Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 78 Eugene Ling is not idle either

Cheng Xiaosi silently gave herself a thumbs up. She felt that her acting skills were getting better and better. She gave Yu Jinling another thumbs up in her heart. She just asked Huahua to convey her meaning one step ahead. She How much do you hate You Qinglian for attacking so quickly?
Hua Huadao: "It is said that the person who bought the collar was just one step ahead of us, but we don't know who bought it."

This is embarrassing. Cheng Xiaosi looked at You Qinglian helplessly, "God is really not as good as man. Cousin, why don't we forget about this matter. Anyway, as long as I kill this collar, it will be fine." As long as someone doesn't wear it intentionally, it'll be fine."

You Qinglian, who originally thought the problem was not big, couldn't help but become worried. She was afraid that You Jinling had bought the collar. If she wore it at a banquet somewhere next time, what would happen to her?

Just when she was still shamelessly asking Cheng Xiaosi to find a way to buy a decent collar, Hua Rui came. After the ceremony, she said to You Qinglian: "Cousin, Mrs. Wenchang Hou said she was going back. I want to ask you I want to stay a little longer and go back together."

You Qinglian didn't want to go back because her aunt had been going crazy recently, shouting that she wanted to find Cheng Daqi, which made Marquis Wenchang, who was already dissatisfied with her, look even more ugly.

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on Cheng Xiaosi, hoping that Cheng Xiaosi would ask to keep her, but Huarui didn't give her this chance, "The old lady asked the girl to go and discuss how to go to the palace the day after tomorrow to thank the Queen. .”

"The old lady said she would take our girl and the third girl with her."

This is a big deal. Cheng Xiaosi looked at You Qinglian apologetically, "Cousin, I won't send you off. You have to play at your leisure."

You Qinglian forced a smile and tightened the handkerchief in her hand. The old lady of the Cheng family wouldn't agree to take her into the palace even if she didn't want to see her. "Then I'll go back first. You're busy."

As soon as she walked forward, Cheng Sanniang, who was eavesdropping in the next room, came out, pursed her lips, stepped forward and poked Cheng Xiaosi between the eyebrows, "Why were you so stupid before, and you were tricked by her like this?"

"She admitted it generously without the gift of hair. No one cares about her things. Now she's fine. It's just a waste of her own feet. I don't know which hero bought that necklace earlier."

In fact, she also sent someone to buy it, just thinking that she would be embarrassed by You Qinglian.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and took a deep breath, "I'm smart now and won't be fooled. Third sister, don't worry."

Cheng Sanniang didn't believe it, "I think you are stupid. Maybe you were deceived by her again. If I hadn't been here all the time today, she wouldn't have known how many nonsense she would have said. Well, I gave her a chance just now. Look at her. Just say something like that."

"Not a nice guy."

Cheng Xiaosi surrendered, "The third sister is right, she is not a good person, I will ignore her from now on."

The two sisters went out chatting and laughing. When they arrived at Mrs. Cheng's yard, they heard laughter inside before entering the yard. When they saw the sisters, they hurriedly waved, "Come on, come on."

"Today is a double happiness for us. The haircut ceremony for the fourth child was a lively and smooth event, and all the ladies from all the families came to support us. Also, there is a decree from the Queen. You will all follow me into the palace to express my gratitude in the future. Thank you very much for the Queen's grace. .”

He looked at the Cheng Daqi brothers again, "The Queen is willing to give us this face today, which shows that you have done well in your recent errands."

Cheng Daqi was a little excited. Apart from other things, he felt that he had really changed a lot recently. Although he was tired every day, he just felt full of energy. "When we finish the next thing, we will better."

Cheng Dajian also spoke, "People in the house should try not to go out these days if nothing happens. The person we arranged will appear in front of everyone tomorrow. This matter is not a secret in the first place. Anyone who is interested will know who they have offended. .”

Xiao He knew their plan. "My parents wrote back and said that they are on the way and have brought some good people with them. When the time comes, everyone in the house will take two with them when they go out, just in case." "This arrangement is good. .”

Mrs. Cheng now liked her daughter-in-law a lot, and said to the men in the house: "Don't be afraid of trouble. When we work for the emperor, we will definitely offend some people, so we must be on guard against others."

"Boss and your wife, you too, don't be careless just because you are good at martial arts. When you go out, you should take everyone with you."

Everyone nodded, and Cheng Xiaosi thought about the treasure Hua Bao said again. After thinking about it, he still wanted to see it for himself. If it was true, then he would find it. Even if it couldn't fall into his own hands, then It’s also a credit!
After returning to the house, You Qinglian returned to the courtyard with an ugly face. You Qinghuan walked behind her, complaining all the way, "You Jinling is really bullying people. It's none of her business whether we gave gifts or not. Why don't you give us a gift?" The broken bracelet shows her off."

"Cheng Xiaosi is also a brainless person. What relationship do we have with her? She actually accepted a gift from You Jinling. Sister, what should I do with that begonia flower necklace?"

"Why don't you let Cheng Xiaosi buy a similar pair and wear it? She doesn't lack the money anyway."

"Also, what's going on with my cousin? He hasn't sent us any money for a long time. It must be that bitch Xiao He who blew the pillow wind."

You Qinglian was already upset. Who would feel better when he saw that the clown who could only follow him before and didn't dare to raise his head was now so prosperous?
She is better than Cheng Xiaosi in every aspect, except for her background. Just because of this, she will never see the light of day no matter how hard she tries.

"Say less. If you are so good at talking, why don't you say it in front of Cheng Xiaosi?"

You Qinghuan shut her mouth knowingly, but the annoyance in her eyes became more intense.

"When will your cousin come?"

As soon as the two sisters entered the yard, Zhang Yuewu stood at the door like a ghost with a scary look in her eyes. You Qinglian didn't dare to say that she hadn't seen Cheng Daqi today, so she could only lie, "My cousin said that he has been busy these days. Waiting for him to be busy." Come as soon as you pass."

She never understood why her mother had to see her cousin, but she didn't dare to ask.

The corners of Zhang Yuewu's lips curved into a sneer, which became even more charming, "Have you arranged all the things I asked you to arrange?"

You Qinglian nodded, and Zhang Yuewu turned back to the house and closed the door.

You Qinghuan was a little scared and didn't dare to ask what was arranged, so she quickly hid in the house.

You Jinling, who returned to her home, was not idle either. She quickly sent someone to give You Qinglian the news about the begonia flower necklace.

You Qinglian's brows knitted into a knot when she learned that it was bought by Miss Liao from the Imperial Palace. The news was so straightforward. She knew that You Jinling had told her on purpose, which meant that if she took Without that collar, Eugene Ling would definitely expose her in front of everyone next time.

When he thought of the price of a thousand taels, he took a deep breath and decided to pass the news back to Cheng Xiaosi, hoping that Cheng Xiaosi could buy it himself.

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