Chapter 225 It turns out to be his!

Lin Yuanyang saw Ji Ning thinking and remained silent until Aunt Pan's closed eyes opened again.

This time the clarity in her eyes had disappeared, and her eyes were as dull as a puppet.

Ji Ning asked her those questions again, and this time Aunt Pan answered them obediently.

And the language is not Sino-Chinese, but a very special Xizhou dialect.

As the young master of the Lin family, Lin Yuanyang has been proficient in the languages ​​of these continents since he was a child. However, the words spoken by Aunt Pan are slightly different from the official language of Xizhou and contain many special words, which are difficult to use in daily conversations.

Such weird language made him frown.

But what he didn't notice was that after hearing this language, Ji Ning next to him had a look of intense solemnity on his face.

It turned out to be his person!

The strong man from Xizhou who was once as powerful as her was John Johnson.

Only his Qiaosen family can speak Xizhou like this.

Now 120 years have passed, and the Qiaoson family still has no memory and is obsessed with things they shouldn’t be obsessed with!

Ji Ning stared at Aunt Pan with cold eyes, listening to her rambling words.

"I am from the Qiaosen family in Xizhou, and Li Meifang is the spy we have raised in China since childhood, just to find the secret weapons left by the powerful people in China 120 years ago."

"Generations of us have been lying in wait in Huazhou, and we finally found some clues in the Lin family. We sent people to follow the pregnant Zi Yanran, but she found out and arrested many of us. Zi Yanran is so powerful, we We had to use extraordinary means to assassinate her and activate the spies buried in China to get close to Lin Chengsheng..."

Ji Ning asked: "Did you do the plane crash?"

"Yes and no, we really wanted to kill Zi Yanran, but she was very powerful and cost us a lot of people. To be sure, we planned to crash the plane she was traveling on. When our people sneaked into the aircraft maintenance team, they found that someone had already One step destroyed a certain part of the aircraft."

"So in order to kill my mother, you would rather let 150 innocent lives die?" Lin Yuanyang gritted his teeth.

His eyes were red, filled with hatred for Aunt Pan and the people behind her.

Aunt Pan replied emotionlessly: "Our goal is to obtain the secret weapon of the strongest man in China. Anyone who blocks our way will naturally be removed."

"What weapon?" Lin Yuanyang asked dumbly.

But Aunt Pan didn't know.

"I don't know, but the master said that having a secret weapon will allow the family to dominate the five continents."

Following Aunt Pan's words, Ji Ning's face became serious. She had already guessed what the secret weapon they were looking for was.

Unfortunately, the weapon was not in the Lin family, but was carried by her 120 years later.

So even if these spies searched the capital, they couldn't find it.

The light in Ji Ning's hand gradually faded, and Aunt Pan's lost eyes slowly regained their clarity.

When she realized what she had said, she glanced at Ji Ning fiercely, wanting to kill her immediately.

The superpowers on her body also surged out, and the sharp nails grew more than ten centimeters in an instant, clawing at her and Lin Yuanyang fiercely.

Unfortunately, before they touched the corners of their clothes, her nails were broken off as if they were finger scissors.

Such a strange situation made Aunt Pan's expression extremely ugly. She gritted her teeth and once again activated her powers to attack Ji Ning, but she moved little by little towards Lin Chengsheng's office.

She didn't know where she pressed it, but a small door suddenly opened on the bookshelf behind her, and the fat Aunt Pan had already nimbly slipped through the small door and ran away.

Lin Yuanyang was so frightened that he hurriedly chased her, shouting while chasing: "Sister Ning, she is trying to run away!"

Ji Ning said "hmm" and her figure appeared behind Aunt Pan in the blink of an eye. She reached out and grabbed her collar and pulled her back.

"Cough cough cough..."

Aunt Pan was strangled and coughed.

She didn't know how she was exposed and could be targeted by the security bureau.

Ji Ning tapped her lower back, and Aunt Pan collapsed to the ground as if she was deflated.

She was very desperate and unwilling. She looked at Ji Ning angrily and said tentatively: "The master who succeeds and loses is not just spies like us."  "Don't worry, I will pick them out one by one and let your master retire early. Just. Just like 120 years ago..."


Aunt Pan's face turned gray, her eyes opened wider and wider with Ji Ning's words, and she murmured to herself: " are...Ji...uh..."

But her throat seemed to be pinched by someone, and she fainted immediately.

Lin Yuanyang looked at Ji Ning with a complicated face.

He paused the video in his hand and said, "Sister Ning, it will be very dangerous if you let her think you are related to that person."

Ji Ning looked at Aunt Pan, with no emotion on her face, "I'm in the game, and I won't get out of it no matter what. At least now I have the initiative."

The information provided by the Security Bureau was very comprehensive. It did have information about many spies from other continents, including who they passed the news to, but Pan Min and Li Meifang of the Lin family were not among them.

This is very interesting.

Ji Ning guessed that either the two of them were hiding deeply, or someone wanted to protect them.

Now that she is involved, she must be prepared for a backlash.

No matter who dares to scheme against her, he will suffer the consequences!

"Lin Yuanyang, your mother's death was not easy!"

"I know. They already know who killed my mother, but they still let them stay in the Lin family. There must be a bigger purpose. It's just that my mother died too painfully." Lin Yuanyang's voice was cold, under his glasses His eyes were clear.

"Let's go and take a look." Ji Ning pointed to the secret passage in the study.

Lin Yuanyang nodded and pointed to Pan Min on the ground, "How should she deal with it?"

"I won't wake up for a while."

The two of them walked down the secret passage. The building was very narrow, only one person could pass, and the stairs were also very steep.

Ji Ning walked for a while, then suddenly stopped and kept looking at the bricks on the wall next to her.

Lin Yuanyang lowered his head and looked at the villa structure diagram on the smart brain screen, and said in surprise: "This is the wall of the room on the first floor."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "click" and the stairs under their feet moved.

Then there was a sound of gears turning, and the two people gradually moved down the stairs under their feet, and a slight gap gradually appeared in the wall around them, which became larger and larger.

"This is..." Lin Yuanyang was so shocked that he covered his mouth.

"That space."

When the stairs stopped moving, Ji Ning took the lead and walked in.

The space was dark, and she didn't know where she pressed it, but it suddenly lit up.

Lin Yuanyang was uncomfortable for a moment, squinted his eyes, and missed a flash of light.

Ji Ning looked in a certain direction, with some nostalgia in her eyes.

This room is not big, only about [-] square meters. There is a large round table in it, occupying most of the space.

Next to the round table are chairs, twelve in total.

This is where she held a meeting with the heads of major forces in China.

The tables and chairs haven't changed much, and the room is dust-free. Someone should clean the place more often.

I think it's the Lin family.

So some ancestors of the Lin family also participated in the round table conference?
  Ji Ning frowned slightly and thought for a while, then looked at Lin Yuanyang and said, "Have your ancestors ever changed their surname?"

 Two chapters.

  (End of this chapter)

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