Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 69: Daqi is indeed his lucky star

Listening to the rising and falling voices, the emperor became excited, and belatedly discovered that he could raise food by himself. As long as he came out and wandered around, the merchants would donate generously. The people still believed in him as the emperor!

"Cheng Daqi, I order you to handle this matter with full authority. Register all the money and food donated by these righteous people and send it to me. This is a lot of things, and I want to reward them."

Cheng Daqi hurriedly handed over his hand, and said to everyone, "Thank you for your generosity. You can go to Shunyi Bo to register with my second brother later. Please rest assured that the money you donate will be delivered to you without any loss." It is in the hands of the emperor and arranged by the emperor together."

After that, he said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I have been very busy lately. My brother is taking care of most of the disaster relief matters, and he is also in contact with the merchants."

The emperor nodded in approval, "Then you two brothers will take care of this together."

"I feel relieved that the merchants in this capital are led by you."

Cheng Dashan hurriedly bowed his hands, feeling a little excited in his heart. He began to believe that his elder brother was really going to give him an official position.

It was not advisable for the emperor to stay outside the palace for a long time. On the way out of the palace, he was only accompanied by Cheng Daqi and a group of guards. When he returned to the palace, half of the city's people saw him off. Sitting in the car, he was inexplicably excited. He returned to the palace and bowed to the eunuch in charge. In front of the body, "Your Majesty, rest."

The emperor shook his head. It was only today that he felt that the emperor was really interesting. Da Qi also said that many merchants in the capital relied on the nobles. Those who he could call were either unwilling to deal with the nobles, and some were What all the noble families look down on is that this time there are merchants donating food and money. Those merchants who are dependent on the big family will definitely not be able to sit still. If the operation is smooth, just let him wait in the imperial study room to collect money and cash.

Daqi is indeed his lucky star.

On this day, the whole city was buzzing with business. The business of teahouses and restaurants was much better. Everyone was talking about the emperor leaving the palace to care for the people. The Shunyi Mansion was even more lively. Cheng Daqian said before that he was still unmoved even after he was drooling. The merchants changed their faces one by one, approaching each other with smiles on their faces. They really didn't expect that Cheng Daqi would bring them such benefits.

"The position of president of our Beijing Chamber of Commerce belongs to my uncle. Only with my uncle leading us can we live a good life."

"Uncle, we didn't think carefully before, but this time we have discussed it, and we have come together to share your worries. We really can't sell these tens of thousands, so how about using the name of our Capital Chamber of Commerce? "

The president of the Capital Chamber of Commerce had an accident three months ago. The position had been vacant for three months. There were many people competing for it. Several large merchants competed fiercely with the support of their backers. But today the emperor said to Cheng Daqi, " The merchants in the capital are very relieved to have you leading them. Not surprisingly, the president of the Chamber of Commerce is one of the Cheng family brothers.

Cheng Daqi invited everyone to sit down, and then ordered people to serve tea, "I will not hide it from everyone, the emperor has appointed me to take care of this matter. From now on, every family can come to me for discussion if they encounter difficulties in their business operations. Our Cheng family originally Even as a merchant, everyone knows their background and knows their difficulties. Since I sit in this position, I must work for the welfare of us as merchants."

"It's for everyone's good, and it's also for my own good. Everyone knows how the merchants in Dongshu live. I envy it, and I believe you also envy it, but our ancestors have been here for generations and we can't live without it."

"I'm thinking, if we can work together to make the court pay attention to us, so that we can be like the merchants in Dongshu, with good government support and good soil for us to grow, why not?"

These words have reached everyone's heart. Boss Zhou, who took the lead in donating, said, "We do business and make money to pay taxes to the court. We are willing to do so, but the premise is that we make money, right?"

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone nodded. Cheng Xiaosi, who was called over by Cheng Daqi, also felt that the current business environment was really bad. There was no incentive policy, and all the government orders that could be issued were exploitative. They also encouraged mutual reporting, which made people panic. "Uncles, why don't you tell us all the difficulties you are facing right now. We can solve them ourselves if we can. If we can't solve them, let my father go to the emperor with these problems."

No one thought there was anything wrong with a girl speaking on this occasion. Their merchants did not pay attention to this, and in many families the daughter-in-law was in charge of major affairs.

So everyone began to talk about their difficulties. For example, there were too many toll points for delivering goods to the capital by water. Unloading the goods at the capital's dock was also a problem, and the cost of stacking the goods was extremely high.

There are also people who travel by land. There are many bandits and the road is not easy to walk. Can the post house opened by the imperial court be allowed to receive merchants like them?

Others say that the public security in the capital is not good, and there are people who do business and collect protection fees one after another.
On the side, Cheng Youqian kept recording, and everyone started discussions. Some problems were solved, and some problems were waiting for Cheng Daqi to get to the emperor for ruling. When they walked out of the gate of Shunyi Bofu, the merchants laughed in unison. They had been in the Chamber of Commerce for so long, I feel particularly comfortable doing things today.

“This is what a chamber of commerce should be like.”

Rather than spending all day eating, drinking, inquiring about connections, giving gifts and doing errands.

In the morning of the next day, the emperor, who had been in arrears with his salary for two months, paid the salary. At the same time, he praised Cheng Daqi for his success in doing things. No one in the court was unaware of what happened yesterday. Some were frowning and others were smiling. In any case, they had received the salary. They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you uncle."

"My uncle is still capable."

As soon as he took office, he brought money and food.

Cheng Daqi was very polite, "This is all the wishes of the merchants in Beijing. For this reason, the emperor even went out of the palace in person. I don't dare to take credit for it."

This was very interesting. Several courtiers subconsciously concluded that the emperor went out to raise money and food in order to pay them salaries. They immediately became emotional. The court spent a lot of money and there were holes everywhere. They heard that the border was also uneasy. General Xijin Wen was so worried. Dao Hehe wanted to test their depth, but it was not easy for the emperor.

"Let's go and get to work. If you can't help the emperor, you can't upset the emperor."

"Yes, the weather has been good this year, and everything will be fine once the autumn crops arrive."

The emperor soon understood these reactions, laughed even more happily, and became more and more satisfied with Cheng Daqi in his heart.

Something that made him even more satisfied happened half a month later. Cheng Daqian, who had returned to his hometown, came back and brought back several victims. The emperor was very angry when he saw Cheng Daqi brought the zhezi. Cheng Daqi could gradually feel the emperor's temper. , said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is a great gift prepared by the Weichen brothers for your Majesty."

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