Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 231 He Xin joins the investigation team

Ji Ning glanced at him again, "Secrets from the Security Bureau."

But He Xin was thick-skinned and had no embarrassment at all. "This person has been in trouble. Our police received the report and rushed to the scene to investigate. If some things are not explained clearly, we cannot carry out our work."

"Are you sure you want to know about this?" Ji Ning suddenly asked.

He Xin was stunned. This was the first time an agent had responded like this. It was extremely difficult for them to intervene in cases taken over by the Security Bureau before, and they would not disclose any information to them.

"Yeah." He Xin nodded, this was a rare opportunity.

Ji Ning knew what he was thinking by looking at his eyes, and said calmly: "Find a suitable place to say it."

He Xin's eyes were filled with joy, and he quickly said: "The floor where the crime occurred has been sealed off, and they are all our people. We can go to the doctor's office to talk."

Ji Ning nodded slightly and said nothing more.

He Xin was happy and was much more enthusiastic towards Ji Ning and Lin Yuanyang than before. After taking them to the ward where Li Meifang lived, he did not go to the doctor's office immediately, but gave them a detailed explanation of the on-site investigation progress. And took them to Li Meifang's ward.

The quilt in the house was lifted up, and the closed windows were opened vertically.

"According to the confinement sister-in-law in the house at that time, the old lady of the Lin family wanted to look after the child, so they took the child out of the ward. When they came back, Li Meifang was missing in the ward. They immediately called the medical staff to look for someone, but they couldn't find him until someone said Li Meifang jumped to her death. We investigated the surveillance in the corridor and found that the surveillance was artificially destroyed for a period of time, but the nurse at the nurse station did not see Li Meifang leave the ward."

When He Xin said this, he glanced at the open window not far away with a solemn expression on his face.

He had asked his colleagues to check all the screws on the window. There were no signs of rotation, so the window could not be fully opened for Li Meifang to get in.

So how did Li Meifang avoid the nurse in the corridor and commit suicide?

He Xin was puzzled.

Ji Ning put on gloves and ankle boots and walked to the window to observe. After touching the window, her eyes darkened a bit.

The bright windows are extremely clean, and there is no dust visible from the inside out.

"Agent Ji, we have ruled out the possibility of jumping from this window."

"It can't be ruled out." Ji Ning clicked on the window.

He Xin's eyes lit up.

"Did you find anything?"

"This glass has been tampered with." Ji Ning knocked on the glass, making a distinctly different sound.

What she knocked on was not the window that could be opened, but the fixed glass window next to it.

He Xin was very surprised. He came over and imitated Ji Ning's tapping method and knocked on the glass.

Sure enough, when you hit a certain place, the sound of the glass changes obviously.

He tapped again along the changed glass, which happened to be a long horizontal line.

He Xin looked bad and immediately asked someone to come over and mark it.

Looking at a rectangle that could send a person gradually appearing on the glass, He Xin's face was as black as ink.

A storm gathered in his eyes.

After looking at it for a long time, he looked at Ji Ning and said, "Agent Ji, can we talk alone?"

Ji Ning nodded.

Lin Yuanyang followed Ji Ning.

He Xin originally didn't want him to follow, but when he saw that Ji Ning didn't speak, he swallowed his words.

The three of them came to the doctor's office next to the nurse's station.

The room is large, with seven or eight desks.

There is no one now.

After the three of them entered the house, He Xin asked straight to the point: "Is the murderer in this case a person with supernatural powers?"

"It's possible." Ji Ning thought for a moment and replied. He Xin continued to ask: "Did Li Meifang commit anything before she was alive?"

Ji Ning didn't answer. She looked at him for a while, then suddenly opened her mind and said, "Sign this first."

He Xin was slightly startled, walked over and took a look, and saw it said:

[I voluntarily joined the A-level agent Ji Ning’s investigation team and became a non-staff investigator...]

"This is……"

He Xin speculated on some possibility and was very excited. Being able to join this kind of investigation team, even if the case was suspected of having supernatural powers, he no longer had to worry about the case being handed over and he would no longer be able to participate.

But he didn't want Ji Ning to see that he was happy, especially since the two of them belonged to different systems and were responsible for different functions.

Lin Yuanyang secretly rolled his eyes and said for his sister Ning: "Li Meifang's identity is very sensitive. If you want to continue the investigation, you must sign this."

He Xin looked at him and then at Ji Ning. He didn't quite understand what role Lin Yuanyang played here, but he knew that there would be no such store after this village. If he wanted to continue to follow up on the case, he had to sign.

"Okay, I'll sign."

"Don't you need to tell your leader?" Lin Yuanyang asked.

He Xin touched his nose and said with some embarrassment: "I will report it."

After He Xin signed his name, Ji Ning told He Xin the identities of Li Meifang and Pan Min beside her.

The more He Xin listened, the more serious his expression became. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart. This matter was so involved, why did the Security Bureau hand it over to such a young girl?

No wonder she asked herself to sign the confidentiality agreement and even asked herself to join the investigation team.

He Xin thought about his situation in the future and wanted to go back to the elevator.

Ji Ning’s ship is really dangerous!

He Xin looked at Ji Ning for a long time, her expression remained calm, as if everything was under control.

I wonder if those who don’t know are fearless, or do they have something to rely on?

After He Xin thought about it again and again, he tentatively said: "If that's the case, this murderer may be trying to kill someone to silence him. The only clue left now is Pan Min, and her personal safety is of vital importance."

Ji Ning's face remained calm, "What do you think?"

He Xin was silent, his eyes slightly lowered, looking at the table.

Ji Ning didn't rush him and just looked at him quietly.

He Xin has also been engaged in criminal investigation for more than ten years, and he is not as nervous as he is today when facing pressure from all parties.

He really couldn't understand the girl in front of him, and he couldn't guess her purpose.

But when he thought about getting on her ship, he had no choice but to stay on.

After thinking for a while, he looked directly into Ji Ning's eyes: "If Pan Min is really infiltrated by hostile forces, then there are many people involved behind her. It is very likely that they are people from above, so those who come into contact with her must be absolutely trustworthy. people."

Ji Ning didn't look away, "Is there more?"

"Her place of detention needs to be changed. The fewer people who know about it, the better. And the person who is interrogating her today needs to investigate his background in depth."

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

He Xin is indeed an experienced police officer.

"Okay, I'll do as you say. You and I will go to the Security Bureau to pick up someone later."


He Xin took out his ears, thinking that he had heard wrongly, and his face was full of shock.

Ji Ning finally had an expression on her face, raised her lips slightly, and said with a hint of smile in her voice: "Officer He has rich experience in handling cases. I feel relieved to leave this person to you."

"No, this matter involves a wide range of things, so you need to be careful!"

He Xin looked at Ji Ning's trusting expression and felt like he shot himself in the foot.

When did the Security Bureau handle cases so casually?

Just give it to someone else?

Ji Ning stood up, leaving no doubt, "This matter is settled. I will give you an address later. You bring someone you trust and send her there." (End of Chapter)

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