Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 92 Want to touch his hand?Don’t even think about it!

Going to the mountains to pick mushrooms?
Yuan Su was speechless. Does she believe this reason?
Even Li Yuanhao on the side was shocked and couldn't help but ask, "Miss Cheng Si needs so many people to accompany her when picking mushrooms?"


Cheng Xiaosi nodded with concern, "I heard that there is a kind of mushroom that grows in the mountains and forests. It is very delicious. One bite can be as delicious as heaven. I don't want to try my luck here."

"The people behind me are protecting me."

Xiao Chengli smiled, "That's what it is. We both like to eat mountain delicacies, let's come together."

Cheng Yiyi nodded seriously, "We all want to come and see how strange it is."

"Yes, yes, idleness is idleness."

"Well, there are tigers and wolves in the mountains. In order to make stuttering easier, a few more people always have to come."

A group of people expressed various opinions, confirming that they were just looking for mushrooms. While talking, they pretended to look around, using the knife in their hands as a stick, and muttered: "Is there nothing on this mountain?"

"Look, look again."

Yuan Su was speechless. When he was considering whether to expose them, Cheng Xiaosi suddenly said, "Oh, little Marquis, you are injured. Why, you made an appointment with Young Master Yuan Wu to go up to the mountain to spar so early in the morning?"

Li Yuanhao laughed and laughed: "Miss Cheng Si is smart, you can see this. No, we are both respectable people. We are competing in the city and attracting attention, so naturally we need to find a hidden place."

"What are those people burying?"

The people in the distance were obviously burying corpses. Cheng Xiaosi decided that he should take a good look at the almanac before going out next time. He saw dead people twice every time he went out. It was bad luck!
Li Yuanhao opened his eyes and told lies, "There are some wolves that don't open their eyes and insist on joining in the fun, so they can only be buried."

Cheng Xiaosi touched his chin, "Li and I suspect that the young master is thinking about us."

When everyone thought that this was really what he meant, their eyes suddenly looked bad again.

Fortunately, both parties were busy doing their own thing after telling lies and were unwilling to continue to argue. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "We still need to continue looking for mushrooms, so I won't disturb the discussion between the two of you."

Li Yuanhao was injured and anxiously went back to report the situation, "We have had enough discussions. Let's go back to Beijing to have a look at the wounds. Fourth girl, be careful. There are a lot of wolves on this mountain."

"Thank you, Young Master."

The two parties walked together for a while, and the atmosphere was very strange. Cheng Xiaosi saw that Yuan Su had been holding his hands behind his back, and he joked, "Young Master Yuan Wu, you have a bad habit of keeping your hands behind your back. I feel like only old men like to have their hands behind their backs."

Yuan Su smiled but said, "I'll understand it in advance so that I won't be blinded when I get old."

Want to touch his hand?
Don't even think about it!

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "Young Master Yuanwu is really foresighted."

After saying this, he stopped talking. At the fork in the road, Cheng Xiaosi and his party wanted to go up the mountain, while Yuan Su and others wanted to go down the mountain. The two parties separated.

On the way, Li Yuanhao turned to look at the place where Cheng Xiaosi and others had left, "What are they looking for in this mountain? Also, why did Hui Lin follow the Cheng family's mistress?"

He could see it clearly. When he reached the fork, Hui Lin followed Cheng Xiaosi without hesitation without even looking at Yuan Su. "Did you take the initiative to give it to me?"

"You've spent a lot of money. You also used money to clear the way when you were wandering around Shili Flower Field. Now you have learned how to give gifts?"

Hui Lin sent them all out, tsk tsk tsk.

Yuan Su had no choice but to say that Hui Lin fell in love with the colorful golden pheasant, and he didn't take the initiative to give it to him. "Your wound doesn't hurt anymore?"

Li Yuanhao's eyes were full of meaning, "Do you think I will believe it?"

A mouse fell in love with a chicken?

"But it's easy for you to do this. Your old lady is afraid that you won't marry for the rest of your life, so she just wants you to be a girl, right?" The country is beautiful, but the smile is beautiful and makes you feel comfortable, so I think it will work."

Yuan Su stroked his forehead and wanted to sew his mouth shut. Fortunately, after Li Yuanhao finished teasing him, he did not forget about business, "How about sending two people to follow him and have a look? I don't believe in any nonsense about picking mushrooms."

Just as Yuan Su was about to make arrangements, Li Yuanhao suddenly took a breath of cold air and looked down. He was bitten by a snake. "What evil have I done? Please carry me down the mountain quickly. Oops, is it poisonous?"

Being so distracted, Yuan Su didn't bother to arrange for someone to follow him, and hurriedly took Li Yuanhao away.

Cheng Xiaosi on the other side was also discussing them, and Xiao Chengli said, "It must be an assassination. That little Marquis has messy hair, a haggard look, and his feet are covered in mud. He must be the one who was rescued."

"That Young Master Yuan Wu is neatly dressed and has a calm demeanor. He must have come to save him."

"Who are they?"

Cheng Xiaosi admired her cousin very much and felt that the people in the escort agency were also talented people. "The young prince is the son of Shunping Hou and is considered a royal family member. Young Master Yuan Wu is from the Yuan family and his father is from the Ministry of Household Affairs." Minister."

Xiao Chengli sighed, "They are all big shots. There must be something going on inside."

Cheng Yi said, "Don't ask about these people. The more you know, the more trouble you will have."

His eyes fell on Cheng Xiaosi, "What did you and Young Master Yuan Wu say just now? Are you sick? What disease?"

Cheng Xiaosi laughed, "I lied to her."

"Your temper is getting more and more lively."

Cheng Yiyi felt that this sister was about to become too much for him to understand.

The group of people walked for another half an hour and saw that it was morning. Their chests were pressed against their backs because of hunger. The escorts were all fine. Cheng Xiaosi said that she could no longer walk. This ordinary mountain taught her how to be a human being. "It's really like running to death in Wangshan. I can't walk anymore."

'Xiao Si, there is a creek ahead. Cross the creek and then turn around and you will be there. '

Hua Bao came here several times and was exhausted every time. Today he came standing on Cheng Xiaosi's shoulder and felt very comfortable. After the group stopped, he fluttered his wings to show off his beauty. "The stream is sweet." Yes, there are fish in it. '

Cheng Xiaosi dragged his lead-filled legs and said, "There is a stream ahead, and there are fish in the stream. Go and have a look."

"Did this chicken tell you again?"

Xiao Feng has always wanted to know how one person and one chicken communicate?
"Did these few flutters just now have any profound meaning?"

Cheng Xiaosi likes people who can think things through, "Just follow along. If it's true, we'll take a break."

After about half a stick of incense, the sound of tinkling spring water reached everyone's ears.

"There really is a stream."

"This chicken is awesome, no wonder it looks so good-looking."

"Isn't he already a sperm?"

Amidst the discussion of several escorts, the stream came into view. Unknown flowers were still blooming beside the stream. The wind blew a faint fragrance. A few fish were swimming happily in the stream, and their fish scales were glowing in the sun. Silver light.

"Hey, this fish is so fat. Get some and stew them."

Not to mention the escorts who often go out, even if they go up the mountain, everything is ready. A big black iron pot was just taken off the back. Then someone picked up stones to build a stove, and someone went to grab it. Fish, kill fish, there is still oil and salt in the bamboo tube on his body, and soon there will be a sizzling sound in the pot.

"Uncle Hou, your fish is fried well. I can smell the aroma." (End of Chapter)

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