The fishing boats in this area are the assets of a fishing village on the shore.

Because everyone in the fishing village is named Ji, it is also called Jijiacun.

Her body is named Ji Hong. She is an orphan whose parents died when she was young and she grew up eating food from hundreds of families.

The beggar pursed his lower lip, with a complicated light shining in his eyes.

Has she traveled through time?

Time travel into a stranger's body?

"Ji Hong, it's time to eat..."

Suddenly a hoarse female voice came from outside. The beggar stood up straight vigilantly, lifted the shading cloth on the window, and looked out carefully.

I saw an old woman standing on the shore, holding an iron bucket in her hand, shouting in her direction.

There were living things tumbling in the iron bucket, and a lot of water droplets splashed out.

The beggar pursed his lower lip and slowly walked out of the cabin. She now has no memory of this body, and she doesn't know if the Ji Hong she talks about is herself.

She lowered her head slightly, covered her eyes with her messy hair, and secretly observed the old woman's expression. She found that when she saw her, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on her face became more kind.

Continue to reach out to her.

"Xiao Hong, come quickly..."

Only then did the beggar confirm that the Ji Hong she was talking about was him.

In this case, she will continue to live as Ji Hong.

Ji Hong thought so.

The memories in her mind were suppressed deep in her mind.

The old woman's legs seemed to have been injured, and she was swaying as she walked. The shrimps and crabs in the iron bucket in her hand were also swaying, and one or two fell out.

After Ji Hong looked at it, he picked up the fallen shrimps and crabs and threw them back into the iron bucket.

The old woman gave her a loving look and continued walking forward.

The two of them arrived at the shantytown not far from the port, one after the other.

The old houses look very dated. The paths between the houses are only one meter wide, with wet stone bricks on the ground and various debris piled on both sides.

Mainly sun-dried fish, the fishy smell of seafood is very strong here.

Ji Hong carefully avoided the ropes of dried fish drying above her head, lowered her head and followed the old woman to a small bungalow.

The outside of the house looks old, but the inside is clean and tidy.

Ji Hong glanced at her dirty clothes and did not enter the room immediately.

The old woman put the small iron bucket on the ground, turned around and looked at her in surprise, "Why don't you come in?"

Ji Hong was afraid that she would see something, so she quickly entered the house.

It's really troublesome to not have the memory of this body.

Ji Hong thought so.

The old woman's cooking was very simple. She boiled the seafood in water and added a few pieces of green onion and ginger to remove the fishy smell.

On the small stove, there was a small iron basin, in which fresh shrimps and crabs were boiling.

Ji Hong was afraid that she would see something wrong with her, so she pretended to be shy and sat far away from the old woman.

The old woman looked at the seafood in the pot and babbled something she didn't quite understand. Ji Hong tried hard to write down every word she said in preparation for learning the language here later.

After the meal, the old woman wanted to give Ji Hong a bath, but she refused.

Ji Hong took the hot water that the old woman boiled for her and returned to the small broken boat where she lived.

While taking a bath, she discovered that the skin on her body was very white, as if it had not been exposed to the sun for a long time.

The only wounds were some tiny pinpricks on the limbs. Although they had healed, the bruises under the skin had not completely disappeared.

What has this body experienced?

Ji Hong was shocked.

At the same time, he quickly picked up the larger clothes next to him and put them on his wet body.

The boat still rocked with the water.

Several wretched figures quietly boarded the boat.

"Boss, that mute is back?"

"Nonsense, if you don't come back, can I let you come?"

"Have you brought the medicine?"

"Bring it with me, I'll inject her later, and we can...hehehehe..."

Ji Hong's expression was shocked, and endless killing intent instantly rose in her eyes.

The shabby towels on hand have been turned into sharp tools, waiting patiently for the arrival of those people.


The endless coldness makes people's hearts tremble.

Lin Chengsheng stood in front of the unique secret space of the Lin family's old house, looking at the people standing inside with hands behind their backs, and was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he asked hoarsely: "You...who are you? Why do you know this place?"

Ji Ning asked instead, tapping her fingers on the round tabletop: "Where are the things here?"

Lin Chengsheng's pupils shrank and his fingers trembled slightly.

Only the commander-in-chief knows that!

" are..."

"Yeah." Lin Chengsheng's eyes widened, and the bloodshot eyes in the whites gradually became darker. His breathing was rapid and dull. It took him a long time to calm down, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

"During the troubled times, the Lin family was one of the Twelve Round Table forces. You should know what I am talking about."

Lin Chengsheng gradually clenched his fists, stared at Ji Ning for a moment, and then said: "The thing is not in the Lin family, and has been buried with those three people."

Lin Chengsheng tried to calm himself down.

Ji Ning turned around and looked at Lin Chengsheng, "They don't know about this and they can't take the things away."

Lin Chengsheng clenched his fists tighter, looked at her deeply, and the shock on his face gradually calmed down, "Isn't the commander dead?"

