laughter inside, and listened to Madam Yuan's praise for Cheng Xiaosi. Every word was like a knife piercing her heart.

"Mother, why are you here?"

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