Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 87 A great weapon still knows my heart

After laughing, Cheng Daqi mentioned the purpose of inviting the Xiao family, "Firstly, our recent steps have been a bit big, and many things cannot be taken care of due to lack of manpower; secondly, it is also the emperor's intention."

"The emperor wants us to come to the capital?"

Xiao Zhanpeng was a little dumbfounded. It was true that he was a bandit before, but he just intercepted the goods at the risk of his life. Besides, he had surrendered long ago and was now considered a good citizen. "Settling the score after the fall?"

Seeing that his father-in-law was anxious and scared because he could beat him to death with one fist, Cheng Daqi felt relieved.

Oops, he really thought his father-in-law was not afraid of anything.

"If you have something to say, just say it all at once. What's the point of saying it in half?"

Xiao He's dissatisfied word of success made Cheng Daqi feel honest and relaxed for a moment. He quickly explained the reason and heard that he needed to help suppress the bandits. This time, Xiao Zhanpeng felt comfortable and quite proud.

"If you want to know more about bandit dens, you're looking for the right person."

I used to do this, so I knew a lot. Later, I became a dart boy, and I knew even more. "I'm not bragging. I know who is real and who is fake. I know who is rich and who can't expose me. I am not bragging." clear."

In a twists and turns, he is about to make a meritorious deed!
Cheng Daqi stood up cheerfully, "In that case, let's talk in detail in the study."

All the men in the room followed them to the study. Mrs. Cheng continued to chat with Mrs. Xiao about the household chores. Cheng Xiaosi also brought his sisters back to the courtyard, where they lay down together and chatted.

The atmosphere in the morning court the next morning was even more tense. For the past two days, the yamen felt as if it had stabbed the den of suffering masters. One after another came to complain, some suing officials, some suing relatives of officials, and some Sue the wealthy businessman.

The defendants are all rich people!
General Maverick shouted excitedly in his heart, wishing the emperor to confiscate all these people. He would work day and night to ensure that even a grain of rice would be confiscated.

The emperor who claims to be in control of the overall situation is really angry. He knows the corruption below, but can he, as an emperor, kill all the corrupt officials?

He turned a blind eye, thinking that as long as these people were greedy for money, they could still spend some time working as errands, and slightly thought about being loyal to him as the emperor, but what?

All the fucking bastards, just greedy! ! !
"Check, check everything clearly for me."

The courtiers did not dare to express their anger at this moment, and they were already calculating the gains and losses in their minds. The emperor made it clear that he wanted to make a fortune and rectify the family, so they had to make the emperor's wish come true as soon as possible. Some people could be discarded, but in vain They also have to fight for the position that comes out.

Besides, if there is a problem with their people, then the emperor’s own people will be fine, right? If our strength is going to be compromised, then let’s all work together!
In this way, the emperor and the aristocratic family once again started to compete. As for who will get better benefits this time, it is not yet clear.

After leaving the court, Cheng Daqi suddenly found that there were many people talking to him. Many people gathered around him, asking for news or greeting him politely. They also invited him to have tea. Cheng Daqi politely declined. As for asking for news, he Is there any news I can share with you?

"I don't know either. I'm thinking about how to handle the errands assigned by the emperor. It's very difficult."

When he arrived at the door of the royal study, he heard the arguing among the courtiers inside again. He sighed quietly. He didn't have enough brains to join in the fun. General Mavericks winked at him, and the two of them muttered at the corner.

Cheng Daqi spoke first, "In order to share your worries, and to reduce General Maverick's burden, my old father-in-law arrived yesterday."

General Maverick didn't know yet that the emperor wanted him to earn rice and grain by suppressing bandits. Cheng Daqi whispered a few words in his ear. General Maverick clasped his fists and said, "Uncle, you are a great talent."

Suppressing the bandits' den would restore peace to the people, earn him rice and grain, and enhance the reputation of their Niu family army. It couldn't be better. "Easy to say, easy to say."

Cheng Daqi looked like he was deeply hiding his achievements and fame, "It's all about sharing the emperor's worries."

He felt more and more that the words "sharing the emperor's worries" were very useful. If used well, great things could be accomplished.

Thinking that the people inside wouldn't be able to get out for a while, the two simply started chatting about cooperation. I heard that there were still escort agencies whose business could be taken care of by Niu Jiajun. General Maverick's eyes became smaller when he smiled. "Uncle, you're being polite, aren't you? I'm just sharing the Emperor's worries, so I'll say it whenever it's useful."

He had vaguely heard about the escort agency business in Shunyi Bo Mansion and was cooperating with the Yan family, but he had forgotten that the two families had split up, so he could also eat this piece of meat, right?

Cheng Daqi whispered, "The escort job actually doesn't make much money, so the escort agencies bring goods from all over the world to sell. We have plans to open a big grocery store in the north of the city, selling goods from all over the world. This matter is between me and The Xiao family is in partnership and is willing to give [-]% of its shares to General Mavericks."

"What General Maverick wants to do is to ensure the safety of our goods."

"My uncle is so polite, but my nephew is so disrespectful."

He had already told his old man about this last night. The old man only meant one thing. Since the emperor wanted to be important to the Cheng family, then they would join in to protect the Cheng family. If their generals could even do this, How can you mess around if you don’t?
Besides, they are all sharing the emperor's worries, so there is nothing to avoid suspicion.

"Uncle, please feel free to do things in the north of the city. If you encounter any trouble, just come to me. If I can't solve it, don't you still have my old man?"

He can shake his dad, but there are still things in the capital that his dad can't do?

"As long as my uncle considers us more, the soldiers will also be grateful for his kindness."

Cheng Daqi understood the situation and said that he would wait for his arrival in the mansion that night, "We are businessmen. We like to talk things over first, so that the young general can have an idea."

Both of them laughed, and the people in the royal study room also came out. General Yan frowned slightly when he saw the two people talking about being intimate, and left after saying a few polite greetings. As usual, Shunyi's Mansion should be here last month. I gave them a sum of money, but it was a pity that the two families broke up and were in such embarrassment that the money was gone.

It seems that the Niu family took advantage today.

Thinking of this, his face became even worse.

When Cheng Daqi and General Xiaoniu saw the emperor, the emperor was still green and black, and he looked like he had to kill two people to be happy. Fortunately, after hearing the rewards from Cheng Daqi and General Xiaoniu, he felt much more comfortable. Finally, he was Someone who is dedicated to sharing his worries and doing things for him.

"General Mavericks and the Xiao family have discussed the matter of suppressing bandits. There are so many things going on in the capital recently and you don't want to go out. Just pick someone who can do it."

General Maverick clasped his fists, "The last general has a cousin named Qian Li. He has followed his father and brother on the battlefield before. He is quite heroic and has suppressed bandits. I can let him go this time."

The emperor nodded. He didn't care who went, as long as things were done well for him. Cheng Daqi, who had become more and more fond of being a sycophant, smiled and said, "In order for the merchants' goods to arrive in the capital smoothly, the emperor specially sent troops to suppress the bandits. The merchants We will definitely feel grateful when we know it, and even the common people will be grateful for the emperor's great kindness."

The emperor thought of the scenes where the people were grateful to him a few days ago, and a smile appeared on his lips, "It is still my great talent that knows my heart."

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