Xiaofu's wife took the space to marry a rough man

Chapter 370 Everything about the Zhang family must be captured

Uncle Zhou nodded, looked at each other with Uncle Zhou, and asked Huo Chen to go aside.

It's time to settle some accounts.

Uncle Zhou looked at Huo Chen with a tired face and said, "Has your father looked for you? Your mother supported that family. Without your mother, how could your father have such a good life?"

However, less than half a year after your mother left, he took your mother's good sister Zhang Yuhua with him, and within half a year he gave birth to your younger brother. Your second uncle and I suspected that your mother's death that year was not a dystocia.

There are other reasons, no matter what they are, your second uncle and I will investigate them.

You must also go back to that home and take back everything that belongs to you, so that your mother can feel at ease. "

Huo Chen was not too surprised when he heard these words. He had heard about these things before, so he didn't want to go back.

But now that he heard that there might be a hidden reason for his mother's death, Huo Chen's heart was trembling, and he nodded in agreement.

Uncle Zhou was relieved when he saw this. This boy was willing to go back for Yue Lian, which proved that he recognized Yue Lian in his heart and did not bear any grudge against her for not raising her.

"Your mother will definitely be very happy if she knows that you don't blame her." Uncle Zhou said as he covered his face and cried. His little sister is such a kind person, but how can she meet someone unkindly?

"I don't blame her. If she were alive, she would love me very much," Huo Chen said.

Uncle Zhou nodded, took out his only remaining photo and handed it to Huo Chen: "Your mother, like your wife, is both beautiful and lively, but she is too kind and easily deceived.

You must treat your wife well and protect her. "

Huo Chen nodded and took the photo. This was the first time he saw his mother. He had fantasized about it when he was a child, but when he actually saw this moment, the wall in his heart collapsed instantly. He looked at it in collapse. The woman in the photo.

The woman was sitting on a chair, with tenderness in her eyes, one hand stroking her belly, and a happy smile on her lips.

He saw from the photos the woman's love and longing for the child in her belly.

When Huo Chen came out with the photo, Xu Ying stepped forward and took his hand.

"My child and I will stay with you."

As soon as these words came out, Huo Chen could no longer control himself, and tears ran down his face.

Xu Ying hugged him distressedly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I hugged him, there was an unsatisfactory growl in my stomach.

Xu Ying suddenly blushed.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and said with a nasal tone: "My great-granddaughter must be hungry. Come on, grandma will take you to eat."

The family walked toward the restaurant outside in a mighty manner.

After dinner, there was no one on the road, so Mrs. Zhou and her family settled in the hotel.

Early the next morning, Huo Chen sent the Zhou family away.

As soon as the Zhou family left, Zhang Yanlin quickly called Huo Chen Restaurant, asking him when he would return home.

Huo Chen did not refuse, but said he was free. Zhang Yanlin was very happy when he heard this.

As soon as the Zhou family heard that Huo Chen was their grandson, they couldn't wait to see him. This shows how important that kid is in the Zhou family.

Although the Zhou family's property was confiscated, the country will compensate for part of the losses when they return this time, and the Zhou family's connections should not be underestimated.

With these connections and property, the Zhang family will only become richer. Seeing his proud look, Zhang Yuhua felt extremely jealous: "Zhang Yanlin, don't forget that Zhiguo is our biological son.

Even if that kid comes back, the Zhang family's property can only belong to our family Zhiguo. "

Zhang Yanlin smiled and hugged his wife: "Don't worry, that boy is coming back to help pave the way for our country. I can't tell which one is near and which one is far.

Our Zhiguo is a child I have seen growing up since childhood. Would I not consider him? "

When Zhang Yuhua heard this, her face was full of pride. It was Zhou Yuelian who lost to her at the beginning. After so many years, her son still had to lose to his own son.

"You are so bad, you have one thought after another!"

"I'm bad, don't you like it?" Zhang Yanlin looked at her and joked.

Zhang Yuhua smiled shyly and fell into his arms: "I like it."

Zhang Zhiguo finally came back from a day off and heard that he had an extra brother. He was very angry. As soon as he entered the house, he started beating things to vent his anger.

Zhang Yuhua was finally nourished by a man and was frightened half to death by his son. The two quickly got up and put on their clothes. Zhang Yanlin was even more angry. He left the room angrily and stared at his son: "What are you doing? Why do you want to have some wind when you come back?"

Zhang Zhiguo saw his father asking angrily: "Do I have an older brother, and my mother is still a mistress?"

Zhang Yuhua had just finished packing her clothes and walked out when she heard her son scolding her mistress. She was so angry that she almost spit out blood.

"Zhiguo, who are you talking nonsense about? I am the one your father is marrying."

Zhang Zhiguo was very angry when he saw Zhang Yuhua: "Everyone in our team has said that I am only half a year younger than my brother, and my brother's mother was not dead at that time.

You entered the door after my brother's mother died. If you are not a mistress, what are you doing? You are so shameless! "

When he thought of his mother doing such a thing, Zhang Zhiguo's whole face turned pale.

Zhang Yuhua listened to her son's words and sat there in grievance and shed tears. When she first got married, her neighbors scolded her for being shameless for seducing a married woman and a man who was also a good sister.

She didn't care at all at that time, but now that her son was scolding her so shamelessly, Zhang Yuhua's heart was broken.

Sitting on the sofa, his eyes were dull and he cried: "Zhiguo, how can you say such things? Your father and I really loved each other back then, and it was obviously Zhou Yuelian's shamelessness.

Relying on their family's wealth, she threatened your father to be with her, and then forcefully separated me and your father, woo woo~

Just because your dad was poor at the time, and just because I couldn't help your dad, I gave up my own man. It was her own inability to enjoy this blessing, so how could she blame me. "

Zhang Zhiguo saw his mother crying so heartbrokenly that he couldn't bear it. After hearing her explanation, he hesitated: "Is everything you said true?"

Zhang Yuhua wiped her tears and said pitifully: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Huimin's mother or Suqin's mother. They both know."

Zhang Zhiguo turned to look at Zhang Yanlin: "Dad, is this true?"

Zhang Yanlin nodded and explained vaguely: "Your mother and I grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and have been together since we were in high school.

But your mother and I are both from rural areas, and our family conditions are not good. Before Zhou Yuelian joined him, he was a very wealthy capitalist. At that time, he proposed that if I were with him, he would support me in college, alas..."

When Zhang Zhiguo heard this, he looked at Zhang Yuhua with some guilt. He lowered his head and apologized: "Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have listened to others and scolded you."

Zhang Yuhua sat on the sofa without speaking, only crying.

(End of this chapter)

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