"I don't know." Ji Ning's expression grew colder, and her pupils suddenly changed, blasting away some of the mental energy that had come in.

He sneered and said, "Lin Chengsheng, if you delay any longer, I won't show mercy."

Lin Chengsheng felt a pain in his chest and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.


"For Lin Yuanyang's sake, I don't have to reveal your identity as Ji Jiajun, but the things must be handed over!"

Lin Chengsheng's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of horror, " did you know?"

Ji Ning slowly walked up to Lin Chengsheng and said calmly: "To be precise, your first wife Zi Yanran was a member of the Ji family army. The person who assassinated her was not a hostile force of the Lin family, but her enemy."

Lin Chengsheng's face turned gray, with a shocked and helpless expression, "Are you also a member of the Ji Family Army?"


"Then why do you know this?"

Ji Ning smiled and said, "I guessed it."

"Zi Yanran encountered two assassinations. The first time she escaped, but her body was poisoned. The second time she did not escape and died unexpectedly. As the deceased husband, you married the second one less than a year after her death. Second wife Li Meifang. The outside world suspects you of cheating during your marriage, but you don’t let Li Meifang get close to your old house, and you don’t let her get pregnant and have children.”

Ji Ning paused after saying this, looked at him meaningfully, and continued: "Because you doubted the identity of Li Meifang, who had frequent contact with you during that period, and you suspected that she was related to Zi Yanran's death, so you married She just wanted to find out who was the murderer of Zi Yanran. You were afraid that the people behind Li Meifang would become suspicious and attack your only son, so you kicked Lin Yuanyang out of the house as a disguised protection for him. "

Lin Chengsheng paused, as if he didn't expect Ji Ning to guess so accurately, but Ji Ning's smile turned into sarcasm at this moment.

"You have been wary of Li Meifang for several years. When you saw that she really had no contact with the outside world and had been living with you wholeheartedly, you relaxed your vigilance towards her. You even felt that you suspected the wrong person and felt guilty towards her..."

Lin Chengsheng swayed decadently for a few times, then sat back on the ground, "Yeah... I thought I had delayed her youth and I should compensate her, but I didn't expect that she still..."

The corners of his eyes gradually turned red, and his voice was choked.

Ji Ning looked at the loneliness on his face, sighed inwardly, and continued: "Because your attitude towards Lin Yuanyang and Li Meifang was very strange, which made me have some doubts, so I asked someone to investigate the events of that year in detail. Especially Zi Yanran..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chengsheng held his head in his hands and lowered his head with tears in his eyes.

"It was me who failed to protect her... it was all my fault. It was me who exposed her identity... and I harmed her and my son..."

He was really sad and blamed himself.

Ji Ning saw his guilt towards Zi Yanran and swallowed back the words on his lips.

Zi Yanran had an ulterior motive for contacting Lin Chengsheng back then.

Not only did she know that Lin Chengsheng's ancestor was one of the Twelve Round Table forces, but she also knew that the Lin family had something belonging to her.

A trace of sympathy appeared in Ji Ning's eyes. After his crying subdued, he said, "Zi Yanran's death has little to do with you."

Lin Chengsheng paused and suddenly raised his head to look at Ji Ning.

His eyes were red, and the tears hadn't dried yet.

Ji Ning coughed twice and slowly told the truth she knew.

"In addition to being a member of the Ji Family Army, Zi Yanran is also a high-level superpower user of the Huazhou Alliance's special superpower team."


Lin Chengsheng was so shocked that he retracted his tears.

Special team?

High-level superpower?

How can it be?

Ji Ning's face became more serious and her voice was much colder than before, "Zi Yanran's identity back then was not simple. I checked how she was assassinated twice. The first time was done by the hostile forces of the Ji family army. The second time The second time was from multiple forces, which shows that Zi Yanran used her identity to explore an important secret before she was silenced..."

Lin Chengsheng's expression changed drastically.

Ji Ning said calmly: "She should know that the secrets she holds will be silenced, so she told you after the first accident that she is a member of the Ji Family Army."

Lin Chengsheng was startled for a moment, his brows furrowed slightly, and there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Ji Ning raised her lips slightly and said nonchalantly: "Because of her status, you used the secret forces of the Lin family to protect her and let her live a few more years."

"You..." Lin Chengsheng was a little angry.

But it is undeniable that Ji Ning's speculation is basically correct.

Ji Ning glanced at him, turned around and walked to the round table in the room to stop, "She must have told you not to give the things hidden by the Lin family to anyone, including members of the Ji family army and the three families, right?"

Lin Chengsheng's face froze, and he looked at Ji Ning as if he were looking at a monster, with awe and fear in his surprise.

"I am not a member of the Ji family army, nor do I represent those three families. I want the things hidden by your Lin family just to return them to their original owners!"

The cold voice was firm and unyielding.

Lin Chengsheng felt as if his blood was flowing backwards, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, losing consciousness.

Return the property to its original owner?

Is that what he thought?

She...she is the original owner?

Today’s chapter has a lot of words.

Good night~

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