Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 132 Do you believe me when I say I’m with the wrong person?

Chapter 132 Do you believe me when I say I’m with the wrong person?

Sun Yazhu's expression changed, he glanced at the contract in his hand, and said very rationally: "There is no free profit in business. If you don't make money here, you will definitely make it back from other places. This Ke Chen is not simple. You go back Tell my dad not to take him lightly."

The assistant nodded immediately.

Sun Yazhu raised her wrist, looked at the time, took out her mobile phone and pressed Ji Ning's number. While listening, she said to the people next to her: "I'll have something to do later, you guys go back first."

Ji Ning was waiting for her at a cafe near the hotel.

After receiving the call, he pressed the answer button and said, "Are you done talking?"

Sun Yazhu was in a good mood, with a hint of lightness in her gentle voice, "It's done, where are you?"

Ji Ning gave the address of the coffee shop and then looked out the window quietly.

At this moment, there was an unfriendly gaze diagonally behind her, staring at her.

Ji Ning glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and saw that he didn't recognize him, so he drank coffee calmly and typed quickly on his mobile phone with his fingers.

[Jining: Someone is following me. 】

There was a reply soon.

[Sun Yazhu: Come out in 5 minutes. Let’s go eat somewhere else. 】

Ji Ning put away her phone, picked up Kubulaji's coffee, frowned and took two big sips.

She really didn't understand why Bai Xiaotang and Ye Tong liked the coffee in this shop so much.

Ji Ning took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, picked up a cup of takeaway coffee on the table and walked out.

The wind chime at the door jingled with a pleasant sound as the door was pushed open.

The clerks said sweetly: "Welcome to visit us next time."

Without stopping, Ji Ning left the coffee shop and headed towards the direction Sun Yazhu came from.

Passing a corner, Ji Ning saw the figure who had been looking at her in the coffee shop through the wide-angle lens of the road.

Wearing sunglasses and holding a camera on her chest, she secretly took several photos of her.

Ji Ning probably guessed his identity, raised her lips slightly, and decided to teach him a lesson.

When Lu Dazhuang saw the target person, Ji Ning wandered into a small alley and hurriedly followed.

But as soon as he quickly turned into the small alley, he was dumbfounded.

This is a dead end. You can see it all at a glance. There is no obstruction around it. If someone is there, you can see it at a glance.

Huh?What about people?

Lu Dazhuang took a few steps forward and suddenly realized something was wrong. He quickly turned around and wanted to run away, but was startled by Ji Ning falling from the sky.

"You've been with me for so long, where do you want to go?"

Lu Dazhuang was a little scared. He held the camera tightly and stepped back, "Don't come over here! If you have something to say, please tell me..."

He had done his homework in advance. This Ji Ning had a very high martial arts value and a violent temper. He often beat people to serious injuries.

Lin Wei and Yan Jing were both taught a lesson by her.

Ji Ning was a little funny. How dare such a coward follow her?

The people behind this are not very smart either.

"What are you doing with me?"

"Who...who followed you? Who stipulated that you can walk on this road by yourself?" Lu Dazhuang's eyes widened, and he dared to answer her.

Ji Ning raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms over her chest, and watched his performance with amusement, "Okay, you can go."

Lu Dazhuang was overjoyed, but he had to control his expression. He was about to pass by Ji Ning while holding the camera, but unexpectedly a hand suddenly stretched out and blocked his way.

" said...let me go..."

"You can go, but the camera stays!"

Lu Dazhuang suddenly became anxious, hugged the camera tightly and wanted to leave: "Why? This is my thing."

Ji Ning didn't give him a good look this time. She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back like a guinea pig, "I don't like to say it a second time, leave the camera!"

Lu Dazhuang was almost frightened and cried. He threw down the camera with a cry of "ah".

Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the entrance of the alley, holding a clothes-drying pole that he found somewhere in his hand and waving it around, "Brother Lu, go quickly! I'll cut off the queen!"

