Assistant He's expression changed again and again.

She didn't expect that such a newcomer would dare to fire her?
But she can't fall out yet. Now Ye Tong is an artist highly praised by the company, and the top management attaches great importance to her, which is comparable to the cultivation of first-line artists.

The two of them haven't broken up yet, which means they both have respect for each other and can just get together and part ways.

Assistant He smiled reluctantly, stretched out his hand pretending to be generous and said: "In that case, I wish you better and better."

Back on the set, Assistant He made an excuse to go back to the company.

Ye Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as she entered the resort, Ye Tong suddenly felt someone throwing something at her, and reflexively ducked aside.

With a "crack", a steaming coffee cup fell to the ground, and the coffee inside spilled all over the floor.

Although this thing won't disfigure your face, it can easily burn you if it hits you.

Before Ye Tong could see who was plotting against her, Wang Yanyan's screams came from not far away.

"Ye Tong, you bitch!"

Ye Tong looked.

She saw Wang Yanyan rushing toward her like a madwoman, with her sharp nails pointing straight at her face.

This is to disfigure her.

Ye Tong glared sharply, turned sideways, reached out and grabbed her outstretched arm, stretched his legs at the same time, stumbled, and Wang Yanyan sat on the ground.

Wang Yanyan's assistant saw this and immediately stepped forward to help. Ye Tong let go of Wang Yanyan's arm and dodged again.

The crew did not react at first, but at this time they all ran over to stop Wang Yanyan and her assistant who were going crazy.

"Ye Tong, you bitch! Do you think you can do whatever you want if you climb up to Director Lin? Believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to survive in the entertainment industry?"

Wang Yanyan screamed without any image, her eyes were filled with ferocious looks, as if Ye Tong had killed her whole family.

The surrounding staff looked back and forth between the two, really wondering what the conflict was between them.

Someone else went to notify Feng Zhong.

Wang Yanyan was scolding and crying at the same time, looking very pitiful. This made some staff who didn't know the truth look at Ye Tong with a hint of complaint.

"If there's anything we can't talk about, it's all from the same crew. As for the commotion like this? If this is going to be filmed, what good do you do?"

One of the assistant directors was facing Wang Yanyan in his heart. It seemed that both sides had spoken to each other, but his eyes kept looking at Ye Tong.

Ye Tong said nothing with a cold face until Feng Zhong and Gu Lin arrived, then he said loudly: "Wang Yanyan, you followed me and Gu Lin to find Director Lin, but you offended Mr. Feng of Xingyu Group at the dinner party. What do you mean by scolding me now? Did I let you follow us? Did I let you offend Mr. Feng? "

After hearing this, the assistant director paused and looked at Wang Yanyan sitting on the ground crying in disbelief.

Ye Tong continued: "I was working diligently on the set and never spoke to you more than 10 sentences. The only thing that offended you was that you asked me for Director Lin's contact information, but I didn't give it to you. What’s the matter, you’re here hysterically cursing people and uttering arrogant words that make it difficult for me to survive in the entertainment industry?”

Wang Yanyan paused. Although she lowered her head, she also felt the displeased looks from other crew members.

She immediately stood up, knocked away the person supporting her, and ran out while crying.

Her assistant quickly apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry everyone, Yanyan is not in a good mood today and has caused you trouble."

Seeing that the scolding protagonist had left, everyone looked at Ye Tong with some sympathy.

This situation is very common in the entertainment industry. Some artists with poor conduct like to take it out on newcomers or people around them when something goes wrong. They have such a bad temper that everyone seems to owe them.

Newcomers with no background usually choose to keep things quiet and tolerate it, but it is rare for newcomers like Ye Tong to be upfront and upright.

As a director, Feng Zhong needed to intervene when there was a conflict between the actors, so he called Ye Tong and Gu Lin away.When everyone saw that the protagonists were all gone, they whispered a few words with different thoughts and then dispersed.

Wang Yanyan, who ran out of the resort, felt that she had lost face and was so angry that she wanted to kill someone. She walked angrily for more than ten minutes before she stopped viciously and turned around to look at the assistant who was chasing after her.

"Has Ye Tong's revelation come out?"

Before the assistant had time to pay attention, he quickly took out his phone to take a look.

#tax evasion#
#director surnamed Yan is under investigation#
#Entertainment circle is not a place outside the law#
#官网 Comment on the entertainment circle#

The assistant was frightened when she saw it. Wang Yanyan thought she was too slow and grabbed the phone.

The angry expression gradually faded away, and the horror in his eyes suddenly rose.

Yan Jing was taken away?

Or was he taken away because of a yin and yang contract and tax evasion?
Nowadays, there are iron rules in the entertainment industry that prohibit tax evasion, pornography, gambling, drugs and whoring. As long as you are discovered, your stardom will be over.


The assistant was also afraid. Yan Jing was in charge of the contracts signed by the actors in "Gone with the Wind" at that time. Wang Yanyan's contract was made in two copies, one for filing and one signed in private to avoid high taxes.

Now that Yan Jing has been taken away for investigation, will she confess Wang Yanyan?

At this time, Wang Yanyan's legs were so scared that she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called her agent.

The agent was also very panicked. It should be said that the entire company's top management was very uneasy. The company boss even specially found someone to ask about Yan Jing's situation.

So far, no news has been released.

This lack of news is like a knife hanging over my head, and I don't know when it will fall.

Wang Yanyan’s manager Xu Hua’s voice was full of urgency: “You should be more at ease these days and don’t have any conflicts with others!”

I don't know if Xu Hua already knew what happened today, but his voice was very serious, and Wang Yanyan nodded repeatedly in fear.

Even the preparation to cause trouble for Ye Tong stopped.

She was afraid that she would be the next person exposed by Xingyu.

Compared with Wang Yanyan's fear, Chang Ru was very excited.

She was being taken to find Sun Yazhu, the eldest lady of the Sun family in the capital.

Originally they thought they would meet after 8 pm, but Miss Sun came back early, and the time for the two to meet was also advanced.

Chang Ru deliberately wore a plain dress and put on light makeup, so as not to overwhelm others, but also to make herself look more supple and non-aggressive, allowing women to get closer to her.

Sun Yazhu lives in the hotel's penthouse suite, which belongs to the VIP level in the elevator and requires a special elevator card to go up.

Chang Ru took her assistant and followed Secretary Gao into the elevator.

There was no one else in the elevator at this time. Chang Ru asked Secretary Gao with a smile on her face: "Excuse me, has Miss Sun had dinner tonight?"

Hearing this, Secretary Gao turned to look at her. Her face, which had been tense for a long time, showed no emotion at this time. She looked a little cold and untouchable, "Mr. Sun, we have other arrangements for the evening. You only have 2 hours to meet. "

Chang Ru's heart tightened and she nodded while keeping a smile.

The words on his lips were swallowed back.

The eldest lady of the Sun family is indeed as difficult to get in touch with as rumored, even the people around her are like this.

Secretary Gao originally thought that Chang Ru wanted to treat Sun Yazhu to dinner, but found that she did not speak again after he finished speaking, so he glanced at her through the reflection in the elevator and shook his head secretly, this person was not very good at acting.

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