Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 7 Do you want to join dad?

Chapter 7 Do you want to be with Dad?
Knowing that the fourth lady was not only seriously injured, but also left behind a person who was frightened and crazy when hearing about the Yan family, Prince Li Ruling frowned, and when he looked at Yan Bujiang, there was a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes. , the situation has developed to this point, even if you want to protect him, you can't protect him.

Yuan Su stood up, half-smiling but not smiling, "Little General Yan's accidental injury is really serious. I'm afraid he was injured by accident with a deadly attack. Miss Cheng Er's luck is high, otherwise."

The following words were deliberately left unsaid, but the looks of Cheng Daqi and his son at this moment were killing people. Yuan Su raised his hand to Cheng Daqi and said, "Uncle, I have a good mountain ginseng over there. I think the second girl can use it. I'll send someone later." Send it."

The corners of Cheng Daqi’s mouth twitched slightly, Yan Bujiang is not a good person, especially this famous person, he must not let his girl have anything to do with this person. That's all, it's better for Fifth Young Master to keep something as valuable as wild ginseng for emergencies."

After finishing speaking, before Yuan Su continued to speak, he stepped forward and asked the imperial doctor about the condition of the little fourth mother in detail. Yuan Su, who was wrong, touched his nose, glanced at Yan Bujiang, and sat down calmly, as if he had done nothing. occur.

That skin is not ordinary thick.

After Cheng Daqi finished inquiring about his condition and the imperial physician prescribed a prescription, Li Ruling stood up and comforted Cheng Daqi, and seeing that he had no intention of entertaining guests, he took the initiative to leave. The father and son naturally sent him to the door respectfully. Cheng Yousan glared at Yan Bujiang who refused to leave, "Didn't you hear that the imperial physician said you couldn't appear in front of Xiaosi? Do you think you haven't hurt Xiaosi enough?"

Yan Bujiang asked to see Cheng Erniang, and Cheng Erniang's girl Hua Rui finally found a chance to speak, "General, our girl said there is no need to see each other again. Our parents have the final say on the matter of reconciliation."

Cheng Yousan straightened his back immediately, "Did you hear that my sister won't see you?"

Cheng Daqi also glanced at him with a sneer, "Please, my uncle's palace is too small to accommodate a general like you with great military exploits."

General Yan has indeed made great military exploits. The Yan family often talks about this. They always like to say that it is thanks to my general that you are able to have a good life today. This is something that the Yan family is proud of. As soon as he said this, Yan Bujiang's face became hot.

As soon as the prince and Yuan Jiawulang left, Yan Bujiang was also pushed out of the door. After the Cheng family door was closed again, those watching the excitement suddenly became lively. For a while, there were all kinds of things to say, but even those who didn't understand anything Sheng Dou Xiaomin also understood that the relationship between the Yan and Cheng families could never go back.

Xiao Si Niang chose to recover from her illness temporarily, and Niang San's affection increased greatly after today's tacit performance. Xiao He, who originally felt that life was quite bad, showed a smile, and specially asked the big stove to cook a few more dishes at noon. The third mother ate, "When your sister-in-law comes back, the four of us will eat together, regardless of your father or the others."

Xiao Si Niang, who was eating the chicken leg, smiled and said yes, and said with a smile that she used to be ignorant and mistakenly regarded her cousin as a treasure, but now she knows that her mother is good, and in the future, mother and daughter will be of the same heart, Xiao He burst into tears on the spot , holding the handkerchief and crying hard, "Mother's Xiao Si is finally back."

"It's good to come back. Let her let go of the past. From now on, the three of us will be fine."

The little fourth lady's eyes were slightly red and she was very emotional. The original owner relied on the fact that this was her own mother and would not really speak to her and was very mean. That was stabbing her old mother in the heart one by one. She also pitied the hearts of all parents in the world. She just said these words to make her mother cry like this. I don't know how uncomfortable she was before.

Cheng Erniang put the other chicken leg into Xiao He's bowl, with tears in her eyes and joy on her face, "Mother, stop crying, if you cry, Xiao Si will also cry, and she will have a headache again later."

Xiao He quickly wiped away his tears and smiled at the two sisters, "Mom should be happy if she doesn't cry anymore."

He picked up a piece of chicken wings and put it into Cheng Erniang's bowl. "You used to like chicken wings when you were not married. Eat more."

Cheng Erniang took a bite of the chicken wings and said, "It's delicious."

She loved eating it, but her mother-in-law said it was unsightly to chew on the bones, so she never ate chicken wings again.

The three mothers ate very happily and warmly. The father and son who ate at another place were lost in thought as they looked at the messy chicken heads, feet, and necks on the plate. Cheng Yousan picked up a piece of chicken butt and put it in Cheng Daqi's bowl, "Fortunately I haven't lost this one, you can eat it, daddy, it's oily and fragrant, and it will satisfy your cravings."

Cheng Daqi looked at the shiny chicken butt and took a deep breath. Not only did he have less and less place in the family, but now he was not even qualified to eat. "You two mothers are in the same group now. You two are in the same group." Do you want to join forces with dad to fight against them?"

Cheng Youer quickly put a few vegetables into his bowl, then stood up with the rice bowl, "They will definitely not be able to finish such a big chicken. It's such a pity to lose it. As a son and a brother, you must help me. Dad, you usually can't finish it." He also said to be frugal, son, always remember father’s teachings, you eat slowly.”

"It sounds grand. If you want to eat good food, just say so."

Cheng Yousan said that he could not let him get his wish, "Look, Dad, the second brother is a traitor, treacherous and unjust for profit, hum!"

The two brothers started fighting again. Cheng Daqi gnawed on the chicken neck while admiring it. He also made fun of it from time to time. He thought it was more interesting than watching a play in a theater troupe.

In the afternoon of that day, a reward came to the Cheng family from the palace. It was said that it was the tonic that the emperor gave to the second daughter of the Cheng family. The Yan family's political opponents, who are always in the limelight and are used to guessing the emperor's heart, suddenly have a clear heart, and they attack the Yan family mercilessly. The precarious Yan family sees the building will collapse.

In the evening, General Yan came to the door in person in the dark, and Cheng Daqi led the person into the main hall. General Yan first pleaded guilty and then made a move to understand the truth with affection, and promised a lot of benefits, saying that Cheng Erniang would be in charge of the house, and the Yan family would be taken under the name of the Yan family. He gave Cheng Erniang all the farms and shops, and found a suitable position for Cheng Youer and Yousan in the military headquarters, etc., and spent a lot of money.

Cheng Daqi was unmoved, "The Cheng family is originally a businessman. The whole family is very satisfied with what they have today and they don't dare to ask for too much."

"I also admire the general's outstanding military exploits. Otherwise, I would not have agreed to marry a daughter under such circumstances. I wanted to marry two surnames, but instead of enmity."

"The so-called twisted melon is not sweet. We have already seen the son's attitude. He is a child raised by his father and mother. General Yan has a bright future. I also hope that my daughter can meet her lover and live a stable life. I just hope that the two families will be safe in the future, and the marriage of men and women has nothing to do with each other."

The Yan family can spend money to seek stability at this moment, but they will definitely make up for it once this incident is over. Now it is a fire pit. No matter how stupid he is, he will never allow his second mother to go back. Wouldn't this harm the second mother for the rest of her life?

(End of this chapter)

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