Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 99 Cheng Xiao4: She is quite considerate.

Cheng Xiaosi felt that his ability to bullshit was getting stronger and stronger. Facing Li Yuanhao, who obviously didn't believe it, he nodded seriously, "It's absolutely true. Otherwise, how would we know that the mountain top collapsed, how would we know which mountain top collapsed, and how would we know what was inside the mountain top?" Do you have any money?"

"The initial guess is that the money embezzled from Mr. Qian's corruption case was said to be close to a year's revenue from the national treasury."

"You haven't seen that the cave is full of boxes, filled with gold, silver and jewelry, tsk tsk tsk."

"I can't take them home, my heart hurts~"

Li Yuanhao looked at Yuan Su, and both of them saw shock in each other's eyes, "Is it really that embezzlement?"

"Who can say this well?"

Cheng Xiaosi shook his head, "That's just a guess. We'll find out when General Mavericks moves everything down."

Li Yuanhao once again regretted why he didn't follow up yesterday to take a look. General Mavericks is the emperor's man. Needless to say, all the money will be received by the treasury. If he takes the lead, maybe.
When he saw Cheng Xiaosi blinking at him, he was immediately discouraged and looked in vain. The situation at that time was in vain. The group of bodyguards could not be defeated in the situation at that time, and the Cheng family was now relying on the emperor. It was impossible to ask the prince for help without looking at the prince. , nothing happened until now?

"I heard that your father also helped with the disaster relief. He did a good job and many merchants contributed their efforts?"


Cheng Xiaosi ignored Yourong and said proudly, "You know, although our Cheng family is not in the eyes of high-ranking officials, we were good at doing business in the past, and every merchant gave us some respect, so it's not worth mentioning. Not worth mentioning."

Li Yuanhao.
So Uncle Shunyi deliberately didn't help the prince?
Cheng Xiaosi's eyes fell on Yuan Su again, and Yuan Su's hand that was supposed to be holding the tea cup immediately retracted, really afraid that she would take advantage of him in front of so many people.

"Young Master Yuan Wu, I heard that you have a treasure on your body that your family has worked hard to obtain. It seeks good luck and avoids misfortune. I don't know what it is and where did it come from?"

Yuan Su raised his eyebrows. This time, he didn't care about touching his hand, but about touching his things?
"What happened to the fourth girl?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "It's not me, it's the Wenchanghou Mansion. Just now Jin Ling told me that weird things have happened in the Wenchanghou Mansion recently. People in the mansion have had bad luck one after another. They either fell ill or were injured for no reason. Even Wenchanghou got into the car. They all broke their legs.”

"Not only are there frequent accidents, but everyone in the mansion has become anxious and loses their temper at every turn. It's very weird."

"I have a bold guess that there may be something evil in the house."

You Jinling frowned, thinking about this possibility, the more she thought about it, the weirder it became.

Seeing that although the green energy on her body was also dissipating, it was too slow and too little, and thinking that her father still had a faint green energy lingering on his body, he became more and more eager to know what was hanging on Yuan Su's neck?
Li Yuanhao clicked his tongue a few times, "What a strange news. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It's interesting."

Cheng Xiaosi thought about the fact that one person died every day recently, and she was somewhat sure that it was Zhang Yuewu who did it, but she had no evidence, so she lured a few people in this direction.

"What's strange is that someone dies every day recently. The deceased have nothing to do with each other, but they are all men in their prime. They died in the same appearance, blue and black. I don't believe it if they are all accidents. .”

"Based on what happened in Wenchang Hou Mansion, is there any connection?"

The question is thrown out and it's up to the three of them to figure it out.

You Jinling was the first to think of it. After all, everyone in the house had something wrong, but Zhang Yuewu, mother and daughter were the only ones who danced higher and higher without being affected at all.

"Your cousin went crazy some time ago and locked herself in the house all day long. She aged more than ten years in just a few days. You know this because you saw it with your own eyes."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded and admitted that Zhang Yuewu was indeed very old when You Qinglian stopped her father's carriage on the way.You Jinling said again, "The government has hired many doctors for her for the same reason, but she just got better on her own. Not only is she no longer crazy, but her face is getting younger day by day. How does she look like now?" She is a woman in her 30s, probably in her early twenties."

"Do you think she used some evil magic to absorb the essence of those people?"

The more Yu Jinling thought about it, the more she realized that this was the case. How else could she explain why she suddenly stopped going crazy?
Li Yuanhao, who was just joking at first, felt strangely that there were two possibilities, "How can you prove it?"

You Jinling and Cheng Xiaosi both shook their heads, "Unless someone can monitor him for twelve hours."

"What's so difficult about this?"

Li Yuanhao suggested, "Send someone to guard around the Wenchang Hou Mansion to see if any faces come to the door."

You Jinling was in a dilemma. She had no reliable candidate, so she could only look at Cheng Xiaosi eagerly. Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "She is my cousin. Leave this matter to me."

"But just in case, I suggest you not to return home recently."

You Jinling thought about this, but was worried about her mother. She was afraid that Zhang Yuewu would take the opportunity to kill her mother, "Don't worry about this. She won't touch me or anyone in the family for the time being. You Qinglian But it’s time to say kiss.”

Cheng Xiaosi reluctantly felt relieved and continued to look at Yuan Su, "I wonder if Mr. Yuan Wu can let me know easily?"

A few people came out of the shop opposite, it was Cheng Sanniang and her friends. When they saw her, they waved to her. Cheng Xiaosi stood up and said, "If it's inconvenient for Mr. Yuan Wu, I'll pay you a visit another day."

Yuan Su quickly said, "It's just a tooth."


Cheng Xiaosi was curious, "Are they human teeth, from an eminent monk?"

Even if it belongs to an eminent monk, hanging around his neck still makes people look, "Is it from an animal? Is it a black dog tooth?"

Yuan Su's expression was complicated, and Cheng Xiaosi also went downstairs in a hurry, "I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead. Master Yuan Wu, I'll pay you a visit tomorrow."

It would definitely be inconvenient for her to say it in front of so many people, but she could be told in private.

Cheng Xiaosi said that she is quite considerate.

You Jinling also took the opportunity to say goodbye. Finally, Yuan Su looked at Li Yuanhao. Li Yuanhao calmly ate his tea and said, "Don't look at me, I don't have any money."

Yuan Su silently picked up the tea cup and asked, "Did he invite you for this tea?"

After going downstairs, You Jinling went directly back to the house. Cheng Sanniang took Cheng Xiaosi to show him the jewelry she just bought, "We even helped you pick it out, but I have to tell my third brother later that the money he gave is not enough."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded with a smile, and the sisters walked along the street without getting on the carriage. They went into whichever shop they liked and bought if they liked it.

Li Yuanhao, who was sitting in the teahouse, sighed, "The people in Shunyi Bofu have really changed a lot. They are much richer now than before."

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