Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 241 The villain has gained enlightenment!

Liu Yan looked at Ji Ning's leaving figure and sighed.

I don’t know what the head of the family thinks?

If you have to use such an uncontrolled and dangerous person, this is undoubtedly a hand-held bomb that will explode if you are not careful.

Liu Yan picked up the water glass on the table and took a few sips of tea, trying to soothe his extremely uneasy heart.


When Ji Ning came to the office where B-level agents usually stayed, she was faced with a group of curious eyes.

They wanted to ask, but because of their status, no one wanted to be the first to ask.

Naturally, Ji Ning would not take the initiative to inform. He glanced around the room and directly called out names: "Feng Nu, A Mu, Xiao Shun, A Sheng!"

Then, amid everyone's astonishment, Ji Ning's four team members stood up with pride on their faces and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly a familiar male voice sounded.

Amu, who was walking at the end, turned around and saw No. 51, the thunder type superpower who had joined the group with them but had offended Ji Ning and was withdrawn. He stood up and called him.

No. 51's chin was still raised proudly, but a trace of embarrassment flashed through his eyes, as if he wanted to say something to him, but found it difficult to say it.

"51, what's wrong?" Amu knew it well, suppressed the secret joy in his heart, and asked seriously.

No. 51's expression was extremely unnatural. If possible, he really didn't want to stop him. He held it in for a long time before asking: "Are you going to investigate the case?"

Amu nodded, "Go now."

"Do you need my help?"

The voice was quieter.

Amu was stunned for a moment, took a deep look at No. 51 in disbelief, and then said: "Not yet, I'll leave first. The team leader doesn't like to wait for others."

Amu wanted to see his joke, but he didn't dare to agree to anything easily. He glanced at his companion who had gone away, hurriedly stepped forward, took two steps, then turned back to comfort him: "If there is any difficulty, I will ask you help."

No. 51 looked at Amu's back as he trotted away, biting his back teeth bitterly.

The villain has gained enlightenment!

Do you really think he wants to curry favor with him?

If the captain of the red team hadn't asked him to find a way to return to Ji Ning's investigation team, he wouldn't have bothered to deal with this group of people.

No one cares what No. 51 thinks.

The four of them hurriedly got into Ji Ning's car, not knowing where they were going.

Ji Ning acted as the driver and asked while driving: "Did you find anything?"

Amu and A Sheng, who went to Cao's house, took the lead in making a report.

"The Cao family started out as a logistics company and is not very powerful in the capital. However, the Cao family and the Gu family are related by marriage. The eldest daughter of Cao Demao, the head of the Cao family, is the wife of the young master of the Gu family. Therefore, the Cao family uses the Gu family's connections to develop the industry. After arriving in another continent, he is now one of the main partners in the Gu family's international trade..."

"We asked Cao Demao's secretary at the Cao family headquarters about the food festival. Secretary Cao Demao said that originally the Sun family invited the head of the Cao family to Haicheng to participate in the food festival, but the Cao family's business in Xizhou suddenly encountered problems. The head of the Cao family went to Xizhou the day before the food festival, and the second brother of the Cao family went on his behalf. Among the people who were poisoned this time was the second brother of the head of the Cao family..."

"The Cao family has a very bad attitude towards the Sun family, and has currently terminated an out-of-state project in cooperation with the Sun family. Cao Demao's secretary has repeatedly emphasized to us that the Sun family must compensate the Sun family, and also asked us to investigate the Sun family more …”

Amu and A Sheng couldn't help but feel their heads hurting when they thought of the Cao family's attitude.

Originally, they wanted to ask some questions about the Cao family's overseas relationships, but Cao Demao's secretary changed the topic, which greatly hindered their investigation.

After the two reported, they felt very uneasy, fearing that Ji Ning would think they were incompetent.

But after hearing this, Ji Ning just said "Yeah" and said nothing.

This made the atmosphere in the car even more tense.

Ah Sheng poked Feng Nu and asked her to quickly report on the progress of her work.

After Feng Nu received the signal, she forced herself to talk to Xiao Shun about the Tang family. "The Tang family is ranked among the top three in the inner city. It specializes in chain restaurants. The Tang family has contributed a lot to the preparation of this Sun Family Food Festival. The two families are considered family friends. There are rumors that Sun Yazhu was originally going to be with The second young son of the Tang family got married, but later due to certain things, the marriage between the two families fell through. Later, the incident with Sun Liguo caused the image of the Sun family to plummet. The Sun family was targeted by many forces. It was the Tang family who secretly helped and helped the Sun family prepare delicious food. Festival……"

"We found out that the Tang family has recently had the idea of ​​​​marrying with the Sun family. The second young master of the Tang family has been in Haicheng these days, and seems to be advancing and retreating with Sun Yazhu."

Having said this, Xiao Shun paused, glanced at Feng Nu, and continued: "Feng Nu found out something. The chef who prepared the fruit plate for the opening ceremony of the Haicheng Food Festival was sent by the Tang family."

Ji Ning looked at the red light in front of her, stopped the car, glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "Do you speculate that the Tang family may be behind this?"

Xiao Shun looked at Feng Nu again and nodded, "Yes, team leader."

Feng Nu kept her head lowered throughout the whole process, looking shy as she didn't dare to say anything.

"It's possible." Ji Ning glanced at Feng Nu, confirming their speculation.

Feng Nu was a little surprised, raised her head suddenly, met her eyes in the rearview mirror, and quickly looked away.

"The Tang family seems to be very suspicious at the moment." Ji Ning said this and then closed her mouth.

The four people in the car wanted to hear more, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't hear anything from Ji Ning.

Amu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but ask: "Team leader, are we going to Tang's house?"

"No, go to the Gu family."

Gu family?

The four of them were surprised again.

Neither the Cao family nor the Tang family have investigated clearly, so why did they start a new map?

"What do you want to ask?" Ji Ning suddenly asked.

The four people were startled and looked at Ji Ning.

It was Amu who spoke first, "Team leader, why don't we investigate the three companies we have already investigated in more detail?"

Ji Ning asked, "Can you guarantee that the content of your further investigation is 100% accurate?"

The four of them thought for a moment and shook their heads.

The first time they come to investigate, they may catch the other party off guard and let them investigate something. But when they come again, they are already alert and prepared, and what is presented to them will be difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Ji Ning continued: "By the time you have fully investigated, a few months have passed and those spies have already escaped. So we have to investigate all the families in Beijing who went to Haicheng in the shortest possible time."

Even if nothing can be found, the water must be muddied.

Only then can you catch big fish!

The four of them looked at Ji Ning, who was much younger than them, with a hint of complexity in their eyes.

Ji Ning drove the car to the mid-level villa area where the Gu family's old residence was located.

This community is also an old villa area, with a quiet and remote environment and tight security.

Even if Ji Ning showed his ID from the Security Bureau, they were still stopped outside the villa area, waiting for the owner of the Gu family to agree to let them in.

At this time, Gu Shuangcheng happened to be at home.

"Second Young Master, there's a call from the doorman saying that people from the Security Bureau are here. Do you want to let them in?" the Gu family's housekeeper said respectfully to Gu Shuangcheng, who was sitting on the sofa playing games.

Gu Shuangcheng stared at the phone screen without raising his head, "Let them in."


Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell of the Gu family villa rang.

Chapter two today. The update will be later tomorrow.

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