Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 84 General Mavericks is trying to trap him

Chapter 84 General Mavericks is trying to trap him
"Uncle, if you think about it again, is it really gone?"

In the study room, General Maverick's eyes were bright. "This is not a matter of long-term fishing. We have to deal with it all at once. Just tell me who else you have evidence of corruption?"

Cheng Daqi's expression was complicated. Is General Maverick addicted to ransacking homes?
Or is this what the emperor meant?
"General Maverick, you can't just copy the civil and military affairs of the entire dynasty, right? Listen to me, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. Everything should be done in moderation."

"The wealth of Lord Qiu and Cao is already huge. What you have to do is to guard their lair and wait for the emperor's order."

The descendants of this Beijing aristocratic family are all abnormal. As soon as Yuan Su calmed down, General Maverick's bad temper came back again.

How did he know that General Maverick was in such a hurry? He had already attacked Beixiang Imperial City back then, so why couldn't he defeat Dongshu?

It’s not because of the lack of supplies.

Half of Beixiang was captured, but it was not fertile at all. It not only failed to nourish the imperial court, but also threatened to bring down the imperial court. Dongshu had already deployed troops on the newly divided border. According to spies, half of the captured Beixiang was Xiangdu has almost been subdued by them, and they have scraped a lot of oil and water from the royal family elders in Beixiang. If they wait for the internal purge to be completed, will they want to continue to attack the city and seize territory?
Now it is his two brothers who are leading the troops to guard the border. They are poor people. How can he, the person responsible for staying in the capital to make money, not be anxious?
Other countries say that Xijin is powerful and rich, but they don't know that the rich are those big families and corrupt officials. Otherwise, the national treasury will be empty?


At this moment, Cheng Yousan came to see General Maverick to see his horse, and Cheng Xiaosi came to see her father who was already working hard. When they entered the door, they saw two people in the study staring at each other, one eager, the other helpless. .

General Maverick sighed and began to play the emotional card, talking about various difficulties, "Although we have just allocated food and grass, everyone is nervous. Now there is an earthquake and the court is bleeding. I don't know what will happen next." .”

"It's already summer. The soldiers are still wearing the unlined clothes from the year before. Last year, they didn't make unlined clothes anymore. The people who protect the family and the country are in rags. This... I feel bad."

After speaking, he glanced at everyone secretly. The Cheng family is rich and noble. Shouldn't he wave his hand at this moment?
Cheng Daqi felt uncomfortable, and even felt a little guilty. Cheng Yousan wanted his father to pay for it, since the Cheng family was not short of money anyway.

Cheng Xiaosi spoke before the two of them, "No wonder General Maverick is the fastest when it comes to confiscating homes. If I were General Maverick, I would love to confiscate all the rich people's homes."

General Maverick nodded repeatedly, isn't that it?
Now he sees that everyone wants to copy him.

Cheng Xiaosi changed the subject, "But General Mavericks, if you ransack a house, it's just a one-time transaction. The key is that you can't do it more than a few times a year. If you encounter someone who has transferred their property, your income will be even smaller."

"And you have to spend money everywhere. Even if you steal it, you can't all return it to the army, right?"

"Wouldn't it be better if there was a steady stream of income, and it could be more and more every year?"

Cheng Yousan subconsciously took a step back. Is General Maverick trying to fall into a trap?

Should he remind him?
And at this moment, General Maverick has been aroused, "Does the fourth girl want me to do business?"

Cheng Xiaosi shook his head, "A general who defends his family and country on the battlefield can't be distracted from doing business?"

"Merchants are just doing business, let them do it."

General Maverick raised his eyebrows, "You want me to collect protection money?" It's not impossible, but I definitely can't agree.

Cheng Xiaosi continued to shake his head, "How could I have such an idea, do I still need the prestige of the General's Mansion?"

He sat across from him and said, "General Mavericks, our family is going to open a paper mill, and we are already making preparations. If it starts and goes well, we will have another profitable business in the future. Please help me." Take good care of me.”

General Maverick's eyes lit up, "This is easy to say."

"Will the paper mill recruit people, and will it make money?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "General Maverick, you have also seen that the north of the city where we live is really shabby. My father is determined to persuade some merchants to come over and improve it. When merchants come, they come to do business. Who doesn't want to recruit people? "

General Maverick's eyes brightened, and Cheng Xiaosi kept up his efforts, "The emperor ordered my father to take charge of the merchants. Although my father has the title of uncle, this title is not very useful. He will cause trouble for many things in the future. General Maverick.”

"Although they are all sharing the emperor's worries, General Mavericks can rest assured that the merchants are the most observant and understand all the rules."

"As more and more merchants come to the north of the city, there will naturally be more things to trouble General Maverick. By then, a chamber of commerce will definitely be established in the north of the city. The chamber of commerce will have dues, and General Maverick can also get some shares."

This is a big pie, and it can still come true.

General Mavericks had a smile on his face. He understood what he meant. The emperor wanted to make money from Uncle Shunyi, but with the limited power of the Cheng family, Uncle Shunyi must attract many merchants. When the time comes, the merchants will gather together. In the north of the city, there must be many people in the court who want to get a share of the pie. If he can seize the opportunity, then
Cheng Xiaosi took the opportunity to wink at Cheng Daqi, and Cheng Daqi immediately understood, "To be honest, young general, I have been having a headache about this matter recently. The situation in the DPRK is too complicated for me to understand and get involved in. Everything is so complicated." A single move can affect the whole body. I wanted to change the color of Chengbei, but I didn't know what to do."

"The merchants are actually not short of money. When they come, the money will come, and the north of the city will become rich, but"

"Originally, I wanted to find Young Master Yuan Wu. The Yuan family is also an aristocratic family, so I thought I could take care of him. But after hearing what General Maverick said, I was very touched. The way businessmen like me can make a few stable money depends on the protection of the soldiers. We are waiting for An Ning to protect our country. If General Maverick is interested, we can discuss it in detail."

When he heard that Yuan Su was responsible for such good things, General Xiao Niu immediately stood up and bowed, "My uncle likes my nephew. That's my blessing. If I need anything in the future, I can just say hello." .”

Cheng Daqi laughed out loud, "Oh, with General Maverick's care, I feel confident."

"I will be the host tomorrow and treat General Maverick to a drink. By the way, I will tell General Maverick the general situation so that General Maverick can have an idea."

General Mavericks laughed together, and Cheng Yousan swallowed. Was General Mavericks taken down by his sister and father?

Are the Cheng family and the Niu family about to be tied together?

Did they climb up to Niu's house?

He was so dazed and scared! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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