Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 229 Can someone with background be able to defeat the Fu family?

Ji Ning's voice appeared behind Hu Bo.

Hu Bo's brow could kill a fly.

The man who entered the door was called Shen Hongqing, and he was the director of the logistics department of the Security Bureau. Although he was an ordinary person, the power behind it should not be underestimated.

The Shen family in the capital was not outstanding in the inner city, but they had a powerful in-law, who happened to be one of the three top aristocratic families, the Fu family.

Fu Yuanxuan's eldest cousin Fu Ying was married to the young master of the Shen family in the capital.

This Shen Hongqing was a distant relative of the Beijing Shen family from the fifth server. He was a smooth man and knew how to work hard, so he was assigned to work as an agent in the Security Bureau. Later, with the help of the Fu family, he was gradually promoted to the position of director of the logistics department.

From a standpoint, Shen Hongqing belongs to the Fu family and is not the same force as Liu Yan, so the relationship between the two is very delicate.

As Liu Yan's confidant secretary, Hu Bo bumped into him at this time, which was indeed a bit difficult to handle.

But Hu Bo didn't think about it for too long and greeted him, "Director Shen."

Shen Hongqing was originally very angry when he received the call and rushed from the unit with a long face. Just when he was about to get angry, he saw Hu Bo's familiar face and swallowed back the anger on his lips.

"Secretary Hu, why are you here?"

"Take our new colleagues to dinner."

Hu Bo turned sideways and glanced at Ji Ning.

Shen Hongqing secretly guessed that Ji Ning's identity must be unusual for a colleague who could allow Hu Bo to treat him personally.

His mind quickly searched for colleagues who had recently joined the company, but he ignored his mother and son who were waiting for him to make the decision.

When Shen's mother saw her son being stopped from talking, she felt a little dissatisfied and suddenly wailed, interrupting Shen Hongqing's thinking.

"Ah Qing! You're here. If you hadn't come, Xiao Lei and I would have been bullied to death by these people. Look at the clothes Xiao Lei is wearing."

In addition to the young man, some vegetable soup was also sprinkled on Shen Hongqing's son.

Shen Hongqing squinted his eyes slightly, scanned his son's body, and then looked at the expressions of everyone around him. He knew that this matter might not be as tragic as his mother said, but he had always protected his shortcomings, even for his mother and son. It's your fault, are others right? A slap can't make a difference, let alone an old lady and a child here, how much trouble can he cause?
  When he was about to say something, Hu Bo intercepted Mother Shen's words and said coldly: "Director Shen, I just listened to the people around you. It was your son who was running around with a dish and directly bumped into that girl. He fell to the ground and cried loudly. Then Director Shen’s mother stopped them from leaving and kept cursing."

Shen Hongqing was unhappy, but he still had a kind smile on his round face, "So that's it, Mom, this is your fault. Taotao bumped into someone, how could you not let them go?"

Shen's mother burst into tears and said: "Ah Qing, that's not the case at all. They just bully us old people and children, especially that woman. They deliberately blocked Taotao's path and let Taotao bump into her. She is Sincerely, you want to blackmail our family’s money..."

"You are talking nonsense!"

The two sides were quarreling fiercely. Shen Hongqing looked at Hu Bo with a troubled face: "Secretary Hu, look at the commotion. I don't know who to listen to now."

"Just watch the surveillance." Ji Ning's voice came out just right, making Shen Hongqing's face stiffen.

After he entered the door just now, he specifically took a look at the surveillance layout in the restaurant. Although the entire hall could not be fully illuminated, the place where his mother was standing at this time could definitely be illuminated.

Hu Bo agreed with Ji Ning's words and gave Shen Hongqing a chance to speak. He said directly to the people around him: "Is the hotel owner here? We need to adjust the surveillance! This is my ID."

The sign of the Security Bureau was indeed convincing, but the restaurant owner hiding behind the crowd was a little timid. He glanced at Shen Hongqing, who was smiling, and then at Hu Bo, who was full of momentum. He smiled bitterly in his heart, not wanting to offend anyone. In the period, Ai Ai returned: "Sorry, my family monitoring has been broken these days, and no one has been repaired."

The smile on Shen Hongqing's face deepened. When Shen's mother heard that there was no monitoring, she became even more arrogant than before. She glanced at the people around who dared to be angry and dare not speak out, and said proudly: "This is retribution for bullying the elderly and children. Retribution. Son, this situation must not be tolerated. Hurry up and take your bureau to educate you..."

"It's easy to deal with a broken surveillance camera. The Security Bureau has no shortage of technicians. Lin Yuanyang, go with your boss to check the surveillance camera and restore the data." Ji Ning's voice made both Shen and her son change their faces.

The smile on Shen Hongqing's face could no longer be maintained, and he looked at Ji Ning with a cold look. Shen's mother glared at the nosy Ji Ning, and said angrily: "Son, which of your leaders is this? I How come I’ve never seen it before?”

With a slight smile on her face, Ji Ning looked at Shen Hongqing and said, "My surname is Ji, I am a new agent of the Security Bureau."

"So he's a newcomer? No wonder a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers..."

Before Mother Shen finished speaking, Shen Hongqing's expression changed again. He looked at Ji Ning up and down several times and asked eagerly: "Are you Ji Ning?"

This name is really special.

Everyone around was stunned.

Ji Ning nodded slightly and said, "Director Shen, this is our first meeting. Hello."

Shen Hongqing secretly cursed his bad luck. There had been a message from the Fu family that they must win over this multi-power user. He had not found a chance yet, but he met him here.

He glanced at Hu Bo, and a trace of evil flashed through his eyes.

Then he said to Ji Ning with a smile on his face: "Oh, it turns out it's you. I've known you for a long time and we have a chance to have a meal together. Don't take what my mother said just now to heart. She is old and sometimes her words don't express what she means. Today This is the fault of my mother and child, and I will make amends to everyone."

Speaking of this, Shen Hongqing specially put his hands together to apologize to the surrounding customers, then looked at the restaurant owner and the young man who was hit, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my son broke some bowls and chopsticks, I Come and compensate. And that girl, let’s see how much your clothes cost. I’ll compensate you for the original price. I’ve caused you trouble. I’m sorry..."

Seeing her son's sudden change of attitude, Shen's mother felt as if she had eaten a fly, but she knew she had to give her son face outside.

She endured her displeasure and looked at Ji Ning.

It was because of her that her son suddenly changed his attitude. Did she have some extraordinary background?
  Come on, even if you have the background, can you beat the Fu family?

Mother Shen disagreed.

She has always regarded herself as an in-law of the Fu family, but she has a disdain for everyone except those three families.

Ji Ning glanced at her and knew what she was thinking. He ignored her and said to Hu Bo: "Secretary Hu, I think it's too late. Let's leave first. Thank you for your hospitality!"

"Why are you so polite? I also borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha."

Hu Bo quickly exchanged greetings with Ji Ning and prepared to send them out.

When Shen Hongqing saw it, he hurried forward, exchanged a few words with Ji Ning, and sent them out of the hotel with Hu Bo.

The winter in the capital was dry and cold. Lin Yuanyang gathered his clothes, looked back at the hotel from a distance, and frowned.

"Sister Ning, the Security Bureau is not at peace either." (End of Chapter)

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