Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 65 Xiao 4, dad is in power now!

Chapter 65 Xiaosi, dad is in power now!
"Last time you went to the palace for a banquet, I also saw you. It's a pity that there were so many people and I couldn't talk to you. Today I saw that you are really a beautiful girl. No wonder the gorgeous little Phoenix likes you."

Concubine Qi has a beautiful appearance and a voice that makes people feel happy and happy just by looking at her.

Cheng Xiaosi joked, "Perhaps the golden pheasant also felt that the presence of beauties like the Queen and Concubine Qi in the palace could not show off her splendor, so it followed the maid back. After all, it was proud of being in front of the maid. .”

Concubine Qi laughed, "She still has an interesting temperament. Those rumors outside are wrong and have deceived me."

Concubine Qi naturally knew about Cheng Xiaosi. The emperor was rescued when he was in danger, and when he came back, he made him an earl. It can be seen that it was not just the reason for being rescued. She had asked people to inquire and learned that the Cheng family's wealth had also wanted to Following the example of the Yan family, she asked a girl from the Cheng family to be her son's concubine. In this way, she not only received financial help from the Cheng family, but also received help from the Yan family.

However, she really didn't like the information she got from Cheng Xiaosi. For this reason, she had never thought about the concubine in Wenchanghou's mansion. However, Xiao He's attitude towards the concubine in Wenchanghou's mansion once again made her give up this idea. .

After going around in circles, I didn't expect that Cheng Xiaosi changed his temper and even won the favor of Little Phoenix.

"When you have free time, come and sit in my palace."

She also saw Huahua behind her holding a pot of extremely luxurious glazed begonia. "The leaves are made of jade, the petals are made of glazed, and even the dewdrops are inlaid with pearls. It is a rare thing, worthy of the dignity of the Queen."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't hide it, saying that her grandmother brought it. In order to thank the Queen for taking care of her when she was injured, Concubine Qi nodded, "The Queen will like it, go ahead."

Cheng Xiaosi received the blessing ceremony, and in a daze he felt that the palace was full of good people, and anyone he met would be so enthusiastic.

Of course, she is not that naive yet. A person who can raise a son and be favored in the palace has 790 or [-] tricks, not to mention [-]. She can survive even one episode of palace fighting. Don't dare to mess with people who don't deserve it.

What she didn't know was that these two words spoken by the two of them reached the Queen's ears word for word. The Queen rubbed the teacup and asked, "Is there any news about the return of the Prince?"

The prince is rescuing the disaster, hoping to get Cheng Daqi's full support, but Cheng Daqi has not expressed anything yet. I don't know if he is really stupid or doesn't understand, or is not willing to support the prince.

The nanny next to me reported back, "The emperor has news. I heard that Lingxiao City was severely affected by the disaster this time. Rice and food are in short supply. The emperor is also thinking of ways."

"The emperor was very angry in the court today. It must be for this reason that he summoned Uncle Shunyi into the palace."

The queen put down the tea cup and said, "Let the Wu family be more concerned. The third prince will be returning to Beijing soon. I heard that he did a good job on this errand."

The Wu family is the queen's natal family. At this time, they must fully support the prince in disaster relief. You must know that the emperor does not have many sons. In the early years, the prince's family was always the dominant one. I don't know why they have supported the third prince in recent years and let the prince Yiline watched helplessly as the third prince grew bigger and bigger, and now he had the strength to compete with him.

Mammy bowed to answer, and said that the key was to win over Uncle Shunyi, "The Cheng family has a strong financial background. If they fully support the prince, the prince will no longer have to worry about money and food."

The queen frowned slightly, "That's true, but I'm afraid the emperor won't agree."

After being married for so many years, she still knew more or less what the emperor wanted. Cheng Daqi had been classified as his own by the emperor, and she was afraid that she would no longer be willing to see the prince get involved.

"How is the Yuan family?"

Mammy answered again, "Master Yuan took leave for three days. Yuan Xin left the capital with Prince Yuan the day before yesterday. The people below found out that there was an internal problem within the Yuan family. Now it is divided into several factions. I'm afraid it can be solved in a short time." No." The Yuan family, a century-old family, has extended its tentacles to all walks of life in Xijin. It is like a tiger entrenched in Xijin. In recent years, it has suddenly shrunk and even cut off its tentacles. Everyone is extremely curious about the situation inside, but no outsiders know.

The queen looked pityful. She had originally set her sights on Yuan Sijin of the Yuan family and intended to be the crown prince's concubine. But now it seemed that it was better for the Yuan family to avoid getting involved.

When Cheng Xiaosi arrived, the queen had already calmed down. After meeting her, she still smiled as kindly as usual, "We haven't seen her for a few days, and she looks good again."

Cheng Xiaosi came forward with a smile to say hello and presented the glass begonia, "Your Majesty, this is brought by my grandma. When I learned that your daughter was under your care during her injury, she felt grateful and wanted to dedicate this gift to your empress. , express your feelings."

The glazed potted plant was placed on the small table at the Queen's hand. The Queen looked at it carefully and said, "It's really a work of art. Mrs. Cheng is very thoughtful."

"Did the Cheng family suffer any losses from this earthquake?"

Cheng Xiaosi shook his head, "The mansion that the emperor gave to the Cheng family is solid. Except for the loose tiles, everything else is in good condition."

The queen smiled and said: "This will put me at ease. I heard the emperor said that the Cheng family's disaster relief work was done well, and he also praised it several times. It seems that your father and brother are both capable people."

"Did you enter the palace with your father today?"

At this moment, Cheng Xiaosi felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that you knew everything and still asked like this, didn't you just want to know what the emperor asked me?
That she can provide disaster relief herself?
Or did she just draw a cake for the emperor?

A little shy!
"I came with my father. The emperor was probably worried about the money and food for the disaster relief. My daughter couldn't help but talk nonsense. Fortunately, the emperor was gentle and not angry, so he asked me to come and pay my respects to the empress."

The Queen became interested and wanted to hear what she was talking nonsense about. The Fourth Lady had no choice but to tell her about the disaster relief methods she had heard about. it works."

She chose not to say a word about the merchant.

The queen smiled and said that she was thoughtful, "If you have a good idea at this time, you should speak out. If it is useful to the people, it will be a credit."

Then he asked about her mother and grandma, and said that she would invite her grandma to the palace to talk.

No matter what she said, wherever she said it, her attitude was very tolerant. Just when Cheng Xiaosi felt that she couldn't go on, the queen dismissed her. After leaving the palace gate, she let out a deep breath, thinking that in this palace She didn't want to come again, it was suffocating.

After waiting for two more sticks of incense, she waited for her father. When Cheng Daqi came out, his face was red and his hair was shaking when he walked. When he got into the car, Xiaosi asked, "Dad, did the emperor give you the job of recruiting merchants?"

Cheng Daqi suppressed his smile and said, "Xiaosi, dad can go to court every day from now on. I also leave the errand of collecting merchants to dad, and I also leave some government orders related to merchants to dad to arrange."

"Xiaosi, dad is in power now!"

I really want to laugh!

(End of this chapter)

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