Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 67 No bowl of rice is free

Chapter 67 No bowl of rice is free
Xiao He was very happy and touched!
Mrs. Cheng is also very happy. Now the Cheng family is going to be different. Not only do they need help from the court, they also need support from merchants among the people, and they also need help from invisible places.

Apart from anything else, the Xiao family's ability to deal with all kinds of religions should not be underestimated, otherwise they would not be able to run the escort business smoothly in a place where bandits are rampant.

If they can come to the capital to help secretly, the Cheng family will have a smoother journey. Of course, the Cheng family will also give the Xiao family the rewards they need, so that they can rely on each other.

There are a lot of grandchildren, and she has to accept this daughter-in-law even if she doesn't like it.

After a few moments, Mrs. Cheng convinced herself that she should be nicer to Xiao He and protect her in the future.

The next morning, Cheng Daqi went to court in high spirits. At Cheng Xiaosi's suggestion, Xiao He assigned Cheng Daqi more manpower to serve him, firstly to ensure his safety, and secondly to ensure that Zhang Yuewu had no chance to give birth to her father. Deliver the message.

Xiao He used to disdain to use this method, but now she feels comfortable using it, because her mistress said that she has to work hard to get what she wants, and can't just wait.

Cheng Daqian originally wanted to go back today, but Cheng Daqi did not agree, saying that he would take the emperor out to condolences to the people tomorrow. He hoped that this younger brother could show his face in front of the emperor. What opportunities would there be?

"Eldest brother is not the kind of person who only cares about himself. If both of us brothers are better, wouldn't the Cheng family be better off?"

Cheng Daqi was even more moved by Cheng Daqi's calmness and broad-mindedness, and immediately decided to stay for two more days to try to make things better.

On this day, the emperor announced that Cheng Daqi would be in charge of the merchants' operations and would go to court every day. Knowing that he was not involved in the merchants' taxes and that he had to find ways to make the merchants earn more money, the courtiers did not say much. , it is a good thing for merchants to make money.

After all, the emperor is going to delay giving them their salaries. Do you dare to think that?
They don't know how poor the treasury is.

"Uncle, thank you for your hard work. Please encourage merchants to do more business."

"Yes, yes. If you need anything, uncle, just come to me. If I can help you, I will give you my full support."

"Uncle, thank you for your hard work."

Not all courtiers are rich. There are always some who live a miserable life. The emperor has just allocated military salaries to various places. The treasury is poor. If they don't pay their salaries, they will be in trouble with the northwest wind.

Cheng Daqi happily handed over to others, and said that this job was very difficult, but no matter how difficult it was, he would not dare to betray the emperor's favor. These poor courtiers exchanged greetings for a few more words before going about their business in twos and threes. Cheng Daqi stood on the steps and exhaled. , I really never thought that I would still have this day.

On this day, the people in Changxingfang were as busy as usual. The difference was that there was a notice posted at the place where they received the porridge. The uncle's house was going to renovate the house and needed to hire people. Then there were a bunch of different types of work, such as carpenters, plasterers, and gardeners. , painters, etc., the most common types of work are those that require strength, collectively referred to as laborers.

"The uncle's house has been renovated. He is indeed very wealthy. He has given us so much food and drink, and still has the money to do this?"

"My dad is a carpenter. I'll ask my dad to sign up later."

"What do you know? My uncle's house was a gift from the emperor. He moved in without even repairing it. He has not thought about renovating it for the past two years. The purpose of renovating it at this time is to give us a job to earn money and make us survive. Get through it.”

"My second aunt's sister-in-law's niece is inside. I heard what she said with my own ears."

No need to ask, Cheng Yousan's people are here again. They have been very busy recently. They have taken care of the Shunyi uncle's house everywhere. However, Cheng Yousan has been generous and naturally gave a lot. They are all very happy. Today's event is done. , there will be a big one tomorrow.When the people who lived in Changxingfang heard what he meant, they understood on the spot. My uncle was thinking about them. "It's not surprising when you think about it. My uncle used to wear patched clothes and coarse cloth." He also wears less clothes, which shows that he has always been a frugal person who never forgets his roots.”

"Not only the uncle, but also the people in the uncle's house are frugal. Even the wife of the uncle's house is not as flashy as the ladies from other families. Sometimes she only has a plain hairpin on her head. I have seen it. She is very frugal. This time It’s all for us.”

Cheng Yousan went around and was quite satisfied with the response at the scene. If nothing else, people who knew him were much more polite to him.

"Cheng Xiaosi, you have really turned bad. You were born to the same parents. Tell me how you turned bad."

Cheng Yousan was very envious. Now he would do whatever Xiaosi asked him to do, and he wanted to be as bad as Xiaosi.

Cheng Xiaosi, who was walking with his silly roots, glanced at her helplessly, "Can you look at it with normal eyes? Every time you look at me, I feel like a devil who has done something outrageous. .”

"You just need to ensure that no bowl of rice is eaten in vain, and nothing you do is done in vain."

"If you want people to know what you have done, you can force them to know."

Cheng Yousan touched his chin and thought deeply, feeling that it made sense. Wasn't he just forcing people outside to know what they had done?
Looking at the silly Shagen, he pointed his hand and said, "Then why does it eat free rice?"

Cheng Xiaosi and Sha Gen'er turned to look at him at the same time. Cheng Xiaosi said: "Its function is to make everyone feel happy. For example, last night you ran to tickle it, and you laughed very loudly. This is its function. , I didn’t eat your food in vain.”

Cheng You clicked his tongue three times and wanted to say something else. Someone was looking for him. Then he said, "I have to make arrangements for tomorrow, so I'll leave first."

Cheng Xiaosi took a look and found that the greenness on Cheng Yousan's face was almost gone. Only her fat father's body was still there. It seemed that Yuan Su needed to be removed as soon as possible.

Summer has never arrived in May, but spring has left early. It is always hot and cold. People have gradually come out of the influence of the earthquake and begun to face life positively. The streets have gradually returned to the liveliness of the past.

People did not rest in the afternoon and continued to be busy with what they were doing. Before Cheng Dashan went out, two merchants came excitedly and bowed to Cheng Dashan, "Boss Cheng, we have already done what you asked. "

After they got the news about Cheng Dashan, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep. They couldn't imagine that such a good thing could happen to them, or that Cheng Dashan came to them on his own initiative.

"We made our own decision. In addition to donating 5 taels of grain, each of us also donated an additional [-] taels of silver. Do you think the emperor will look down on us and think we are stingy?"

Time was too tight, and Cheng Daqian did not find a huge fortune. There were only two good merchants, Boss Zhou, who dealt in cloth and tea, and Boss Wang, who dealt in grain and wine. They had considerable assets and had outstanding nephews at home. They are willing to pay for such an opportunity.

Mr. Cheng smiled and said: "Whether it's [-] or [-], that's what we want. In my opinion, [-] is pretty good, no more, no less, just right."

If there are too many, be careful, the emperor will be jealous and want to kill you!

(End of this chapter)

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