Then Ji Ning and the others followed Feng Zhong outside the set, holding paper cups in their hands.

At this time, Fu Yuanxuan had already gotten out of the car, leaning against the jeep and smoking, with a pair of sunglasses on his face.

The upper body is a solid color T-shirt, the lower body is camouflage trousers, and paired with a pair of cowhide boots.

Seeing the exposed arms made Ye Tong click his tongue twice.

This figure is no worse than that of Gu Lin, who has been practicing martial arts for a long time. It is definitely a standard way to look slim when dressed, and it looks good when undressed...

"You are Miss Bai's friend, right? Sorry, sorry, I didn't know you were waiting here. Let's go in and chat."

Feng Zhong walked forward in three steps and two steps at a time, suddenly stood at attention in front of Fu Yuanxuan and saluted.

"Former platoon leader of the artillery platoon of the Second Base Missile Force, Feng Zhong."

When Fu Yuanxuan saw that he had also been a soldier, he immediately put out the cigarette between his fingers and stood up straight to return the salute.

The sudden salute made Bai Xiaotang and Ye Tong a little confused. They watched stupidly as the two men shook hands with each other after the salute and started chatting like brothers who had met before.

"Men are really strange creatures." Bai Xiaotang tilted his head and murmured.

"If men are strange creatures, aren't you women all-changing monsters?"

The sudden voice startled Bai Xiaotang, "Ah, why are you here?"

Lin Yuanyang pushed up his glasses, stood up, and threw away his stick. "I've always been here."

Bai Xiaotang glanced at the dense numbers and letters painted at Lin Yuanyang's feet, feeling as if he was reading alien writing, and couldn't help but feel awe.

"Sister Ning." Lin Yuanyang called Ji Ning obediently, and then pointed to the smart brain on her wrist, silently reminding her to take a look.

Ji Ning put the paper cup on the hood of the car and turned on the smart screen on her wrist.

Lin Yuanyang privately sent her a screenshot of Star Entertainment's hot search list.

Among the top ten hot searches, five hot searches are marked in red circles, namely:
#《Gone with the Wind》Breaking contract and changing roles#
#AirborneNewcomer is a group performer#
# Linwei was robbed by a vase#
Ji Ning raised his head and glanced at Ye Tong, who was joking with Bai Xiaotang not far away, pursed his lower lip, lowered his head and clicked on the Xingyu software on the smart brain screen.

[Lin Wei: After so many years in the industry, I have always thought that as long as I perform well and live up to my identity as an actor, I will be worthy of the audience, but this time I will disappoint everyone.I'm sorry my roses, I can no longer play Yan Fei in "Gone with the Wind"...

After this month of self-healing and reflection, maybe my acting skills were really bad, so the director asked that extra to replace my role.In the days to come, I will study hard, hone my acting skills, and present better works to everyone.Finally, I would like to sincerely apologize to my fellow roses, I am sorry to disappoint you. 】

Lin Wei's late-night essays quickly spread online under the guidance of thoughtful people.

Lin Wei's fans "Qiangwei" exploded instantly. They began to criticize the crew on the Internet, protested to the investors of the show, and complained about their family's artists.

[Everyone, let’s take a look, who is the actor who stepped on our Weiwei’s position? An [-]th-tier small group actor, except for his outstanding face, what qualifications do he have to compete with our Weiwei in terms of acting skills?I asked the crew, does she have any works? 】

[The role of Yan Fei in "Gone with the Wind" requires an actress with real skills.Although Weiwei has not practiced martial arts since childhood, she has studied with famous teachers for several years. Among actresses, she is considered top-notch in martial arts, and her physical fitness is at B8 level. I would like to ask the crew, does this newcomer from the sky have a physical fitness above B8 level? 】

[During the original audition, the crew and the artist signed an agreement, and there was a clause in it that said: If the actor is unable to participate due to personal reasons, the crew can unilaterally terminate the contract and replace the actor.May I ask the crew, is there any personal reason why Weiwei cannot participate in the show? 】

The three questions pointed directly at the cast of "Gone with the Wind" who changed roles for no reason. Director Feng Zhong even randomly found reasons to replace Lin Wei's role in order to favor newcomers, and replaced the role of an [-]th-tier extravaganza with no works.

The public opinion was fermented by those who were interested, and Ye Tong's identity and background were revealed to the entire Internet.

I don’t know who released the video of Ye Tong entering and leaving Mingfu Garden, which caused Ye Tong’s reputation to be blackened.

Labels such as eighteen-star extras, no acting skills, flower vase, and being kept followed.

At this time, Ye Tong had no idea that she had fallen into the center of public opinion, and she laughed stupidly with Bai Xiaotang.

Ji Ning's eyes flashed coldly and she sent a message to Lin Yuanyang. [Ning: Can you find out the mastermind behind this? 】

Lin Yuanyang raised his head and nodded slightly, quickly replying on his brain.

[Yang: Yes, but even if he is found out, he is just a little shrimp.Ye Tong's reputation will not improve unless the entire crew comes off to clear Ye Tong's name. 】

Ji Ning looked up at Feng Zhong who was talking to Fu Yuanxuan, and rubbed his fingers.

Later, Feng Zhong happily invited several people to have dinner at a restaurant in the town, but Fu Yuanxuan refused.

"How can this be done? You have helped the crew so much, so I have to thank you on behalf of the crew." Feng Zhong held Fu Yuanxuan's hand and did not let go.

"No, there are regulations in the base. Let's leave first." After saying that, Fu Yuanxuan looked at Ji Ning, Bai Xiaotang and Lin Yuanyang.

"You guys go back first, I have something to do and I have to stay with the crew." Ji Ning said suddenly.

Fu Yuanxuan instinctively wanted to refuse, and frowned, "What's the matter?"

Ji Ning glanced at him and replied with two words: "Work."

"What job?"

"Boy, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about."

Fu Yuanxuan pursed his lower lip and looked unhappy, "You can't leave the base too far now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ning grabbed the collar of Fu Yuanxuan's chest, forcing his entire upper body to bend down.

Ji Ning's cold voice sounded in her ears: "Boy, if I want to leave, none of you can stop me. You'd better not challenge my bottom line."

Fu Yuanxuan's expression froze, he grabbed Ji Ning's wrist with his backhand, and said forcefully: "Really?"

In just the blink of an eye, the two of them were fighting.

Fu Yuanxuan always wanted to avenge what happened last time when he was stunned, so he took action without mercy.

Ji Ning's eyes grew colder, he ducked out of the way and punched Fu Yuanxuan in the abdomen.

The severe pain spread from one point to the limbs in an instant.

Fu Yuanxuan's veins popped out from the pain.

Immediately afterwards, his arm lost strength and was forcefully twisted behind him.

He was pushed to the ground again by Ji Ning.

The action happened very quickly, and before anyone around him could react, they saw Fu Yuanxuan lying heavily on the ground with one arm behind his back.

And Ji Ning was like a villain in a TV series. She stepped on Fu Yuanxuan's arm behind his back with one foot, bent over and watched him struggle in pain.

"Jining!" Fu Yuanxuan yelled angrily and tried to shake his body, but he was too weak to turn over at all.

"Fu Yuanxuan, for the sake of your ancestors, I will spare you once. It seems that you don't take what I said to heart."


"Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning, please talk to me if you have something to say, and don't kill me... Being kind makes you rich..."

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