Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 235 Why does Li Wenxin help the Sun family?

At this time, Li Wenxin did not agree with the words of Representative No. 3. He frowned and said seriously: "They may have relics in their hands."

As soon as Li Wenxin said these words, everyone in the room looked at him.

His eyes were shocked, but he didn't question it.

As Li Wenxin, it was normal for him to know something they didn't know.

Representatives No. 3 and 2 asked eagerly:

"Lao Li, are you sure they have relics in their hands?"

"How did it leak out?"

Li Wenxin's voice was a little serious and he uttered three words: "Ji Jiajun."

Congressman Representative No. 2 had a bit of a temper. He slapped the table and said angrily: "These gangsters, bandits, rabble! If I hadn't uprooted them long ago out of concern for that person's reputation, I wouldn't have wasted so many years to let them escape." It’s becoming more and more lawless.”

Representative No. 2 looked at Li Wenxin while talking. Seeing that his expression did not change, he sighed inwardly.

That group of people are not accustomed to these three families.

I don’t know what they are holding on to?

Ji Ning had a panoramic view of the expressions of most people on the table.

It seems that Ji Jiajun has become a serious problem for these senior officials, and they want to get rid of it quickly.

But for some reasons, they were unable to take action, which allowed the "Ji Family Army" to develop faster and faster and become a considerable force.

"Okay. The purpose of our meeting this time is not Ji Jiajun. Let's get back to the topic." Representative No. 3 did not speak when he saw the leader Li Wenxin. He knew that it would be useless to say more bad things about "Ji Jiajun", so he simply changed the topic.

"This meeting mainly discusses the handling of the person in charge of the Sun family in the serious case of the Haicheng Food Festival." Representative No. 3 continued, "Although the head of the Sun family was assassinated and the prospective heir was also attacked, the impact of the case itself It’s very bad, and I think the person in charge of the Sun family still needs to be held accountable.”

"I don't agree. Now the Sun family's image is very miserable in the eyes of the outside world. The media is chasing after the Sun family girl every day to report. If we hold the Sun family accountable again, what do you want the people to think? They will definitely say that the alliance is incompetent and will not pursue the investigation. The murderer only looks for soft persimmons. It is not good for our image."

"But according to the regulations of the safe zone, the Sun family is the main person responsible for this case. If they are not investigated, how will other forces think? When the safe zone becomes unstable, who will be responsible?" Representative No. 7 pointed out the key to the problem. .

Now it is not they who want to hold the Sun family accountable, but the families involved in the case who want to hold the Sun family accountable.

After all, the Sun family is one of the top families in the inner city of the capital. Its power and industry are so great that it makes people envious and envious. Now that they finally have a reason to attack together, how could those aristocratic families let go of the opportunity?

As long as you bite off a piece of Sun family meat, you can take your family one step further!

Representatives of the House of Representatives at the round table had different opinions, and even after arguing for a long time, no solution was found.

Ji Ning thought about Sun Yazhu's current situation, being attacked from both sides. If she didn't give up most of the Sun family's property, her end would definitely be miserable. But she didn't know who she was going to give most of the Sun family's fat to?

Li Wenxin watched everyone arguing and did not express an opinion. When everyone was almost done arguing, he said: "If the Sun family is held accountable, both the Haicheng Security Bureau and the Haicheng Police will be held accountable at the same time."

The quarrel immediately disappeared, everyone looked at him, calmed down their emotions, and no one said a word.

Although they are colleagues, in the family world, these people still have to rely on those three families, so before the three major families completely break up, they will not easily offend anyone, especially the head of the Li family.

Li Wenxin glanced at them and continued: "Instead of having a meaningless argument here, why not think about what the person behind the murderer will do next? Is there any connection between the group of people who suddenly attacked the capital and the murderer?"

In just two sentences, the heated argument just turned into an external conflict.

Ji Ning watched calmly as these people calmed down their excitement and turned the topic to the group of people who attacked the capital and successfully escaped. There was a flash of doubt in Li Wenxin's eyes.

Isn’t the Sun family related by marriage to the Ye family? Why does Li Wenxin want to help the Sun family?

Is there some deal in there that she doesn't know about?

"The specific case will be reported to you by our A-level agent Ji Ning."

Suddenly Li Wenxin called Ji Ning's name.

Ji Ning raised her head and glanced at him, and when she saw him turning back and nodding to her, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

Are you trying to push her out?

Ji Ning coughed slightly, walked a few steps forward, came behind Li Wenxin, glanced at the people around the round table, and said calmly: "The person who assassinated the head of the Sun family at the Haicheng Food Festival was an invisible person. According to his explanation, his mission was to sneak into the opening ceremony, obtain the weapons given by his accomplices at the scene, and assassinate the two principals of the Sun family. But he didn't know who his accomplices were? He didn't know who the person who gave him the task was? "

"When we were transferring the murderer, he was attacked by an active soldier from the First Base, but he killed that soldier..."

Speaking of this, Representative No. 2 on the opposite side of the round table once again asked anxiously: "Is this still related to the First Base? Is it possible that someone is pretending to be a First Base soldier?"

Ji Ning glanced at him and continued: "There is no impersonation. I am indeed a soldier of the first base."

"What evidence do you have?" Representative No. 2 asked with a frown.

Ji Ning was too lazy to look at him and spat out a few words: "Fu Yuanxuan said it."

Congressman Representative No. 2 immediately shut up.

Obviously, the representative of the No. 2 congressman is a member of the Fu family.

"The Security Bureau has no right to interfere with matters at the base, so we started with the family of another victim in the case, investigated the people and things around the victim, and found that the victim Huang Shufa had been engaged in smuggling prohibited drugs for a long time. He had a relationship with a researcher from Waizhou All related, often transporting medicines and medicinal materials that are not circulated in the Chinese market to other continents..."

"These uncirculated drugs and medicinal materials are controlled by the research institute..." Representative No. 7 said in a low voice.

Immediately triggered a rebuttal from Representative No. 3: "The institute is only responsible for researching pharmaceutical projects. When did it control the import and export of drugs and medicinal materials? Do you think the Food and Drug Administration and Customs are just decorations?"

"Indeed, I remember that Gu Beifeng is in charge of trade import and export, right?" Representative No. 1 concurred.

Representative No. 9 frowned slightly, "But the laboratory that can extract illegal drugs should be under the control of the research institute, right?"

"Most of the laboratories in Huazhou are indeed under the management of the research institute, but there are still some laboratories that declared independence decades ago." Representative No. 3 congressman retorted.

Ji Ning saw these people talking and basically knew the factions these people belonged to.

Her voice was a little louder, suppressing the quarreling congressmen and representatives, "In addition to the smuggling issue, we also discovered spies from other continents who have infiltrated into China. The cause of Huang Shufa's death was that he had been lurking around him for many years. The spies did it. So..."

Ji Ning's voice paused, and then he glanced at the few members he could see, and said in a good mood: "From now on, I will conduct an in-depth investigation of everyone here, and I ask for your active cooperation!"

One chapter today, and two chapters a day on Saturdays and Sundays.

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