Although Chang Ru and Ji Ning were sitting together, their seats were still half a step away.

After Chang Ru put away her luggage, she was thinking about how to greet Ji Ning.

Instead, she greeted her first: "Okay."

Chang Ru was a little flattered, "Hello, Tangtang didn't come with you?"

"No, she still has to go to school."

Chang Ru then thought that Bai Xiaotang had transferred to Anhe Middle School. She felt a little embarrassed and pursed her lips and smiled.

"I'm a little curious about you." Ji Ning spoke again.

Chang Ru was slightly startled and a little nervous, "What are you curious about?"

"I'm curious about your special abilities."

Ji Ning's eyes held a certain meaning, as if they could see through people's hearts, which made Chang Ru feel guilty, but she pretended to be calm and replied: "What kind of ability of mine, it's not a supernatural power."

"Miss Chang, there is no need to belittle yourself. I heard Bai Xiaotang and Lin Yuanyang say something about you. Although it doesn't sound like a superpower, it is still a special ability. Do you want to join the Security Bureau?"

Ji Ning suddenly made an invitation, which surprised Chang Ru.

Doesn’t she have a good relationship with Bai Xiaotang?

Why invite yourself to the Security Bureau?

Chang Ru looked suspicious, but Ji Ning said very calmly: "Intuition is also a kind of ability for us, and the chance of success will increase when we go on a mission."

Chang Ru breathed a sigh of relief and refused with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Miss Ji, for the invitation. My ability sometimes works well, so don't delay your work."

A slight smile appeared on Ji Ning's face, "Miss Chang is a little self-effacing. I heard Bai Xiaotang say that you saved her when she was a child."

Chang Ru's face was unnatural, and she smiled covertly: "I didn't know my abilities at that time. Being able to save Tangtang is really because the god of luck favored us."

Ji Ning also smiled.

The relationship between the two is much better than before.

Then the two chatted about other things and added each other as friends.

This made Bai Yusen's secretary very puzzled.

Because he is Bai Yusen's confidant, he knows some of the dirty things of the Bai family.

Chang Ru, the cousin of the Bai family, is now the person Bai Yusen hates to see the most.

Ji Ning actually wants to befriend her, which is not a good sign.

Bai Yusen's secretary decided to get off the plane and tell the owner of his family as soon as possible.

two hours later.

The plane landed safely.

It is now 3:[-] in the afternoon, and Ji Ning needs to report to the Beijing Security Bureau.

Lin Chengsheng originally thought that Ji Ning and Lin Yuanyang would go back to his old home with him, but he didn't expect that the two of them took a taxi directly to the Security Bureau.

Seeing that his boss was in a bad mood, Secretary Li asked cautiously: "Boss, should we go back to our old home or..."

"Old Mansion, you will send your wife back to live in Greenland later."

The green space was the wedding room where Lin Chengsheng and Li Meifang got married. Li Meifang lived there until she was pregnant.

Secretary Li felt bitter in her heart. If the wife knew that the boss asked her to leave the old house because the eldest young master was back, she would probably cause trouble again.

Li Meifang is now 7 months pregnant. Because she has twins, her belly is very big. When Lin Chengsheng returned to his old house and asked her to move back to Greenland, Mrs. Lin was the first to disagree. "We live well here, why do we suddenly ask Meifang to move out? She is too old, and there is no one around her, so I don't worry." Mrs. Lin said while glaring at her son and disagreeing with a face.

Li Meifang has always been considerate in front of her. Although she was also confused in her heart, she still said to Lin Chengsheng: "Mom, Chengsheng also feels sorry for your age. It's my fault that I am inconvenient and make you worry about me all the time."

Mrs. Lin became even more unhappy when she heard this, and glared at Lin Chengsheng again, "How old are you? I'm not old. I just like to take care of my two grandsons. Besides, Xiao Feng is here, so I'm just a little worried Don’t worry. But this is your first child and you are going to have two at once. Mom is really worried... No, you can’t move away! Whoever asks you to move out, I will kick him out of the house! "

Lin Chengsheng was really one and the other. Thinking of Ji Ning and Lin Yuanyang who would be coming tomorrow, his tone became a little tougher, "Mom, people from the Security Bureau are coming to our house tomorrow to investigate. Meifen is feeling heavy. Don't come." Time collided."

"Security Bureau?" Mrs. Lin frowned and looked Lin Chengsheng up and down for a long time, "What...have you committed?"

"Nothing was done, but something happened to the Sun family in Haicheng, and our family was involved."

"Sun family?" Mrs. Lin was even more surprised. She had ignored outside affairs for many years, and her impression was still that the Sun family was married to the Ye family. Their power was expanding rapidly. She didn't know anything about what happened to the Sun family recently. .

"The head of the Sun family was assassinated in public."

"What?" Mrs. Lin's voice suddenly rose, and she sat up straighter, as if she couldn't believe this.

"Because someone was poisoning at the scene, the security bureau wants to thoroughly investigate all the family members at the scene, including the Lin family."

Lin Chengsheng's words made Mrs. Lin and Li Meifang feel bad.

Aristocratic families will more or less have some dirty things that cannot be known to outsiders, and they usually dislike dealing with these law enforcement agencies, but now people from the Security Bureau have to come to investigate...

Li Meifang felt a little uneasy when she thought about what she had just suppressed a while ago, and immediately said: "Since this is the matter, I'd better avoid it. So as not to bump into the child."

Lin Chengsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll go with Meifang too." Mrs. Lin suddenly said.

"You can't leave..." Lin Chengsheng stopped him hastily.

Mrs. Lin was puzzled, but Lin Chengsheng said: "Xiaoyang will be back tomorrow."

Secretary Li instantly turned to look at him, cursing in his heart.

Is his boss careless?
What's the relationship between your wife and son? Don't you have any idea?
He dared to say it out. Doesn't this make Madam unhappy?

Thinking of this, Secretary Li glanced at Li Meifang again, and sure enough, her face darkened, and she even felt faintly angry.

But Lin Chengsheng didn't notice it at all, and said to Mrs. Lin: "Mom, Xiaoyang knows the agents in charge of the capital. They will come together tomorrow, so you don't have to be too nervous."

Mrs. Lin was so embarrassed that she wanted to beat her son.

It's just a stupid idea.

The reason why the relationship between the daughter-in-law and her eldest grandson is so bad is that her son has a big problem.

"That Meifang, does your back hurt after you've been sitting for so long? Why don't you go back to your room and lie down for a while." Mrs. Lin was afraid that her daughter-in-law would be angry to death, so she quickly gave Li Meifang a step down.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chengsheng said another suicide sentence: "Go back and clean up quickly. I will ask Xiao Li to drive you back to the green space later."

Li Meifang couldn't bear it anymore, and asked with red eyes: "Master, are you afraid that the agents from the Security Bureau will rush into me, or are you afraid that I will be harmful to your son?"

When Lin Yuanyang was attacked at the airport, he ran back to his old house and lost his temper, blaming her for not going to the police station in time to learn about the situation, and questioning whether she was behind the attack.

Fortunately, she fooled her, but she didn't expect him to still doubt her.

Li Meifang felt nervous and angry.

His hatred for Lin Yuanyang deepened.

Lin Chengsheng was startled for a moment, turned to look at her, frowned slightly and said, "What does this have to do with Xiaoyang?" (End of Chapter)

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