Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 58 Maintain your own reputation by yourself

Chapter 58 Maintain your own reputation by yourself

Cheng Daqi didn't know why, but the adults around him were almost scared to death. General Xiaoniu is the youngest son of General Niu. Although he is also called a general, he never goes out on an expedition. He stays in the capital to serve the emperor. That belongs to the emperor. Money bag, wherever the emperor points it out, he will copy it.

He can search your home quickly and cleanly, and he can find it for you even if it's hidden ten meters underground.

Is this the end of the Liu family?
Several people glanced at Cheng Daqi cautiously. They couldn't believe that the Liu family was ransacked just by this fat uncle's words! ! !
The emperor's eyes were still so easy-going. Sure enough, cleaning up these bastards made him feel particularly comfortable and he would not be angry anymore. "You Qing, it's your turn."

The person whose name was called suddenly knelt down and trembled as he talked about what he had to do. The emperor regretted that he didn't have melon seeds at hand and raised his eyes, "Why did I hear that a merchant went to the Yamen to sue you? Did you succeed?"


"Your Majesty, please spare my life."

The emperor sighed, "You said you are also a student from a poor family and have survived hard times. You haven't made any money in the past few years. Why don't you know how to be satisfied?"

"It's all because I dote on you too much and you are too courageous."

I caught so much and didn't even mention giving him a share, what an ungrateful piece of shit.

"I heard that your grandfather's old tomb has been turned into a white jade monument. He is indeed rich and noble. I envy him."

Master You was frightened crazy, and hurriedly kowtowed to beg for mercy, kowtowed too hard, the black gauze hat on his head fell off, and put it on in a hurry, the emperor was there, "Why are you wearing it when it's all gone?"

"Come here, please take off the black gauze hat for him. He doesn't want to follow him anymore. He will be escorted to the Yamen for trial. Let the people come and see. The victims will also go, so they can say that I have redressed their injustice."

It’s up to you to maintain and improve your own reputation, hey~
Once again I envy Emperor Dongshu.

"Who is next?"

Cheng Daqi didn't know how he got out of the palace, how he climbed into the car, and how he got back to the uncle's house in Shunyi. When he got off the car, he looked at the plaque of the uncle's house in trance, and then he was helped in and fell asleep on the bed. Sleeping is actually hugging the quilt tightly, biting the corner of the quilt tightly and crying tears like broken threads, I was really scared.

This move made everyone worried and didn't know what was going on.

"Oh my god, the Liu family was ransacked."

Cheng Yousan let go of his feet and ran in the door, "Just now, the leading general led at least one or two hundred people and directly surrounded the Liu family, and then all the Liu family, men, women and children, were driven to the front yard. I heard that they were raiding the house, oops , the crying inside is getting louder."

Mr. Cheng felt dizzy. Mrs. Cheng beside him fainted faster than him. She bit her tongue and pushed through. Then she pushed the door open, "Daqi, what's going on?"

"Master Liu was called into the palace with you, his house was raided, what about ours?"

Cheng Daqi was still calming down and had no time to reply. The Cheng family became even more anxious. Cheng Yousan rubbed his hands and said, "If you want to copy, just copy it here. Our hometown doesn't know how to copy it. Let's go back together then."

The young lady slapped him, "What nonsense are you talking about? We didn't commit any crime and we did our best to provide post-disaster relief. Why are you trying to copy us?"

"Little Four is right."

Cheng Daqi sighed quietly after he recovered. His eyes were so small that he couldn't see his eyeballs when he cried like this. "I'm scared."

He slowly talked about what happened today and said, "Just a word from the emperor, and the Liu family was confiscated." "The Liu family, what a noble family it is."

Only today can he really feel the power of the emperor. With the emperor's word, the great family of decades has been wiped out in an instant. There is no trial, no conviction, and no chance for Mr. Liu to speak.
"The emperor handed over Jinrenfang, Changtongfang and Yongkangfang to me. It can be considered a good thing."

After saying that, he stood up and called on the men at home, "Let's go, let's go and ransack the Liu family's house, see how much food the Liu family has, and see how much General Maverick is willing to give us."

"Go and see with your own eyes what a house raid looks like, so you can be more cautious in the future."

The whole family breathed a sigh of relief as they didn't have to have their homes searched and could watch other people's houses being searched. Mrs. Cheng put her hands together and shouted Amitabha. As expected, the fourth lady, who was going to watch the houses being searched, was dragged along to offer incense to the Bodhisattva. went.

Before the incense was finished, Huahua ran over and said that Hua Bao and Sha Gen'er had started fighting, "Girl, go and have a look, if you keep beating up, Sha Gen'er's hair will almost be gone."

In the yard, Huabao fluttered and used his ultimate move to hurt Shagen'er. The ground was covered with hair. Shagen'er looked naive and silly. Although he was a vegetarian, it could be seen from the two chicken feathers on the ground that Huabao had neither. It's a good deal, and Shagen'er also has a killer move, chokehold.


Huzi flew out of nowhere and joined the fight. He didn't take sides, he just beat up whoever he caught. For a while, the yard was full of chaos.

The young lady took a deep breath and said, "If you attack me again, you will be thrown into the street and wander!"

She knew these little things could understand what she was saying, and sure enough, the three parties stopped instantly.

'Xiaosi, throw this stupid thing out on the street quickly. '

Hua Bao felt sorry for his chicken feathers, "Xiao Si, this stupid thing wants to dig holes, and the roots of the tree will be knocked out by it. My pomegranate, woo woo woo~~~"

Only then did the young lady find a hole under the pomegranate tree in the yard, and there were gnawed roots, and she was immediately furious. She liked this pomegranate tree the most. My sister said that the fruit of this pomegranate tree was the most delicious, " Silly Gener, you'd better give me an explanation, or I'll send you back now."

Sha Gen'er wanted to hug her leg again, but she glared back, then grabbed Sha Gen'er directly and said, "Bring the rope."

Soon Sha Gen'er was tied to the pomegranate tree by Five Flowers, with the hole made by it at his feet, "Reflect on it."

"Girl, the cousin girl from the Marquis of Wenchang is here."

You Qinglian?
The fourth lady blinked. She had been so busy recently that she had forgotten about the mother and daughter. Why did they run out?
That paper tiger Eugene Ling can't do either.

Fortunately, the men in the family were not around at this time, and You Qinglian's tears had nowhere to be shed. Cheng Sanniang, who was holding Xiao Cheng Qinglai, said that she was dizzy and was going to sleep, "When will that person leave and when will I get up?"

As he spoke, he looked at the fourth lady with a serious look on his face. The fourth lady smiled and said, "Why don't the third sister and I get dizzy together? This is a sequelae to me."

Seeing Xiaosi's attitude, Cheng Sanniang laughed and said, "Xiaosi, your mind is really clear. You used to run behind her all day long and couldn't hold you back. It was annoying to watch."

"Fortunately, I woke up in time."

The young lady laughed dryly. I am afraid her reputation will never get better, and now she can only sell a persona who has finally come to her senses.

(End of this chapter)

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