Yo!Any accomplices?Ji Ning grabbed the clothes drying pole and kicked her leg.

The person who came was hit by the kick and lay directly on the ground, clutching his stomach and groaning.

Lu Dazhuang's expression changed drastically. He tried his best to break away from Ji Ning's hand and said with a distressed look on his face: "Oh, little ancestor, didn't I let you follow me? Where did you kick? Let me see..."

At this time, Chen Yantao felt as if his internal organs were burning, his whole body was shaking with pain, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Next to him, Lu Da Zhuang was so anxious that he had no idea what to do, and he frequently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out. Lu Dazhuang spread his arms like a chicken to protect Chen Yantao, lying on Chen Yantao, and shouted: "If you want to hit me, hit me. He didn't secretly film you."

"stand up."

"No! If you want to get angry, just hit me. Don't touch him!"

Ji Ning didn't like explanations and had a bad temper, so she picked up Lu Dazhuang again and threw it aside.

"Don't touch him!"

"To shut up--"

Ji Ning glanced at him sideways, raised her hand and pressed Chen Yantao a few times. After Chen Yantao howled twice, he stopped.

Eh?No more pain?
"You...Sister Ning?" Chen Yantao originally wanted to see who saved him, but when he looked up, he saw Ji Ning's stunning face.

He hadn't seen her in school for a long time. When he saw Ji Ning, his eyes lit up a few degrees.

Sure enough, wherever there is Ji Ning, there is news...

Chen Yantao almost cried.

"Xiao Tao, do you know her?" Lu Dazhuang's face was a little dirty. He crawled over and pointed at the female overlord in shock.

Oh my God, how did the little ancestor know her?

Have you ever been beaten by her?
Chen Yantao did not see what he meant, and happily introduced the two of them: "This is Sister Ning from our Anhe High School. Sister Ning, he is my Brother Lu, my father's apprentice."

Anhe High School?

She is actually a high school student?
Lu Dazhuang suddenly felt that his brain was not strong enough.

Ji Ning stood up, glanced at Chen Yantao who was sitting on the ground, and asked with a calm expression, "Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm chasing the news..." After saying this, he realized what he was doing, looked at Lu Dazhuang, and asked with an unspeakable expression: "Brother Lu, you're not chasing her news, are you?" It was still difficult to finish speaking. The ground swallowed his saliva.

At this time, Lu Dazhuang also knew that he had kicked the iron plate. He nodded with a wry smile. Seeing Ji Ning looking at him, he immediately raised three fingers and said: "I will go back and refund the money now, and I will not accept this business."



Four eyes stared at him.

Lu Dazhuang suddenly felt a little hot on his cheeks. Especially Xiao Tao, who had always admired him, asked again: "Brother Lu, aren't you chasing the news? Why are you chasing Sister Ning?"

"No... do you believe me when I say I'm with the wrong person?"


Only after Lu Dazhuang took the initiative to admit his mistake did they know why he was following Ji Ning.

It turned out that someone paid him to secretly photograph Ji Ning and write eye-catching tidbits to ruin her reputation. In this way, Ye Tong's backer collapsed and no one stood up for her anymore.

Lu Dazhuang originally wanted to stay at Mingfu Garden for a few days, but he didn't expect that when he was staying at the Marriott Hotel to stay with an artist, he happened to see Ji Ning entering the hotel.

He immediately gave up his original goal and squatted with Ji Ning outside the hotel.

"So, instead of following the news, you become a paparazzi?"

Chen Yantao couldn't accept it and felt that his faith was shattered.

Lu Dazhuang looked at him with a downcast face and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Tao."


Ji Ning coughed slightly to remind them that they were off topic.

Lu Dazhuang was frightened and said quickly: "I really didn't know you were a high school student, otherwise I wouldn't have followed you. Don't worry, I'll tell the people in the circle about this, and no one will take this business." .”

"Who told you to follow me?"

(End of this chapter)

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