Ji Ning raised the corners of her mouth and didn't ask any more questions.

The man used all the power around him to create evidence for Lin Wei and clear Ye Tong's name, but the effect was minimal, and sweat dropped from his forehead in large drops.

After he deleted the post and apologized, the angry roses rushed to his Xingyu account to abuse him, saying that he was a paid worker who made shady money and deliberately framed Lin Wei.

The man was so angry that he scolded these fans online for more than half an hour with a sullen face.

Later, the Super Management of Star Entertainment temporarily blocked his account and allowed him to come out of the crazy scolding battle. He looked up and complained to Ji Ning: "These idiot fans are so disgusting. They actually said that my recording was synthesized..."

Ji Ning glanced at him and looked at Lin Yuanyang, who had been monitoring public opinion, "How is the heat?"

Lin Yuanyang shook his head, "The popularity has remained high. I have used technical means to delete posts, but I can't keep up with the number of posts."

The man sighed clearly: "The entertainment industry is like this. Unless you have someone more popular, you can suppress the current popularity."

Ji Ning thought for a moment, "Check who is the boss of Jiaying Entertainment?"

"You don't want to poach the boss of Jiaying Entertainment, do you?" A hint of excitement appeared on the man's face, but in exchange for a kill from Ji Ning, he immediately stopped and shut up obediently, but the fire of gossip in his eyes was still bright.

After about a few minutes, Lin Yuanyang raised his head and replied with a serious face: "Sister Ning, the boss behind Jiaying is Sun Liguo from the Sun family in Beijing."

"The Sun family is second only to the three top aristocratic families in the capital. Like the Bai family, the Lin family, and the Gu family, they are all inner-city aristocratic families." Lin Yuanyang pointed out.

There are so many aristocratic families in the capital, and the truly top-ranking aristocratic families are undoubtedly the inner-city aristocratic families. Most of these aristocratic families are locals in the capital, with hundreds of years of aristocratic heritage. They are at the top of the Huazhou pyramid in terms of wealth and status.

It's just that in recent years, many powerful families have emerged in the outer city, eyeing the status and power of these established families in the inner city.

The inner-city aristocratic families are walking on thin ice. If they are not careful, they will be overthrown by latecomers, and they will be swallowed up to pieces. The Bai family is a good example. Originally ranked among the top three among the inner-city aristocratic families, but because the head of the Bai family and the The wife died suddenly, and the heir in the family was very young and was not able to convince the public. Many aristocratic families took advantage of the chaos to harvest a lot of the Bai family's power and property, causing the Bai family's overall strength to be greatly reduced.

If Bai Yusen hadn't been smart enough and Bai Xiaotang was engaged to the Fu family, the Bai family would have been squeezed out of the inner city and reduced to a second-rate family.

"Sister Ning, the Sun family has been booming in recent years. More than half of the real estate in Huazhou belongs to the Sun family. I haven't heard that the Sun family is going to enter the entertainment industry." Lin Yuanyang looked confused.

Ji Ning's ears moved and she caught two words: "Real estate?"

Lin Yuanyang thought that Ji Ning didn't know what real estate was and explained it to her, but Ji Ning lowered his head and flipped through his address book and found a name in it.

Sun Yazhu.

She immediately clicked on the chat history between the two.

The most recent message is:

[Sun Yazhu: I’m going to open a hotel in Anhe City. Let’s get together then. 】

Ji Ning raised her head and interrupted Lin Yuanyang's introduction: "Do you know Sun Yazhu?"

Lin Yuanyang paused and replied in surprise: "Sun Yazhu is Sun Liguo's niece. How do you know this name?"

The corners of Ji Ning's mouth suddenly raised, revealing a meaningful smile.

He lowered his head and replied four words in the chat dialog box: [You can do it at any time]

the other side.

In the only five-star hotel in Anhe City, a woman wearing a white silky bathrobe was sitting lazily on the sofa and looking at the big screen not far away.

On hand is a plate of peeled grapes, all plump and plump, with no seeds.

From time to time, the woman would prick one with a fork and put it into her red mouth.Next to the sofa, a young man in a suit was standing respectfully next to the sofa and reporting.

"Miss, the hot searches on the Internet are suddenly targeting the crew of "Gone with the Wind" and Ye Tong. This is not good for our investment. Do we want to withdraw our investment?"

The woman's face was unfazed, she just turned her head and glanced at him: "Why did you criticize this show?"

"Lin Wei, who was cornered by Ye Tong before, cried online and complained that the crew changed people for no reason. It seems that Tiansheng deliberately wanted to suppress Ye Tong's development. This is relevant information."

The woman took the tablet handed over by the assistant and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more nervous she became, with a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

"Go and contact Mr. Wu from Tiansheng and tell Ye Tong not to move."

But the assistant looked embarrassed, "Miss, most of Mr. Wu's shares in Tiansheng have been transferred, and now he no longer has the right to speak."

"What? Why didn't you report it earlier?" The woman's expression finally changed, her eyes filled with anger, and the grapes she pinched in her hand suddenly shattered into puree.

The assistant was so frightened that he immediately took half a step back, bowed his body, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Miss, Tiansheng's equity ownership changed suddenly, and I just learned about it."

The woman stared at him for a long time, the annoyance in her eyes became more and more intense, "Who did the person named Wu sell his equity to?"

"Jiaying Entertainment."

The woman was stunned for a moment, looking down at the Zhinao on her wrist as if she couldn't believe it.

The time has been advanced...

The woman looked very unhappy and looked at the smart brain screen silently. After a long time, she said to the assistant: "Go and contact Feng Zhong, the director of "Gone with the Wind", and tell him that I want to invest more, and I will provide you with follow-up channels. He got through and told him to keep Ye Tong alive."

"Yes, Miss."

After the assistant left, the woman turned the smart brain screen on her wrist, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Xiao Wu, contact Bai Xiaotang."

As expected, the call on the other side took a long time to get through.

The voice inside was delicate and guilty: "Sister Ru, what's the matter? I can't go home yet. I'll probably go back on Sunday."

Bai Xiaotang was extremely nervous at this time. He clenched his hands into fists and tried his best to cover up his inner panic.

Chang Ru's voice on the opposite side was still gentle, "Tangtang, I remember you have a roommate named Ye Tong, right?"

Bai Xiaotang was slightly startled, glanced at Ye Tong next to him, and asked in a low voice: "Yes, how...what happened?"

"Is she an actress on the set of Gone with the Wind?"

"Ah...yes...Sister Ru, how do you know?"

"I saw the news on the Internet. It was revealed that Ye Tong lives in Mingfu Garden."

Bai Xiaotang suddenly became nervous and said with a trembling voice: "Sister Ru, don't read the nonsense on the Internet. They are just writing nonsense to blackmail Sister Xiaotong. Sister Xiaotong auditioned seriously and only appeared in the TV series after being spotted by the director. …”

"Tangtang, don't worry. I know your roommate is a good girl. I'm calling you to ask if you need any help? I happen to have invested in some film and television dramas, including "Gone with the Wind"."

"Really?" Bai Xiaotang's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Ye Tong next to him in disbelief.

"Why are you lying to me? Tangtang, I can help Ye Tong. Where are you now? Let's talk about this in person."

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