Why should he be a team member with an ordinary person?
And he's still an underage kid?

The face of the person with thunder powers was full of resistance and disdain.

Ji Ning glanced at him, ignored him, and then glanced at the others, "Don't you agree to let him join the investigation team?"

Although the other four are not used to cooperating with ordinary people, they are not as direct as those with lightning powers.

The good old wood-type person with supernatural powers said euphemistically: "It seems that the Security Bureau has no precedent of employing child labor."

Ji Ning nodded slightly and looked at the others, "What about you?"

But none of them had anything to say. Ji Ning withdrew his gaze, looked directly at the thunder power user and said coldly: "You can withdraw from the investigation team."

These words surprised the thunder power user, as he seemed not to have expected that Ji Ning would directly ask him to quit for such an ordinary person.

Such lack of face made him look very ugly.

"You want me to quit?"

"Yes! As the leader of the investigation team, I think you are not suitable for my team. Please leave!"

The 1.8 meter tall lightning power user stood up instantly, like a mountain, looking down at Ji Ning, with anger and sarcasm on his face: "Do you think I am willing to join your investigation team that no one wants? I am just one person. A newcomer dares to run rampant here, who do you think you are? If Lao Hu hadn't forced me to come, do you think I was willing to come?"

Ji Ning looked at his angry face, smiled instead of being angry and said, "Well, I've wronged you. You can go."

The thunder power user was so angry that he wanted to blow Ji Ning's head off, but private fighting was prohibited within the security bureau. If he violated the law, he would be deprived of his status as an agent and spend several months in jail.

The thunder power user clenched his fists and glared at Ji Ning several times angrily. Then he looked at the other four people and said angrily: "Why are you still here? Didn't you see that they are driving us away?"

"No, I'm driving you away! But if the four of you want to leave, I won't stop you." Ji Ning's faint voice was a little confusing. The four of them looked at each other back and forth, but no one moved.

The thunder-type superpower was so angry that he pointed at them and shouted: "Okay! You can do it! Let me see what good you can do with her?"

After saying that, he walked out of the conference room angrily and slammed the door hard.

Following the heavy slamming of the door, the four of them trembled, feeling uneasy.

Number 51 has a good relationship with a member of the red team. Will he give them a shoestring in the future so that they will never have the chance to be promoted?
Security Bureau agents are divided into S, A, B, C, and D levels. Only A-level agents and those ranked in the top 30 in terms of strength have the opportunity to work in the special ability team.

Special power teams are divided according to color and are directly under the jurisdiction of the Huazhou Alliance, the highest administrative agency in Huazhou.

There are ten teams in total, corresponding to: red, yellow, orange, green, cyan, blue, purple, white, gold, and black.

Because the captains of the red group and gold group come from the Security Bureau, it is much easier for the agents of the Security Bureau to be promoted to these two groups.

Ji Ning didn't know what was going on here, but seeing that the four of them had resisted the pressure and didn't have any special emotions, he said in a calm voice: "Since you choose to stay, let's tell the rules in advance. I'm People like obedient and responsible team members. They don’t like smart people. I don’t care why you stay, but in my team, you’d better keep your mouth shut. If you let me know who leaked the progress of the investigation, Sun Liguo You probably don’t want to experience the fate of..."

Sun Liguo?
The four people's eyes were horrified.

The Sun Liguo she was talking about was the deposed third master of the Sun family?

The news that Sun Liguo was deposed is not a secret in the Security Bureau, but they B-level agents don't know who deposed him?

At that time, they had guessed the identity of this mysterious man and thought he was one of the three families. Otherwise, how could the Sun family identify him by pinching their noses and send him to the police station?

Now that Ji Ning says this, is she the one who destroyed Sun Liguo?
The four of them looked at each other, suddenly feeling a chill crawling up their backs, and shuddering uncontrollably.

There was silence in the house.

After a long time, the girl with the most cheerful personality raised her hand cautiously and asked: "Team leader...that...you were the one who injured Sun Liguo?" Ji Ning looked at her and said "hmm".

The girl's eyes widened instantly and she took a breath.

"Cough cough cough..."

The attitude was more respectful than before.

After Ji Ning finished his insults, he tapped the brain twice and released a light screen with the information to be investigated next.

"Next, we will start investigating from the Lin, Bai, Gu, Sun, Tang, Cao... families in the inner city. We are now six people, divided into two groups, each responsible for a family, mainly investigating each family in the past five years. Industries related to foreign continents, as well as information on the people responsible for these industries..."

After Ji Ning assigned the task to the four people, he pointed at Lin Yuanyang and said: "Lin Yuanyang will install a software on your mobile phones in a while. You will upload all the investigation data to the software for summary. If during the investigation, you encounter If you have any technical problems, you can come to him to solve them.”

The four of them nodded blankly, as if they had not yet recovered from the incident between Ji Ning and Sun Liguo.

Ji Ning frowned slightly and divided the four people into groups: "The wind type is grouped with Shunfeng Er, and the wood type is grouped with voice control."

The four of them were stunned for a long time before they realized that the title in Ji Ning's mouth was referring to themselves.

The girl with a cheerful personality reminded in a low voice: "Team leader, I am not a voice control, I am No. 92."

But after seeing the look from Ji Ning, she quickly made a move to close her mouth.

Ji Ning glanced at her and said calmly: "Awakening the power does not mean removing the name from the family tree. What number is it called? Come up with a name yourself!"

The four of them looked at each other again, wanting to say that this was the security bureau's rule, but thinking of her method of dealing with the Sun family, they held back and gave themselves a name.

The fat man was the first to say: "I am a wood-type superpower. You can call me Amu."

Immediately afterwards, the cheerful girl followed the name he gave and gave herself a similar name: "I have a mutated voice, so you can call me A Sheng."

Then, the introverted and shy girl spoke before the slow male supernatural being: "Wind Girl."

Everyone was surprised, Feng Nu’s cheeks turned red.

Ji Ning looked at the last team member again, "What about you?"

"I don't know what to call myself. I have mutated ears. It's a bit awkward to call me small ears..."

"Xiao Shun." Ji Ning made the final decision.

Xiao Shun was confused, was he so careless?
It was Lin Yuanyang who explained: "It's what goes with the wind."

After the entire Jining investigation team changed its name, it officially started its investigation work.

The six of them parted ways at the door of the Security Bureau. Ji Ning drove the special car provided by the Security Bureau and took Lin Yuanyang straight to the Lin family's old house.

Lin Yuanyang looked at the tablet in his hand, pushed up his glasses and said, "Sister Ning, Feng Nu and Xiao Shun went to the Tang family, and Amu and Asheng went to the Cao family."

Ji Ning said "hmm" and looked flatly at the road ahead.

After a while, Lin Yuanyang suddenly said loudly: "Sister Ning, I found the information about the lightning power user who opposed you today."

Just one chapter today.

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