As she lives here, Ji Ning no longer judges the current power situation based on the impressions of the troubled times.

The family power of the three younger brothers was larger and more complicated than she imagined.

Today seems to be a peaceful era, but the hidden crisis is eroding this peace little by little.

There are hostile forces outside that covet the Huazhou Safe Zone, and there are secret competition among major forces inside.

There is also a "Ji Jiajun" named after her in the middle.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart.


Huazhou Security Department.

Secretary Hou, who contacted Ji Ning, called again and asked her to park her car in front of the office building where the Security Department was located.

There weren't many cars parked here. Ji Ning parked her car at the door of the building, but no one came out to pick her up.

Ji Ning pursed her lower lip and walked directly into the office building.

There is a security room at the door, and the person on duty inside is actually a person with superpowers, and his level is not low.

Ji Ning was surprised when she felt the energy fluctuations coming from him.

When the man saw her coming in, he just looked up at her, said nothing, and continued to look down at the newspaper in his hand.

There is a cup of hot tea next to it, which looks quite leisurely.

It is rare to find such a laid-back person working in this kind of department.

Ji Ning glanced at him hastily, followed the information on Secretary Hou's phone, and walked quickly to the front stairs.

This place looks a bit like a school. The stairs are facing the main door, and there are small rooms on both sides. There are job boards on the doors.

Secretary Hou works in the secretariat on the third floor.

After he asked Ji Ning to come, he went to him directly.

Ji Ning also came as promised.

The door of the secretariat was ajar, and the sound of typing on the keyboard could be heard from inside.

Ji Ning knocked on the door and heard the voice of "come in" coming from inside.

She raised her eyebrows and pushed open the door.

This room is quite large, with more than a dozen people working in it. The people near the door looked up at her, with indifferent expressions on their faces, and a little doubt, as if they were thinking about her identity.

Until Secretary Hou's voice came from somewhere in the room: "Jining, right?"

Ji Ning looked around and saw a man wearing a white shirt and gray sweater standing up near the window.

He wears glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is very tall, but on the thin side. Overall, he looks a bit frail, like a university lecturer.

Ji Ning's name is very special. Many people will be surprised when they hear it for the first time. But here, none of these people are surprised. It seems that this name is very common.

Ji Ning nodded slightly, and Secretary Hou said: "Wait for me, I will take you to see the leader later."

Secretary Hou was very busy. After talking to her, he sat back in his seat and typed on the computer in front of him.

Ji Ning leaned against the door and waited for more than ten minutes before he finished his work, stood up and turned off the computer.

"Let's go."

Secretary Hou held a document in his hand, pushed up his glasses, and walked towards Ji Ning.

After the two left, the calm in the office was suddenly broken. Someone looked up at the colleague next to him and said, "Did you see that? That is the multi-power user who challenged the Sun family alone."

"Really or not? You're so thin and small, you really can't tell."

"Yes, he looks so young. I didn't expect his methods to be so powerful. I heard that the third master of the Sun family still has dozens of needles buried in his body."

"No wonder the superiors attach so much importance to it. Seeing Lao Hou acting like this, the leader is going to take action."


Everyone's eyes were full of meaning.    ***

Ji Ning originally thought that the person who called her was Li Wenxin, the head of the Li family, but she didn't expect that the person she met turned out to be the Fu family.

This man should be Fu Yuanxuan's third uncle in the Security Bureau, Fu Linhai.

Fu Yuanxuan looked very similar to him, especially between his eyebrows and eyes, which had thick eyebrows and big eyes, showing a look of justice.

"Agent Ji, I have long admired your name."

Fu Linhai was not as serious as Fu Yuanxuan, he had a smile on his face and even poured her a cup of tea himself.

Ji Ning did not move, with no expression on her face, and said calmly: "Hello."

"I heard that you saved Xiao Xuan, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to meet you and thank you in person, but you are not in the capital. This time you are here, but you have to stay in the capital for a few more days. I can also do my best as a landlord. friendship."

Fu Linhai had no airs about him, and when he talked to Ji Ning, he showed a sense of cordiality towards the younger generations.

Those who didn't know thought that Ji Ning had something to do with Fu Yuanxuan.

Ji Ning's face remained unchanged and she said politely, "It's disrespectful."

The smile on Fu Linhai's face became even bigger, "That's just right. Let's have dinner together later."

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

Next, Fu Linhai and Ji Ning had a lot of housework, and Ji Ning was willing to agree.

The two of them talked happily, not like meeting for the first time at all, but like old friends who have known each other for many years.

"Xiao Ning, I heard that you were investigating the case of the Haicheng Food Festival recently. Do you have any difficulties at work?"

Ji Ning drank tea and frowned slightly, "Not yet."

"It doesn't matter, we are all family members. If you have any difficulties, just tell me directly. I can talk to the Security Bureau after all. If you need any help, just ask me directly."

Ji Ning looked hesitant. After hesitating for a while, he said, "There is indeed something I want to trouble you with."

"You said."

"According to the Lin family's spies' confession this time, foreign forces have been infiltrating the capital for decades. I need a list of members of major families in the capital who came into contact with people from other continents thirty years ago, or who came into contact with people who returned from studying abroad."

Fu Linhai's expression turned serious and he asked, "Can you guarantee the authenticity of this confession?"

Ji Ning said confidently: "I made some deals with the Lin family's spies. Of course she wouldn't dare to lie to me."

Fu Linhai nodded slightly, rubbed the handle of the cup unnaturally with his thumb, and fell into deep thought. After a while, he said: "Okay, I will try my best to get the information to you, but this matter involves too much, so don't tell anyone else. I heard from Xiao Liu that you took the person away alone?"

Ji Ning looked stunned for a moment, nodded, and asked, "Do you want to know where she is?"

"No, please protect her safety. Don't let others know her address. I will send someone to assist you later." Fu Linhai said seriously.

"it is good."

The two talked for a while before Ji Ning left and went to the security department's lounge to wait for Fu Linhai to take a lunch break.

Shortly after Ji Ning left, Fu Linhai made a call on his personal mobile phone.


Ji Ning was taken to the lounge by Secretary Hou.

He was afraid that she would be bored, so he found a lot of books for her to read.

"The leader will have a meeting later, which will end at about 11:, and then he will take you out for dinner." Secretary Hou explained and left the lounge.

Ji Ning looked at the books in front of her with a hint of sarcasm on her face.

This Fu Linhai is not a good person. He talks about being close to him, but in fact, he always talks in clichés, but he doesn't know what his real purpose is?

Ji Ning flipped through the book, thinking carefully until the door to the lounge was pushed open again.

I thought it was Secretary Hou, but it turned out to be a strange woman.

"Are you Ji Ning? My surname is Zhang. The leader would like to invite you to come over."

Feeling better today, I will update one chapter first. Normal updates will slowly resume later.

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