
The sound of hot water boiling.

Bai Xiaotang never expected that the eldest daughter of the Sun family, who was all-powerful in the capital, would come to her house so late and empty-handed to eat hot pot.

Isn’t this white couture dress afraid of splashing soup?

But Sun Yazhu didn't care what the little daughter of the Bai family thought. She just wanted to stay with Ji Ning right now, so she came to Mingfu Garden under the pretext of eating hot pot.

She called Secretary Gao to deliver even these ingredients.

The hot steam floated on the white and tender soup, and the tender beef rolls turned from red to gray.

With a slight smile on her face, Sun Yazhu watched Ji Ning feast on her meal.

Bai Xiaotang looked back and forth between the two, somewhat confused as to why Miss Sun liked her sister Ning so much.


Suddenly, Bai Xiaotang took a breath of cold air.

The pain in her feet made her immediately look at Lin Yuanyang next to her.

Lin Yuanyang stood up obediently, pushed up his glasses, and winked at her: "Sister Tangtang, the drinks are almost gone. Please help me squeeze another bottle of juice."

Bai Xiaotang stood up immediately and pointed to the kitchen cooperatively, "I'm going to help. Sister Yazhu, what kind of fruit juice are you drinking?"

Sun Yazhu's voice was very pleasant, "Anything is fine."

After the two of them got into the kitchen and closed the door, Ji Ning stopped eating meat and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know the in-laws of the Bai family?"

Ji Ning held the juice and replied directly: "Chang Ru."

"Yes, that's her." Sun Yazhu's expression was not as relaxed as before, "She came to me this afternoon and told me not to go out alone these days, as I might get into trouble. She said that her sixth sense is very special, and she said it very well. Vague, but I think there might be someone behind her."

Ji Ning thought about what Lin Yuanyang had said about Chang Ru before, and that she had a strong sixth sense, but it was not a prophecy.

He nodded slightly and said, "There should be no one. I have heard something about her. She has had this ability since she was a child. It is not a prophecy, but she can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Sun Yazhu was slightly startled, "So what she said is true?"

"That's not entirely true. When something goes wrong, there must be a monster." Ji Ning looked calm and took a chopstick of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I don't believe it either, but she was very sure of what she said, which makes me a little worried. If it hadn't been for what happened before..."

Wait, is she talking about what happened before?
Sun Yazhu looked at Ji Ning. Their eyes met, and Ji Ning already understood what she was thinking.

Ji Ning swallowed the beef in her mouth and somewhat agreed with Sun Yazhu's idea, but she didn't understand how Chang Ru knew about it.

"My family has already finished the work on this matter. How does a daughter of the capital know about something thousands of miles away?" Sun Yazhu's eyes became much more serious, and the heat in the hot pot half-hidden her expression.

Ji Ning picked up another chopstick of beef, put it in the bowl, dipped it in the prepared sauce, and looked up at her, "Some things will eventually reveal the truth, so don't be impatient. See what she wants. You don't know very well. How to do it?"

Sun Yazhu was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his lips, "Yes."

She wisely didn't say anything about her suspicions about the Bai family, because Ji Ning seemed to trust the daughter of the Bai family.

in the kitchen—

Bai Xiaotang lay on the door trying to hear the conversation between the two, but Lin Yuanyang used the juicer so loudly that she could only hear a few words intermittently.

Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes at her thief look, "If you want to listen, just go out and listen openly."

Bai Xiaotang turned around and waved his hand.

Lin Yuanyang closed the juicer, walked to the door with a big cup filled with juice, "Give me."

"Xiaoyang..." Bai Xiaotang made a silent gesture to him, lowered his voice and said, "Don't you think Miss Sun is a little mysterious?" Lin Yuanyang naturally knew that Sun Yazhu must be here for something, but he believed that Ji Ning would not Harm them.

In this case, why should he care about what happens to an outsider?
"What are you worrying about so much?"

"Will she let Sister Ning do things for her?"

Lin Yuanyang was a little surprised. Is Bai Xiaotang enlightened?
"Sister Ning is a student. She is usually so busy with schoolwork and has to help guide the crew on Saturdays and Sundays. If someone comes to ask her to do something, Sister Ning will not have time to teach us." Bai Xiaotang was worried.

Because of some things before, Sister Ning had entrusted them to instructor Ying Huang. If Sun Yazhu comes again, will Sister Ning have no time to take care of them?

Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes directly.

Holding the tray with one hand, he opened the kitchen door with the other.

At this time, the conversation between Ji Ning and Sun Yazhu also came to an end. Sun Yazhu took great care of Ji Ning and cooked meat and vegetables for her like a big sister.

Lin Yuanyang put down the juice and pursed his lower lip.

Did the Sun family already know that Ji Ning was a person with superpowers when they tried to win over her like this?
Lin Yuanyang was not sure whether Sun Yazhu knew Ji Ning's identity, but he knew one thing.

Ji Ning must not be too deeply involved with the Sun family.

The Sun family is too profit-oriented. If they knew Ji Ning's ability, they would definitely control Ji Ning.

"Sister Ning, the 11th is Brother Yusen's birthday, and we plan to give him a surprise." Lin Yuanyang said suddenly.

Sun Yazhu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Yuanyang and Bai Xiaotang.

Is Baiyu Sen?

"Brother Yusen is usually too busy. Tangtang prepares gifts for him every year. This year we are far away, so we want to go back to the capital to see him."

Ji Ning took a sip of her drink and looked at Lin Yuanyang and Bai Xiaotang, "You two are going back to the capital?"

"No, it's the three of us. Sister Ning, are you okay on the night of the 11th?" Lin Yuanyang looked at her expectantly.

Ji Ning looked at him for a while and said "hmm".

"Then let's go back to the capital together." Lin Yuanyang made the final decision.

Bai Xiaotang, who didn't express any opinions during the whole process, touched his red wrist in pain.

What did this kid eat?So strong?

After dinner, it was already past 10 pm.

Ji Ning sent Sun Yazhu downstairs.

The two took the elevator down. Sun Yazhu chuckled and said, "The two children next to you are from the Bai family and the Lin family, right?"

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

Sun Yazhu continued: "The Bai family has a simple population, which is okay, but the Lin family is more complicated. The young master of the Lin family has a stepmother. This stepmother is said to be the former secretary of the head of the Lin family, and is now pregnant. The young master of the Lin family ran away from home. Before, I had a conflict with this stepmother and almost caused her to miscarry..."

"I don't care about these things."

Ji Ning's words interrupted Sun Yazhu.

Sun Yazhu looked at Ji Ning and smiled, "Sorry, I talked a bit too much."

Ji Ning did not reply, her face was pale, and she could not tell whether she was happy or angry.

Sun Yazhu had doubts in her heart, so she did not continue the topic and moved to another topic, "Anchor Ji, when will you broadcast live? There will be a food festival in Haishi next week, sponsored by the Sun family. There will be a competition for the King of Chefs and some judges will be needed. , do you want to participate?"

Ji Ning has no interest in being a judge, but is very interested in eating.

"Eat for free?" (End of chapter)

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