Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 94 Only fat people can bring happiness

Chapter 94 Only fat people can bring happiness
The things were wrapped in Cheng Xiaosi's handkerchief. There weren't many, but jade bracelets, pearls and emeralds, agates, gems, gold and silver were all there.

Even if the color is dull, you can still see the appearance of the past, and each piece is of high quality.

The emperor's pupils narrowed, he picked up two things and looked at them carefully, and then his eyes fell on Cheng Xiaosi, "How did you find them?"

I don't know how many people were mobilized for this thing back then. Even Qian's hometown was dug up three feet, just barely digging up his ancestral grave. How could a girl find such a secret?

Cheng Xiaosi knew that it was time to give the emperor a lecture on metaphysics. "My daughter is still in a daze now. The reason is the colorful golden pheasant that the emperor rewarded."

She told how Hua Bao went out to play in the middle of the night and always came back with gold and silver jewelry in the morning. "At first, I thought it was stolen from another house, so I asked my third brother to help find out whose house it was missing." It wasn’t until my grandfather came with his men that one of the escorts determined that the jewelry must have been kept in a dark and unventilated place for a long time.”

"My daughter also suspected that someone's tomb had been stolen. The escort judged based on the smell on the jewelry that it did not come from the tomb."

"On a whim, I asked Hua Bao to take us out of the city with my two cousins ​​and many bodyguards. By a stroke of luck, I discovered a cave on a mountain top that was shaken by an earthquake. It’s densely packed with boxes, all filled with gold and silver treasures.”

"My daughter's brother talked about the corrupt silver that was not found 30 years ago, so he hurried down the mountain and informed the emperor before the palace door was locked."

The emperor suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and asked, "Who is Hua Bao?"

"Huabao is the name my daughter gave to that golden pheasant."

Cheng Xiaosi was a little proud, "Your Majesty, you don't even know that that golden pheasant is very smart and listens to your daughter. I asked it if it had found a lot of treasures, and it nodded; I asked if it could take me to find it, and it also Nodding, we followed it all the way, and we felt a little ridiculous while walking on the road. Even Chen Nu’s brother laughed and said that a group of people actually listened to a chicken, and actually led us to find it."

The emperor also thought it was a bit ridiculous to say this, "Go back and bring that chicken, Huabao, to me for a closer look."

"After seeing so many things, you don't want to take them for yourself?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled calmly, "I have thought about it. Not only me, but also my uncle and several bodyguards are very excited. If I hide it and take it as my own, I will be rich and wealthy for the rest of my life."

"One of the bodyguards also said that he could also donate a job to honor his ancestors."

The emperor smiled. Such thoughts were in line with his state of mind at that time, "Why are you telling me again?"

Cheng Xiaosi spread his hands, "The main thing is that I'm afraid of death."

The emperor became interested, "I haven't found this thing for decades, so I never thought that the court might have given up?"

"Hey, how can this windfall be so good?"

Cheng Xiaosi clasped his fingers, "You have to spend the money. How do you explain to people how the money came from? A lie requires a hundred lies to support it, and you have to be on guard all day long, in case you are discovered, in case the court thinks of it again. , who knows if those jewelry have any marks and will they be recognized by others?"

"After a fierce ideological struggle and discussion, I finally made the decision and allowed the bodyguard who followed me to take two gold ingots each. My uncle and two cousins ​​did not want it. They planned to follow to suppress the bandits to gain credit. , I’m still waiting to see if I can get some military pay in the future.”

"My eldest brother and cousin don't want it either. First of all, they are both people who have seen money. Secondly, they want to share the emperor's worries and can't let dad talk about it."

"As for me."

She smiled and took out several jade bracelets and a jade pendant from her purse, "I just took these. They are not easy to sell outside because of their condition. I want to give them to my mother, my grandma, my grandma and my sisters-in-law." , give the jade pendant to my father."

The emperor found it very interesting, "So candid?"

He didn't see the things, and he didn't even know how many boxes were moved, but this girl still confessed honestly, "Aren't you afraid that I'll blame you?" Cheng Xiaosi shrank his neck. It had to be said that after seeing the emperor a few more times, she still... After getting used to it, his speech became smoother and smoother, "I'm quite scared, but dad said that the emperor is a good man and a wise king, so I decided to kill him first and then report him later."


"Interesting, Daqi, you are a blessing."

Sure enough, only fat people can bring good fortune. Where does the good fortune come from that courtier who is as skinny as a monkey?

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand and said, "This girl is getting more and more courageous. Wei Chen must discipline her well when she goes back."

The emperor was very happy and waved his hand, "You're a lucky girl too. I heard you're not going to propose marriage so early?"

"Then I'll take care of you for two more years, which will bring you blessings."

"Xiaosi." The emperor's eyes fell on Cheng Xiaosi, "Tell your uncle and the others that the few gold ingots they took away should be regarded as rewards from me. Let them spend them boldly and give them to me well." Suppress the bandits, and I will reward you when you come back."

Cheng Xiaosi hurriedly gave the blessing and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, so that my uncle and the others can feel at ease."

Cheng Daqi held up his hand and said, "Your Majesty, the mountain where the treasure is hidden has collapsed. I'm afraid we have to carry the things back earlier."

The emperor nodded, eager to see his year's treasury, and immediately summoned General Mavericks.

At this moment, General Maverick was already waiting at the gate of the palace. The smile on the corner of Cheng Yousan's mouth has not faded since he got the news. "Yousan, if you really have something from your family, you can find these things." That girl is so lucky."

Cheng Yousan also smiled, "Maybe stupid people are lucky. You didn't see how she could make people mad like before."

"Hey, this is called luck."

General Maverick now sees how the Cheng family likes her, "I will have to prepare a generous gift to thank her later."

Cheng Yousan smiled and said, "Just give it to Xiaosi. We now have one cousin, two cousins, plus Xiaosi and my sister, five girls in our family."

General Maverick was happy, "I understand, then I won't give it away."

There are three programs.
So stingy?
The palace official came to deliver the order and was overjoyed to see someone waiting outside the door, "General Maverick, come in quickly, the emperor is waiting for you."

As for Cheng Yousan, he is still not qualified to enter. His responsibility is to guard his and General Maverick's horses here.

Half an hour later, General Mavericks and Cheng Daqi came out together, both with smiles on their faces. Cheng Xiaosi had already suffered from the sequelae of climbing the mountain. His whole body was sore, and he dragged his legs behind as he walked behind, yawning from time to time.

It would be a long night and many dreams, so General Maverick decided to recruit all his people tonight and go out early tomorrow morning. "We will also ask the Xiao family's bodyguards to accompany him to guide the way."

Cheng Daqi said that he would help him make arrangements when he got back. General Mavericks thanked him, and then caught a glimpse of Cheng Xiaosi who was quite embarrassed and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Miss Four, please go back and rest early."


Cheng Xiaosi did as he was told, got into the carriage and pretended to be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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