Chapter 118 You must not show it
The next day.

The filming team of "Gone with the Wind" was ready when Feng Zhong suddenly received a call from Wang Yanyan's assistant.

"Director Feng, Yanyan has a high fever of 39 degrees 8 and can't get up."

Feng Yan's face changed slightly, and his tone was a little nervous, "What's going on? Have you let Lao Wang see it?"

"After seeing it, Dr. Wang said that the crew didn't have enough anti-inflammatory drugs and suggested that we go to town for infusions."

"Okay, you go to the hospital quickly."

"Then today's shooting..."

"Let's make up for it some other time. Your health is important."

"Okay, thank you, Director Feng, for your thoughtfulness."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Zhong sighed and sent a message to the filming team to postpone Wang Yanyan's scenes and move Ye Tong's scenes to the front.

Ye Tong, who was applying makeup by himself in the car, almost stood up after receiving the message. He was like a primary school kid who suddenly heard the teacher said that he would have an exam in the afternoon. He looked around for the script in a panic.

"What should I do? My role is ahead of schedule. Where is my script?"

Ji Ning, who was closing her eyes to rest, opened one eye and said, "Have you not finished memorizing the script?"

Ye Tong shook his head and said, "I've finished carrying it."

"Have you never practiced any movements?"

"I've practiced, but didn't you tell Director Feng that all my fighting scenes have to be reshot?"

Ji Ning closed her eyes again and said "Hmm", "Have you mastered the gun skills?"

Ye Tong was so frightened by these words that he quickly closed the car window and looked outside like a thief. He was afraid that someone would hear the conversation between the two. When he saw that no one was passing by, he lowered his voice and reminded: "Shh--Sister Ning, keep your voice down." Point. Don't let others hear..."

Ji Ning opened her eyes again and glanced at her, "Come out."

"Ancestor...that is contraband, you must not expose it."

Ye Tong was really afraid of the fearless master in front of her. He suddenly took out a real gun on the set and asked her to perform shooting.

Originally, in this drama, Yan Fei didn't have many scenes using guns or other hot weapons, but more of showing off his fists and kicks.

But now it seems that Ji Ning's intention is to increase the proportion of Yan Fei's use of thermal weapons.

Sure enough, Ji Ning's next words confirmed her guess.

"You are not very good at it right now, and you won't be able to practice it in a short time, so I suggested to Old Man Feng to increase your movements in using thermal weapons. Just like what I taught you before, you will be enough to cope with this drama."

Ok? ? ?
Later, when the crew's car drove into Jiu Mingshan base, Ye Tong's face was completely numb and he looked at Ji Ning faintly.

"Sister Ning, are you serious?"

At this time, Feng Zhong shook hands with Fu Yuanxuan, who had been waiting at the base, exchanged a few words, and then asked the prop master of the crew to follow several soldiers to move the "weapons".

"Please handle them with care, these are treasures."

Ye Tong looked at the several boxes that the prop master had loaded into the car, and still looked at Ji Ning in disbelief, "Is the crew going to use live ammunition?"

"No live ammunition."

"Huh... scared to death..."

"The bullets used were blanks. Wear body armor when the time comes."


Ji Ning glanced at her again, "What? Are you scared?"

"No, Sister Ning, isn't this dangerous?" Ye Tong looked worried.

She has trained, but she does not train all the time. If her hand shakes...

Ye Tong trembled, not daring to think about the scene behind him.

The corners of Ji Ning's lips raised, "Other actors don't need it, only you use it authentically."


Ye Tong froze on the spot.

Ji Ning patted her shoulder and said with a smile: "So the future Queen Ye, the actor who plays your opponent from now on, her life is in your hands."


After coming out of the base, Ye Tong's heart felt as heavy as carrying a huge boulder.

She didn't recover until the crew arrived at a filming location. "Ye Tong, get ready, it's scene 25 of Act 3." The executive deputy director on the set reminded her while holding the script.

Ye Tong immediately opened the script in his hand and became familiar with the lines.

This scene is between Yan Fei and the male protagonist Pei Yao.

The team led by the male protagonist Pei Yao was ambushed by a pack of mutant wolves, and was rescued by Yan Fei, who had been living in the mountains. He took Pei Yao's team back to the safe place he built in the mountains.

