Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 264 I actually met this female evil star!

Chang Ru's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe the news she heard.

He stared at Ji Ning blankly until he was carried up, and then he begged for mercy with a face full of panic: "Jining, you can't do this to me, I am Bai Xiaotang's cousin, if you treat me like this, Bai Xiaotang will definitely hate you. "

"Oh?" Ji Ning walked over slowly, held her chin with one hand, and smiled, "So what? Chang Ru, I told you, everyone is smart...throw it out!"

"No! Don't - Ji Ning - I was wrong! I told the truth! Please let me go, please let me go..."

Chang Ru was really scared when she saw that Ji Ning was really going to throw her into the sea, and she quickly begged for mercy.

The big man carrying her looked back at Ji Ning and saw that she did not change her order. He walked directly to the side of the boat and literally threw Chang Ru out.

Seawater suddenly poured into Chang Ru's nose and mouth, and she was frightened to death by a sense of suffocation on the verge of death.

Is she going to die like this in her last life?

Wuwuwu...she doesn't want to die...

Just when she felt like she was about to lose consciousness, she was suddenly pulled out of the sea.

Ji Ning looked at the unconscious woman on the deck and said coldly: "Don't let people die."

The big man rushed forward to treat her until Chang Ru vomited out the seawater in her stomach and could breathe.

Oh my god, I was scared to death, but luckily I woke up.

If he hadn't woken up, he would have had to shed that layer of skin on his body.

This A-level agent from the capital is too ruthless!

The big man thought secretly.

"Captain, this man..."

"Wake up."

ah? Again?

Ji Ning saw that the plainclothes men following her showed unbearable expressions, and said calmly: "There is no need to throw them into the sea."

Several people immediately breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down to pat Chang Ru's cheek.

"Girl, wake up..."

Although this girl has a lot of evil intentions, they were the ones who rescued her from the traffickers by trying hard to expose her identity. Otherwise, she would have been taken on a ship by the real bad guys and sold to other continents. Fortunately, this A-level agent has a keen eye. , immediately saw something wrong with the people around this girl.

Thinking of this, their emotions were a little complicated.

When Chang Ru regained consciousness, her vision was blurred and her throat and cheeks hurt.

Is she dead?

Chang Ru only had this question in her mind. As the buzzing in her ears gradually became clearer, she realized that she was not dead.

"Girl, wake up... girl..."

The figure in the blurred vision gradually became clearer, it was the big man who threw her into the sea.

She was scared and wanted to run away, but her arms were too weak to lift.

"Captain, she's awake."

Chang Ru listened to the footsteps on the deck, which vibrated in her chest like a drum.

dong... dong... dong...

"Are you awake?"

Ji Ning's face appeared in Chang Ru's sight.

She was really scared this time, this woman would really kill her.

"Don't... kill me... I... said..."

Half an hour later——

Chang Ru, wrapped in a quilt, whispered what she knew about Ji Hong.

She still didn't dare to say that she was a reborn person, but used the precognitive dream as an excuse to say it. Although it sounded ridiculous, Ji Ning didn't ask anyone to carry her outside this time.

"So your intuition is very accurate because you always have prophetic dreams?"

Ji Ning didn't believe Chang Ru's words, but she couldn't explain why she knew such detailed information about Ji Hong.

Especially during the news blockade in the small fishing village, she accurately told the information that Ji Hong was framed for murder in the village. While hiding, she seriously injured two police officers and was bitten by a dog.

These were tightly sealed. No one knew about it except the police. However, Chang Ru could know about this from thousands of miles away. It was indeed very strange.

So let's assume she has the ability to predict dreams.

Seeing the scrutiny and suspicion in Ji Ning's eyes, Chang Ru swallowed nervously and nodded repeatedly.

"I know this ability is bizarre, but I don't want to be treated as a monster and sent to the laboratory. Can you keep it a secret for me? I promise never to attack Bai Xiaotang again. I swear!"

Chang Ru stretched out three fingers.

Ji Ning sneered, not believing it at all, "Don't let the second person know about the precognitive dream."

Chang Ru felt relieved and nodded obediently again, "I won't tell, and I won't tell anyone."

Ji Ning stood up and said calmly: "Just stay here, don't run around."

Chang Ru nodded again and again.

Ji Ning glanced at her and walked out of the room where Chang Ru lived.

The police officer outside the door lowered his voice and asked, "Captain, do you want to send someone to take her back?"

"No, we still need a bait, just her."

The police officer was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the room where Chang Ru was, feeling quite sympathetic.

Chang Ru, who felt safer, removed the timidity and caution on her face, her face gradually became darker, and her eyes became sharper.

She carefully opened the curtains beside the bed and looked outside. It was already dark outside, and the swaying hull reminded her that she was on the endless sea.

Damn it——

He unexpectedly met this female evil star!

But what is she doing here?

Also dressed as a boatman.

Does their security bureau have some undercover mission?

Maybe I can use this to escape.

Chang Ru closed the curtains and thought carefully in her heart.

In the room not far next to her, Ji Ning and several police officers were watching the images on the monitor.

There are more than twenty screens in total, corresponding to different spaces, and the content on four of them is constantly moving.

"Captain, there is a situation. Huang Liu's henchman went to the kitchen. He seems to have put medicine in the pot..." A police officer pointed to a small part of the split screen and said.

Ji Ning looked over and saw a man pouring something into the drinking water on the boat.

"Remind them." Ji Ning said.

The police officer quickly pressed the communicator and whispered: "Attention, Huang Liu's people drugged the drinking water."

Soon there was a knocking sound from the opposite side.

The cargo ship that Ji Ning and the others are currently traveling on was provided by Huang Erye's confidant, and it is different from the cargo ship controlled by Huang Liu.

But the two cargo ships have the same destination.

Originally Huang Erye did ask Ji Ning to contact Huang Liu to go to sea, but according to Ji Ning's investigation data, Huang Liu's identity was very suspicious, so she still asked Huang Erye to tell Huang Liu about taking people to sea, but she also asked Huang Erye to tell him about taking people to sea. Mr. Huang helped her prepare a few more identities on another cargo ship, and she took the fake identities and boarded the other cargo ship.

"Brother Liu, the medicine is ready. As long as they drink it, we can do it at any time." The man who came back from the kitchen quietly came to Huang Liu and said in a low voice.

A flash of fierceness quickly flashed in Huang Liu's eyes, and he said: "Be careful when taking action. That girl among them is extremely powerful, and even the Sun family is no match for her."

"Don't worry, Sixth Brother. What I administered is the latest energy-suppressing drug developed over there. Even a sixteenth-level powerhouse can lose his powers in a short period of time."

Huang Liu was quite satisfied and patted the man on the shoulder, "Very good. I will tell the brothers later that whoever avenges Third Brother first, Sixth Brother will never treat him badly!" (End of Chapter)

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