In the car.

The driver looked at the rearview mirror with some fear, "Young Master, actresses are so ruthless now. They even risk their lives for a role."

Feng Lei raised the corners of his mouth, leaned back on the chair, and pinched his eyebrows, "No one will refuse the opportunity to become famous."

"But she is doomed to be in vain. Director Lin has already chosen the hostess."

"Not always."

The driver was slightly startled and glanced at the rearview mirror, "Will anyone else refuse Director Lin?"

"Of course." Feng Lei looked down at his smart brain screen.

An internal video of the crew was playing inside.

An extra actor playing a mutated corpse jumped up from the crowd and kicked Lin Wei over after his companion was beaten.

"Some people don't value this kind of fame and fortune."

For someone with such skill, how could this fame and fortune impress her?

"Have you found the person who posted the video?"

The driver's eyes changed slightly, "I found it. The IP that sent the video is in Beijing and belongs to the Chang family."

"Chang family?" Feng Lei frowned slightly, not remembering which family it was.

The driver reminded: "In-laws of the Bai family."

"Bai Yusen?"

"Yes. My subordinates also found out that Chang Ru, the eldest daughter of the Chang family, is currently in Anhe City. Moreover, she has a film and television company under her name, which happens to have invested in the drama "Gone with the Wind"."

Feng Lei thought of the rich men and young masters from the capital who were in Anhe City recently, narrowed his eyes slightly, and chuckled: "Interesting..."

"Young Master, Jiaying's people contacted Shisan before and wanted to suppress the popularity of the video, but Shisan didn't agree."

Feng Lei thought for a moment, then clicked on the smart brain screen, "Promise them."


"I'll go to the set soon and sign the female lead that Lin Anqing likes."


The cast of "Gone with the Wind."

After Lin Anqing chatted with Ji Ning, he borrowed Feng Zhong's computer and prepared to change the script on the spot.

When he came here to see Ji Ning this time, he did not bring so many people, but only an assistant, mainly because he was afraid of putting pressure on Ji Ning.

I don’t know who leaked his whereabouts. Recently, people have been coming to him for auditions, and he is under tremendous pressure.

"Jingle Bell--"

An old-fashioned bell suddenly rings.

Lin Anqing was creating the key point, so he hung up without even looking at it.

After a while the bell rang again.

Lin Anqing was so angry that he picked up the phone. After seeing the name on it, his angry expression calmed down instantly. He took a deep breath and pressed to answer.

"seal up……"

"I'm outside the set, please ask someone to pick me up."

Ok? ? ?
Lin Anqing was so shocked that the glasses on his nose fell off the table.

Why is he here?

Is it...

He looked at the assistant not far away and his expression darkened.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ning asked as she ate the grapes provided by the crew.

Lin Anqing called his assistant, "Xiao Meng, go outside to pick up Mr. Feng."

Then he sat down, saved the computer file, and closed it directly.

He lowered his voice and said to Ji Ning: "President Feng from Xingyu will come over in a moment. Don't talk about my changing the script."

Ji Ning shrugged her shoulders and looked at the filming not far away. "With her acting skills, can she be your heroine?"

Lin Anqing adjusted his glasses and turned to look at her, "You really don't want to act?"

"The ambition is not here."

"It's a pity. You are exactly the same as the person the old chief said." Lin Anqing seemed to be recalling something, with some nostalgia in his eyes.

Ji Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, "You mean Fu..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Lin Anqing hurriedly said silently, with a smile on his face: "I was very young at the time, and I followed the teacher and saw him."

Ji Ning was slightly startled, and the amusement on his face faded, "What will happen to him?"

Lin Anqing shook his head, "He was already seriously ill at that time, but he still sat up and met us in the office. I remember that he was wearing a gray top that day, which was of an old style. He was in good spirits and even treated us to food. pear……"

"Hmm..." He likes to eat pears.

"The old chief is very simple. There are no decorations in the office except books. By the way, there is a photo frame on his desk, and inside is a portrait..." At this point, Lin Anqing suddenly stopped and looked up blankly. Xiang Jining's eyes changed from confusion to excitement, "Yes... yes... that painting..."

"That painting looks very similar to you. No wonder... no wonder I thought you were Chief Ji at a glance..."

Ji Ning was stunned for a moment, then looked into the distance, "Just because you look similar doesn't mean you're suitable. You'd better look at people with acting skills."

"But you really look like that painting..."

"Your boss Feng is here. I'll go over first." Ji Ning stood up and walked to the set.

They happened to meet Feng Lei who came over. Feng Lei recognized her immediately and wanted to say hello, but Ji Ning just nodded slightly and left directly.

Feng Lei smiled, walked towards Lin Anqing, pointed at Ji Ning, and asked, "Is she the heroine you chose?"

Lin Anqing took off his glasses and stood up to greet him, "Why are you following me again?"

"Isn't this the heroine who is curious about your mouth? How about it? Have you agreed?"

Feng Lei pulled out his chair and sat where Ji Ning was sitting just now.

"Asking knowingly." Lin Anqing glanced at him angrily.

Feng Lei took a look at the surroundings and saw Ye Tong who was filming on the set. His eyes suddenly brightened a little, "Why is she here?"


"The little girl who came to audition before. You rejected me." Feng Lei stared at Ye Tong in the studio and rubbed his chin with his fingers.

"'s her...I wonder why she looks so familiar. I just didn't expect her to change so much. It's incredible." Lin Anqing finally identified Ye Tong and recalled it with some disbelief.

The girl didn't seem to have the sharp temperament she has now, right?
Feng Lei's lips curved up, "She's quite spirited. Let's find a role for the crew."

Lin Anqing was a little surprised. Thinking of the rumors from the outside world, he couldn't help but frown.


"Yes, this one passed." Feng Zhong looked at the video in the review and said to the person in his hand.

Ye Tong wiped the sweat from his forehead, took the tissue from the staff next to him, and wiped the tears from his eyes, but he still couldn't get over the painful emotions.

This scene was a newly revised scene for her by Feng Zhong. She and the male protagonist encountered an ambush in a mountain stream, and her closest subordinate died heroically to protect her.

She needed to hold the mutilated body and cry.

"Drink of water."

A glass with lemon slices in it was handed to her.

Ye Tong looked up and saw Gu Lin, sobbing and thanking him: "Thank you..."

"Crying loudly can still hurt your body, so take more vitamin C."

"Well..." Ye Tong took the cup, tried hard to suppress the unconscious sobbing, and took a sip.

At this time, her eyes were swollen into walnuts and looked red.

Ji Ning asked the crew doctor for a bag of ice, and he came over and put it on her face.

"Ah... so cold... Sister Ning, have you finished talking to Director Lin?" Ye Tong burst into laughter, pulled Ji Ning aside nervously, and asked in a low voice.

Ji Ning raised her eyebrows slightly, and Ye Tong immediately understood. He was so excited that he almost screamed, but he was afraid that others would find out, so he quickly covered his mouth and peeked to the side, like a child stealing candy.

Feng Lei, who was not far away, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Lin Anqing and asked: "They are the heroines you like, right?" (End of Chapter)

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