During the period of recuperation, the two spent time together, and Yan Fei was gradually attracted to Pei Yao and fell in love with him.

This scene was originally about Yan Fei fighting the mutant wolf king with a dagger, but it was changed by Ji Ning to use weapons to fight against the wolves.

"Watch Yan Fei's movements carefully."

Ji Ning slowed down her movements and showed Ye Tong a lesson.

She quickly took out the gun, pointed it in three directions in the air and pulled the trigger five times in succession. At the same time, she removed the magazine with one hand, quickly took out a new one with the other hand, fired it at the gun, and fired at it again. Side shot.

After running out of bullets, she handsomely put the gun back on her waist. At the same time, she drew out the two hand-held blades from her waist and stabbed forward neatly.

The movements are clean and neat, without any empty airs, but they are so handsome that you want to scream.

Ji Ning stepped back, stood up straight, threw the gun on his waist to Ye Tong, and said calmly: "It's your turn."

After Ye Tong felt the weight of the weapon in his hand, his throat tightened and his legs became a little weak.

She walked slowly to where Ji Ning was standing just now, hinting in her mind that there were no bullets in her gun.

Gu Lin, who was not far away, was sweating for Ye Tong. The movements designed by Ji Ning looked very handsome and impactful, but it was very difficult to do it well, especially for those who had never touched weapons and didn't have a few hours. Practice, but I can't do it smoothly at all.

Judging from the way Ye Tong was holding the gun carefully, he must have never touched it before.

"This action..."

Gu Lin kindly stepped forward and prepared to teach Ye Tong.

Unexpectedly, when Ji Ning said the word "start", Ye Tong's cautious eyes suddenly changed.

It was as if he had changed into a different person. The peaceful aura on his body suddenly sharpened. He fired with extremely skillful hands, changed the magazine, and continued shooting.

Gu Lin was shocked, and there was a surprise in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

At this moment, Ye Tong seemed to be glowing, attracting the attention of everyone on the set.

Including Feng Zhong and Lin Anqing who had just arrived on the set.

Lin Anqing stopped and looked at Ye Tong with eyes full of surprise.

The girl in front of her had a stern expression, her eyes were cold and murderous, and her hands were extremely skillful, just like a real killer.

"How is it?" Feng Zhong asked.

Lin Anqing calmed down his emotions and praised: "This new actor is good. Old Feng has a vision."

Feng Zhong didn't expect Ye Tong to play with guns before, and was a little worried about Ji Ning's proposal. Now it seems that Ji Ning is really powerful and actually asked Ye Tong to bring him such a big surprise. With a smile on his face, he said modestly: "And There is room for improvement. Haha...Old Lin, why are you here today?"

When he received a call from Lin Anqing, he was extremely surprised. Although the two belonged to the same circle, Lin Anqing was more involved in making movies. If it hadn't been for the remake of the "God of War" film and television series, he would not have returned to the TV industry.

Lin Anqing looked at Ye Tong a few more times with a smile, then glanced at Ji Ning not far away, his eyes suddenly brightened a little, and he asked meaningfully: "Old Feng, do you mind if I choose a few actors? "

Feng Zhong was stunned for a moment, followed his gaze to the set, and suddenly became nervous, "You are such a secretive person. Why didn't you tell me just now? If you know that you came to poach me, I specifically refused to let you in."

"Hahaha... Lao Feng, I won't delay your work. When our drama starts filming, your drama may be released." Lin Anqing patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

Feng Zhong had a premonition about who he was running for, but he also wanted to see Lin Anqing's joke.

If it was really that easy to sign, he wouldn't use roundabout tactics.

After Ye Tong finished his performance, Feng Zhong clapped his hands a few times and said, "Xiaotong, Gu Lin, please stop and come here."

Ye Tong turned around and looked around. When he saw Lin Anqing, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed: "Director Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Anqing thought Ye Tong looked familiar just now, as if he had seen him somewhere before. Now he felt even more familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't remember it.

He has seen so many actresses these days that he almost suffers from prosopagnosia.

Reply politely and politely: "Hello..."

Ye Tong quickly pulled Ji Ning and introduced enthusiastically: "Sister Ning, he is Director Lin, the director of "God of War"."

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

At this time, Lin Anqing had already walked over quickly and looked at Ji Ning with excitement: "What do you think? Do you want to be my heroine?"

(End of this chapter)

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